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Everything posted by TygerDarkstorm

  1. These are some of my favorites for anyone looking to get into MM's: This guide also has a lot of handy helpful binds in it:
  2. Playing support in CoH is so much more fun than playing just a healer in other MMOs, imo.
  3. Thank you! Yes, things are good, thank you. Took a break from gaming but I'm ready to play again and look forward to seeing you all Saturday. 😄
  4. To your cons, you have to keep in mind that this game initially came out 20 years ago and always kind of did its own thing compared to other IPs that tried to emulate things like WoW. Unless you're upping your difficulty and creating challenges, there is very little "decision making" when it comes to power usage in this game, especially if you're soloing as opposed to being on a team as a support character or something. And in early game, you only have a few powers, what decision making do you expect there to be? Even in WoW you hit the same button over and over at the early levels. Yeah, the old maps are wonky as hell. Some might say it's part of the game's charm. Yep, the missions can be redundant. This game shines more with its storylines and actually reading the mission text/clues/etc. Things also change up if you team and do things like Task/Strike Forces. The Going Rogue starting area is often considered a little "better" than the blue/red sides because by then the team had more experience in doing these things. It's also considered a bit harder than the red/blue starting zones.
  5. I mean... everything pairs well with Thugs. Thugs are a solid, well rounded primary for MMs. I have a Thugs/ElecAff, Thugs/Sonic, Thugs/TA Top pairings are probably Thugs/Storm or Thugs/Traps but I wouldn't consider them new person (or new to MM) friendly and they require some investment to be good. It just depends on what theme you're going for.
  6. *pokes head in* Long time no see! I almost ended up down a rabbit hole of ideas for this theme, but saw I have a character at level 35 who's already got perfect powersets for this. I'd like to join on Sea Tempest - Water/Storm Corruptor who will be representing the sea goddess Ran. 🙂
  7. That link borked for anyone else, or just me? Edit: Since no one else has really said anything this week, I'm just gonna assume we're all skipping TT this Saturday, which is fine. Enjoy your visit to CA Ban and Midnyte! ❤️ Idk when I'll see y'all again as I'm in the middle of graduation season for family and moving once again. So I'll use the extra time tomorrow for packing. 😅
  8. Well then, if I could go back and delete that post, I would, lol. 😅 Learn from my mistake kids 😛
  9. Whoops! Thanks for the correction Booper; for some reason I thought he said he did the animations and FX when in the Discord. 😅 My apologies to the newer developers who worked on the set because it turned out great!
  10. Has an official plan been made yet if the rest of us are going to attempt something? I liked Frau's idea for tourists/looking out of place. I like Market Crash as well, but that might take some coordinating of AT's since that last fight can be a doozy.
  11. So... commuting is boring, so I like to let my music player shuffle through songs and Blank Space by Taylor Swift came on. Decided to listen instead of skip, found song amusing because I guess I never realized she's poking fun at herself, hear line "Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" and knew I needed to make something in CoH with that theme. Enter Aurora Dreame - Energy/Bio Stalker. I felt like a stalker was a good choice since they pop out of the shadows to do their worst, bio kinda gives that ooky vibe, and energy just because I hadn't done it yet on a stalker to get that full sorta single target specialist vibe stalkers like.
  12. I think others have touched on this, but I'm fairly certain the devs aren't creating new animations as I don't think they have someone able to do that in the spaghetti code. But they are able to hack and change existing animations. I think the current Direct Strike one is like the 3rdish iteration of an animation for that power (and the coolest of the ones we tried, imo). I can't recall though what @Player-1 used to create the final version of the animation. Player-1 did an awesome job animating Storm Blast, imo; it's even super pretty with no color effects on the powers.
  13. I have one of these, but as a tank because I saw one in one of my pugs and it just looked so damn cool, lol. But she's still a baby so I've no idea how well they work together. Interesting to see it as a stalker!
  14. I feel like my Storm/Fire blaster is a bit of a weird combo that shouldn't work but does. Like many blasters, it's definitely a bit of a squishy glass cannon since I'm still in the process of leveling her and getting things figured out. But the level of achievable AoE output and soft control is just stupid - I ended up soloing a spawn in a Moonfire last night (we were at +1 I think and I was only maybe level 25ish, so not an overpowered exemp toon). Granted, I took advantage of them running from my effects to give me some breathing space lol. I have a Psy/Fire sent that was created with the thought that /Fire would provide an alternate source of damage for when up against mobs that are more psy resistant. She's sort of stalled out at 50 though as I find other toons more fun to play, but this combo works and is decent for things like ITF. Rolled a Psy/Atomic blaster--these two sound like they would be an odd pairing, but I'm finding a lot of nice synergies so far. And similar to the sent, /Atomic provides an alternate damage source for foes that are psy resistant. Earth/Poison controller - Sitting and languishing a bit at level 30, but I know once I get around to building up her defenses better, this will play better. Started as a concept character that has developed actual synergy. Just painfully slow to level, though entirely doable with Rocky.
  15. For me: It's rarely a cesspool on Everlasting and sometimes genuinely interesting/fun conversations happen there. And 99% of the time I'm able to completely ignore it. There's enough other crap going by from the default chat setups that most of the time I miss what's happening there anyway since I'm typically in game to play the game.
  16. Storm Cell and Cat 5 are not really meant to take procs--they themselves proc extra effects by nature of you using your storm blast powers while enemies are inside of them. In essence, their very nature causes them to behave as if procs are slotted in them. Beyond that, I'm not really a builder, so I can't help there. Just wanted to clarify that bit about Cell and Cat 5.
  17. @Midnyte Yes, like I mentioned in game, the neck piece I was using was the Victorian Steampunk one. 🙂 The gunslinger one has a bovine skull and looks almost more like a shirt collar. And Umber's headpiece is the Arena Headset found in the Detail 2 options for heads 🙂 Edit: Attaching Femme's costume file femme.costume
  18. It's neither exclusive to Symphony nor Excel. For a while any time I was on Indom, someone spamming the chat with their "now playing" was the only thing in gen chat. And yes, I find it extremely odd. Why should I care what you're listening to? Especially when there's no other context given than just the name of an artist and song.
  19. Hee, how funny, my Illusion/Savage Dom is also a vampire. 🤣 It really does kind of seem to fit the vibe/theme.
  20. Human form Warshade. Pretty much everything you do is about leeching life from others to power yourself, including rezzing yourself
  21. Also, have we done a toys theme? For example, I have a character named Polly Shockit which is a rip of Polly Pocket.
  22. I think so! I think I remember there being some "oh no the world is ending" vibes happening at the time.
  23. I will also toss in a vote for Atomic. I'm in the process of leveling a Psy/Atomic and so far they feel like they mesh well.
  24. Theme Idea: Y2K (1999-2010 ish) I'm not sure what this was like outside the US, but think all the craziness about everything crashing/world ending. As well as some of the looks that were popular then. Posting an inspiration outfit I made for one of my characters.
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