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Everything posted by TygerDarkstorm

  1. I know you were joking, but I guess I'm the only one who doesn't think this is funny.
  2. I've attached the costume file for what I came up with based on googling Knight Templar knighttemplar.costume
  3. I was going to try and bring a brute, but just remembered I can't be there tomorrow anyway because of Girl Scouts. Have fun y'all.
  4. I don't have an answer for why it does that, but yes to keeping the same global even if you delete the toon, and you can also choose to change your global name.
  5. Trials are a little different in this, at least DFB is. You can recruit mid DFB. Though yeah, probably best to treat them all similarly as like a "raid" in WoW where it's something you should be dedicated for the entire time.
  6. Mercs/Traps is a lot of fun. I play Traps fine on even fast moving teams; you learn to pick and choose which abilities you can use reliably.
  7. Omg, using the spectrum face under the dragon hat like that is brilliant! I have a character who's wearing it kind similarly, but it doesn't look nearly as good as yours. So cool!
  8. I agree that cones are sucky, but idk, I joust in and out of melee on my doms and some blasters and I guess I don't mind that playstyle.
  9. I think I paired Rad Assault with Earth Control, but I'm liking this idea of pairing it with Grav for the reasons you've given here. To the OP; I think Rad Assault gets skipped over for a lot of the same reasons people don't like Total Focus or take Rad Melee on melee toons--the animations/activation times are so slow that you're often corpse blasting on fast moving teams. I imagine it's perfectly workable solo though where it's less likely to happen.
  10. I unfortunately don't really do builds; one of those things I have trouble wrapping my head around. I just soak up a lot of random knowledge between here and playing lol. Hopefully one of the folks good at building can take a look for you and help out!
  11. I honestly haven't delved a ton into it, but I'd think that anything that doesn't mind being in melee range. I think Psy prefers range, but Elec, Rad, Dual Pistols, Seismic, and probably others I can't think of off the top of my head. Like I said, I have an Energy/Martial blaster; they're a bit at odds, but it's still a really fun combo to play if you really wanted to try Energy/Sonic. Personally, I have a DP/Sonic & Seismic/Sonic, but I've been out of the game for a while so I haven't played them super recently.
  12. Have you looked at /Sonic's powers? That was why I was asking. Energy doesn't lend itself well to blapping though as it's loaded with knockback, unless you want to convert that KB to KD. Granted, I have an Energy/Martial blaster that is a load of fun. If you want a more ranged concept, Energy/Energy, Energy/Devices, Energy/TA are pairings I can think of off the top of my head.
  13. If you do not want to blap, why are you choosing to go /Sonic? One of /Sonic's best -res powers is a toggle that requires you to be in melee for it to be effective, not to mention its hardest hitting attacks are melee ones (actually, arguably 80% of its powers are melee).
  14. Tranquilizer does work... but it's so rare that it's not worth even trying to use it like the power description says; e.g., as a means of taking out one enemy temporarily. Basically, if you don't see orange numbers pop up when you use it, it slept the target instead. But it's so subtle that you may as well not even notice unless you're spending extra time looking for it. Frankly, I hate having to choose between a single target sleep or AoE sleep as my first power pick. Both options are kind of sucky, and the sleep in Tranq is so low, my freaking origin taser was sleeping targets more regularly. Not to mention, the Tranq sleep in Arsenal is so not-obvious that you're just as likely to keep blasting the target rather than incapacitating it like you might be wanting to. It also made for kind of a crappy level one power if you decide to take off and do missions/street sweeping right away instead of doing DFB/PI's/etc. as the sleep effect is rarely procs, Be prepared for lots of kiting those initial groups of Hellions for Matthew Habashy. I don't recall feeling as weak on other troller primaries for this mission.
  15. It's a passive effect that "turns on" when you're in defensive/follow mode. Also, if you want more precise control over henchmen, I highly recommend these numpad binds:
  16. @TrixieKixx I apologize, but can I please switch my toon? I tried playing the Ill/Sonic and hated it. Instead, I'd like to bring Illusionary Sora - Illusion/Energy Dominator. Thank you 😄
  17. Ooooohhh, I'm going to have to try Dark/Poison sometime. I've had some minor survivability issues on my Earth/Poison after getting Venemous Gas, but I think that comes down a lot to needing to work on her slotting and playstyle (she's level 33). But considering how slow Earth can feel, Poison seems to give it some much needed help in that department by weakening foes. Might have to go give mine some love again, lol. But yeah, hard to avoid the poopy theme, lol. The below is what I went with:
  18. And can be quite thematic! I may have childishly gone the stinky poop route with mine lol
  19. Why? Masterminds are already classed as a support class in this game.
  20. Okay, I don't think I have anything going on next weekend (at least not that I'd need to run to the store first thing in the AM 😅). I'll be there on Sonic Illusion - Illusion/Sonic Dominator
  21. I'm not sure if they synergize particularly well, but my Storm/Fire blaster is a glass cannon of fun and shreddage. Of the options you've given, I feel like Temporal would be a good fit.
  22. You're trying to penalize people for doing something the game actively encourages. If you don't want a ton of alts, fine, but stop acting like those of us that do should be punished for it. Also, what Luminara said. Idk what rewards you think those of us with many alts are somehow reaping at your expense, but you're incorrect and actively denying the very solid logic that has been presented to you by multiple people that only have 1 or 2 toons means you should have *more* affluence simply because you have fewer characters to worry about compared to those of us with many alts. For perspective: I have roughly 150 characters between the Indom & Everlasting shards. I think about 10 of them are level 50, and none of them are kitted out. I do not have a ton of influence, and I definitely don't have a ton of aethers laying around. Maybe 1 of those 50's is incarnated (and even so, not T4'd in anything), and pretty much all of them are using generic IOs. Part of that is because I don't like farming or trying to play the market, and because I am a casual player. ToT happens once a year and aethers were not a strong, nor prevalent drop from them. You really need to take a step back and re-examine this.
  23. Imo, they exaggerate a tad, but I'm an MM enthusiast. There's plenty of times where you're not playing at max level 50 + 4 to play and enjoy MM's. That said, play whatever MM combo you feel most drawn to. Sure, some play better than others, but this game is so flexible, you can literally play what you enjoy most and make it work. Like, for example, /Cold is great, but it's only a dominant requirement when pushing harder end game content, in which case, MM's aren't super viable anyway. /Cold for MM's is good, but it's late blooming and more oriented towards soloing/harder content. If this is your first foray into MM's, you may just need to play around with things. I don't typically recommend /Storm, however, you've played Ill/Storm before which is a similar level of chaos. I wouldn't recommend /Rad, /Poison, or /Kin, at least not initially. /Rad & /Poison just aren't great on MM's because our debuff values and such are so much lower than other support toons and these don't give great mileage for helping keep your henchmen up as well (and Rad's issue is that some of it's more major powers don't affect pets, however, you'll still bring them to teammates). /Kin can be fun on an MM, it just takes some work as MM's are so squishy; but teams do love having /Kins and /Kin is useful at all levels (if you do try /Kin, I personally recommend it with the more melee oriented pets rather than the ranged ones just because of kin's playstyle). Which secondary you pick also depends on how involved you want to be as an MM player. /FF is nearly completely hands off. Too boring for me, but some people like that. /ElecAff is one of my personal favorites for MM's as it feels like it was built for MM's. /Dark & /Time are always safe and popular choices that bring things teams like. /Traps is fun, but more solo oriented due to its outdated playstyle. My two favorite MM's are probably my Bots/Nature and my Demons/Storm, but I also have a Beast/Kin, Thugs/TA, Beast/Dark, Thugs/ElecAff, Necro/ElecAff, Mercs/Traps, Beast/Rad, Necro/Sonic, Ninja/Cold, Necro/Time, Necro/Kin, Bots/Cold, Ninja/Nature, Thugs/Sonic, Demons/Traps, Demons/Sonic, and Bots/TA. I also can't recommend these binds (or something similar to them) enough for henchmen management:
  24. I just got home and have to unload. I’ll catch you guys next week
  25. Hey guys, I am unsure if I will make it. We planned an unexpected play date for my daughter with her best friend. I also had to run to the grocery store and left a little later than intended, so if I’m not there on time just go without me.
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