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Everything posted by TygerDarkstorm

  1. No, my youth didn't involve works from those eras. I was always reading as a kid, and reading fantasy novels and such, but from modern day authors. I respect what Shakespeare did in the world of writing as well, but I can't stand his works either. 😅 On a side note, I've been meaning to revisit Jane Yolen, Tamara Pierce, and the Warriors novels by Erin Hunter to see if any of those have held up over the decades.
  2. I'm so dumb and messed up the dates of the craft show I signed up for; I thought it was this Friday, but it's actually on Saturday and starts in the AM, so I will unfortunately have to miss out again (trying to get my side hustle going). Good luck to you all!
  3. I love the combination of pieces you used for this and I may be shamelessly ripping off of it in the future, lol.
  4. The linking of colors is the only way I know of to circumvent this issue. And you can avoid having to redo every costume piece if you know that you want to use one of those bugged pieces and setting that piece first while the colors are linked, and then unlink the colors and create your desired costume.
  5. I cannot stand the LotR books and I know that garners me many dirty looks from avid readers, but I hate Tolkien's writing style. They're like one of the only cases for me where I like the movies better than the books. One book from my youth I always enjoy going back to is Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies; that story seems to have held up well over the years. I still enjoy reading some of the Redwall novels from time to time as well. Most of my books from my youth are packed up until I'm able to have a home large enough to put together a library (I also inherited hundreds of books from my great grandma), so I haven't been able to revisit them. I'm curious if the Anne Rice vampire novels, Eragon novels, and Harry Potter novels still hold up all these decades later since I last read them.
  6. Now that my schedule should be free, I would like to sign up with Trystal - NInja/Marine MM; and if I don't get her leveled in time, I will be there on some form of MM.
  7. Can I just say how lovely it is to see the content creators come in here and take the feedback in the manner y'all have? It helps that Police Woman provides her criticism in a constructive manner as well, I'm sure, but it's so cool to see you creators take that criticism thoughtfully. Like sure, some of the choices you've made are things you stand by, which is fair as you know what you had intended for your content, but seeing how respectful your responses are make someone like me a lot less nervous to try my own version of one of the review type threads in the future. I really love this idea and love following Arrow Girl's adventures through the AE.
  8. If you notice, the majority of us who disagree with this suggestion have given reasons for why; we did not just come in and go "lol you suck." And the actual people playing the game should have a say in these suggestions and whether we feel they would be beneficial or not since these changes would affect us. No feedback on this might lead the devs to believe we feel the armored AT's aren't strong enough and need buffs. First of all, CoH is an MMORPG; that means it is intended to be played with other players. Can you solo? Of course, but that does not mean it should be a total cakewalk. Suggestions like this one that take further agency from you as a player to make conscious decisions about how you're playing and need to approach your enemies are bad. We do not need more things handed to us on a silver platter and basically giving a simple "I win" option, and that's what this would do. We do not need to standardize all the armor sets so that they all have KB protection, and fear protection, etc. etc.; it takes away the flavor and essence of the sets and turns them into the same sets with slightly different effects. Not to mention, making it brainless in how to handle things like mez. And I say this as an uber casual who is not great at making builds or whatever and frequently dies to things others probably consider dumb. The onus is on me to learn how to play better and be better prepared. If fear is that much of an issue, then plan/prep/build for it. Break Frees are readily available. I semi agree that changes don't necessarily need to match previous content, however, this leads to a slippery slope that is not really a good thing. Changes that drastically alter game play need to be scrutinized and viewed with a magnifying glass to make sure they bring a net positive effect. TLDR: Suggestions asking for things to be dumbed down and handed an "I win" button that make it so you don't have to put conscious effort in how to handle your character are overwhelmingly bad.
  9. I was looking forward to this one, but we ended up with plans being made again this weekend, so unfortunately I will have to miss. I should be back next weekend though and available for Thanksgiving. My parents are leaving to go on their trip around the country on Monday, so they're wanting to spend time with my daughter & I this weekend.
  10. It's bad enough that everything has been proliferated everywhere, blurring AT lines, let's not make all armor sets standardized, please. As a player, you should be having to make conscious decisions about why you want to play certain sets. Don't want to get feared? Choose an armor set with that baked in. Want to play Dark or Fire Armor? Then you get no KB protection and need to build for that. I realize devs get final say in these matters, but please no to taking away more reasons to make a conscious decision about your character. This game is already pretty easy, we don't need to make it mindless.
  11. My assumption as well, especially when I saw the toes.
  12. I'm not a build maestro by any means, but I will repeat advice I have seen often here on the forums: When you are just starting out, it is actually a good idea to take all the powers from your primary and secondary as this allows you to fully understand how they work and whether or not they are useful to you and your goals with a character. From the sounds of it, you tend to be more of a casual player who is building for theme/concept vs min/max, upper level play, which means your build is going to look a lot different than someone doing one of those things. There are some powersets where you do want all, or nearly all, of the powers and other sets where only 3-4 powers in it are useful. But again, it all comes down to your personal playstyle and goals for that character. This thread is a good place to start: @JJDrakken does a lot of builds and these are always a great place to start to get a base idea of what you can do with a character/combo and then tweak it to your desire. You can also search the forums for your particular AT and powersets, just keep in mind that a build that works for someone else may not work for you. But perusing them at least gives you an idea of what the player did and why (especially if they also offer that kind of info like @Sovera does in their threads). I find all of this confusing much like yourself, and I've been here a few years now and read as many threads as I can, but I just haven't really been able to dedicate the time/energy into properly implementing this stuff in game. I appreciate your thread about enhancements as the discussion there was super useful, so hopefully this thread also opens up more useful info I'll be able to save for later, lol.
  13. Trish Takanawa sounds familiar; is that a nod to Family Guy? This was really fun to read. 🙂
  14. This game is not an emulator: If you are no longer enjoying your time in this game, then leave it. Your bizarre threads are not helping your case any.
  15. You shouldn't be in a position where you're always constantly healing; I mean, this is no different than a defender or corruptor. It's okay to let people's health bars drop some if your most valuable tool to use in a moment would actually be a control/blast. Plus, as you get higher in level, the less the heals will be needed because people start building out their characters, even if it's just on SOs. Yes, occasionally you get on a run where shit just goes sideways and you become a healbot, but I don't find that to be super common. It's also part of your job as a support character. And yeah, if you don't want to heal at all, don't roll a healing powerset. Like, what is even the issue here?
  16. LOL; not magic. Just someone who wears glasses and likes to accessorize with bows.
  17. Oh yes, I would like to be able to do this! Especially since it's a similar look to my real life self, lol.
  18. Good to know! Not an area/thing I'm super experienced with, so I always enjoy reading threads like this to try and learn more.
  19. There's already a thread for this here:
  20. Oh whoops, totally forgot about TT since it's been a while since I've done it and we change our plans for today anyway. I don't think we have plans next week, I will try to be there on Cap'n Nova.
  21. I was always under the impression that HT is more useful as a sort of "oh shit" button because it stuns the enemies it hits.
  22. Agreed with Psy, the character turned out great!
  23. Yeah, that makes sense. If you did get the dominator bug, sounds like martial assault would fit.
  24. I thought devices as well, but yeah, wasn't sure it was too ranged or if it fit what you're looking for. I say give the energy/ninja a try and see if it fits the concept. 😄
  25. Oh you're right, I didn't think about how those might be a little too super. Hm... classic energy/energy? I was thinking atomic, but looking at it again, it might be too super. I'm not sure if any of the other blaster secondaries really fit.
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