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Everything posted by Freedumbite

  1. I assume you mean a collection of average times, not speed times - but there is a site for the speedsters to submit speed runs: Homecoming: City of Heroes - Speedrun.com
  2. I really thought this was going to be about Hurricane.
  3. A friend and I came back to tour Zynavia and we are stuck in the entrance portal. :*( edited to add: I think it was my stoopit Phant that we were stuck in. Once I figured out that I had to de-toggle walk to dismiss him we had no problem, sorry for the false alarm!
  4. Thank you to everyone who contributed their efforts to this event! This game has always had such a supportive community and it showed here again. I was impressed with the amount of sheer TIME the builders spent, the judges toured and the community viewed! Well done all around! So much inspiration ❤️❤️❤️
  5. THANK YOU to the dev who pushed thru the fix on this ❤️❤️❤️
  6. Since last patch, any inspiration storage I have placed (of which there are many in many bases) are now damn near unclickable. It's looking like I have to go back into every base and fiddle with the inspiration storage just so that people can access their stuff...
  7. Stiff competition to be sure. Thank you to the judges and good luck to everyone!!!!
  8. Character name: Sister VesperGlobal: @GemBase or SG Name: Super NationShard: ExcelPasscode: SN-9845Item Count: 3951Category for Contest: Multipurpose base under 7K
  9. For your amusement and general shenanigans, I present to you the *mostly* complete Super Nation's Cim Hub on Excel: /macro_image "Awakened_Defenses" "SN-Cim" "enterbasefrompasscode SN-9845"
  10. My brain seems to recall being in this base before, is it on Indom?
  11. Like others have mentioned, my "group" uses both in-game channel and discord. Discord we use to create team sign-up sheets for future SF/TFs, chat socially, share builds and information, listen to music and of course, coordinate for harder content or badge runs. If you are on Excel and enjoy speeding content, check out the Task Force Junkies. The channel is open to join, no requirements and TFJ has a VERY knowledgeable group of leads who know their stuff! ...in fact, many of them showed the CC a thing or two back in the day. *THIS HAS BEEN A PAID ENDORSMENT FOR TASK FORCE JUNKIES*
  12. Now there's a blast from the past!
  13. Really wishing I had been able to log in for Legendary. Is it May yet?!
  14. bumpitty bump bump FREEEEEEDUMB!!!! Also: if you are a speedster or merit junkie on Excel /chanjoin Task Force Junkies ❤️
  15. What shard is this on? I'm only one cup in yet, don't see where it says which one this is on. 😁
  16. This was a SUPER fun commission on Excel; a hydro-electric, multi-storied super tower for a speed loving SG (super-speed race track encircles the tower) with attached luxury villas and suites. The bottom level features the workshop, next level has tailor shops, trainers and the Quartermasters gun shop, a buffet and arcade entertainment. Next level has the gym, sauna and outdoor glass-bottomed pool. At the top level is the club with full service bar and all hours DJ with the hotubs just off the dance floor. Jump thru the fireplace for a surprise! Optimum Force is owned by @JustKin and tours are available upon request.
  17. I would start by seeking out dacy's how-to youtube vids. Much has changed. Enjoy!
  18. The Villainous Inverted Beast of a Pyramid is complete! The base holds the teleports and NPCs, ATMs, etc. Mid section holds workshop and the tip is for lounging.
  19. Jokers Wild on Ex had a rad looking drum set when I was in there last. All these sets look great tho, so much talent on HC!
  20. Can we get this thread pinned, pretty please?
  21. I don't think many people knew that you can fly all the way up and out a chute and view the Indohub Club from any angle and it all looks awesome! (yes, of course I'm biased) I'm big on forced perspective, getting that perfect view and making the atmosphere juuuuust so.
  22. Wow, Em! Going to have to come back in cuz I definitely missed a bunch of pahrtay! I wanted to toss up another shot of my night club, as I am proud that you can fly out and view it from afar too and it looks pretty neato. Space donuts, anyone? 😁 (this is Indohub-1675 on Indo)
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