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Everything posted by Aeroprism

  1. You know what... I just might have. I've been leveling my Ill/Traps controller Redside and he just hit 18 with Phantom Army. This induced all sorts of giggles on my part. It's the first time in many, many alts I don't want double XP (that and, let's face it, the writing is SO much more fun redside) So maybe. We'll see.
  2. You know what the funny part is? Beside my farmer, I only have one level 50 and the reason he is level 50 is because I thought I could farm with a Tank (You can, but it's slow). All that Inf spread over all my alts, always thinking "I need more so I can afford all those super cool builds." The builds. On the characters I don't have. Yeah. I think I just love the market game 😉
  3. I sell rare salvage ALL THE TIME and it never sells over 500K. Never. Yet you show us this. I sell common and uncommon salvage EVEN MORE ALL THE TIME and I never get more than pocket change, yet the other day in another topic you showed how someone paid you three point five Bezos for something trivial like Iron. I think you're blessed. Or cursed. Or really really lucky. Either way, I have no particular questions. My marketing strategy is already well implemented. Not as fast as yours but certainly as efficient and, as you once said in another topic: placement, patience, volume. You have knack for finding new strategies. I suck at it, abysmally. I would not spot a niche/opportunity if it hit me in the face. What I'm really good at is take existing strategies and improve them. (I did internal ISO audits for years as a living so, improving systems is pretty much a thing I enjoy).
  4. Aeroprism

    Ebil Oops

    Unfortunately 😞 Sorry buddy... (Mine are SUPER cheap if you need more 😉 )
  5. I also use Mocking Beratement and I agree 100% with this. The maturity of this game means that most viable builds have been tested and proved so new players will just copy/paste and natural exploration of other builds get lost in the process.
  6. Aeroprism

    Ebil Oops

    I have a few for sale, I'll check tonight if those were mine and if they were, I'll compensate no worries.
  7. I can't get enough of your posts 😄 I bought a bunch (about 200) Winter packs when they were on sale. Opened them all, rejoiced in the rain of Merits/brainstorms and for now, I keep all the ATOs warm and cozy while all the other people who have done the same liquidate theirs. Slowly but surely, avalanches gain in value...
  8. Aaaaannd you are absolutely right. I CHECKED for PVP recipes, misclicked and bought nine of ANOTHER sniper set. (Exploit weakness) What was that about silly mistakes? Yeah... Still, enhancement roulette, I recovered and profited. Just, not as much 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, you rock!
  9. This had me wondering. Considering the academic quality of your tale, I love to try a lot of the things you suggest in order to enrich my own marketing strategies. Though this time, either I completely failed to understand, or I completely missed the mark. I was skeptical about this whole PVP thing so I bought a handful of 31 cheap sniper PVP recipes, crafted them and checked conversion possibilities. Converting to uncommon left me with other regular, non-uncommon results and converting by category gave me other, non-pvp sniper sets. How were you exactly able to keep a pvp - pvp linearity in your process?
  10. This put a smile on my face on this grey morning. Homecoming is so awesome, even the market becomes an AV.
  11. I was inspired by your adventure. "Wrong Answer", my Ill/Traps Redside controller has been inactive for too long so I loaded him up. Level 15, perhaps 75K inf to his name. One yellow recipe in his stash and three merits from an earlier story arc. This was all I needed to implement... The Miss T. Method! Fast forward 1h of game play, Wrong Answer is level 16 (The Dollface arc was AMAZING) and now sits on 46 Million Inf. I am a fan.
  12. Realizing that you made someone else`s day with your mistake is a very positive attitude. I have yet to do any typing "oops" in the market but I do sell pretty much everything at 10 influence so, there are lots of times where I could have made a few millions with a thing but instead, the buyer got an orange salvage or a proc at a really bargain price. Though this habit pretty much locks me out of happy surprises such as this:
  13. Yup yup, it's what most builds seem to indicate. I was just curious to see if the combos were useful at all. According to the resident experts: not really. Kind of a real shame when spamming 2-3 powers from a set outperforms the mechanic that set was designed to use.
  14. Though this post is nothing short of awesome, the sad truth is, for the first 20 levels of gameplay or so, my wife will struggle with issues such as "Follow my husband" and "Target the things". For now, she heavily relies on the auto-targetting of activated range blasts but eventually things will get more complicated so, asking her to be in melee range and keep things busy is a longshot. For now, I went with an elec/rad brute. For now, /rad feels surprisingly squishy BUT we're just starting and since my wife pulls 1-2 blasts every group, I more or less have to tank the equivalent of a +0/x2 o my own without powers or slots. However, as we go through levels, if I realize the brute is no longer adequate, I can always roll something else and power-level it at the required level, my farmer is on her account 🙂 This is a fun discussion! Let's hear more ideas!!
  15. @oldskoolI just realized I completely forgot to thank you for your input! Thanks! What you said there makes a lot of sense!
  16. Hm hm hm. Tanker Dark/Bio sounds fun but this might be the time to try the DB/Rad Brute I wanted too. Heck, I was even looking at Widow but my wife wants to see Goldside and VEATs are not allowed to play in Mister Cole's dystopic backyard.
  17. So my awesome wife went with a Water/Invul Sentinel! I'm still debating what to roll... Yet another brute? A Dom? I'm new to Doms. DO they play nice in duo? A Stalker? I itch to try the StJ/Shield wonder. A good ol Grav/Kin Controller? Why not throw all through the window and try a VEAT like a Widow? So many choices!!
  18. Sorry about the horrible title. It's all I could think of. (Just kidding, not even sorry) So I rolled my first Dom lately. For some reason, I had always ignored this mysterious, strange AT until I saw someone play one and it looked dripping with fun. I'm a huge controller fan, I like controls but I never successfully soloed one because reasons. (Though my Ill/Traps is slowly getting by). Now, I realize I can play an AT that controls and whacks things: what's not to love! So I rolled an Elec/Energy Dom and went to town. A villain, even. Would you believe that? Awesome fun, so far. Well, until I clicked "Domination" for the first time. HOLY RETINA DAMAGE BATMAN. But that's ok, I can blink. Or wear shades. So little Phazeon has been busy terrorizing Mercy and killing his own mission contacts (CoV writing = so much better) but then, I did something dumb... ... I started talking to people. "Electric control sucks!" "Energy assault is a scrapper set!" (Does that even make sense?) So, since I started talking, might as well continue. The forum voice has for the most part been nothing but super helpful to me anyways. Beautiful people of the forums: tell me about Doms. What works? What doesn't work?
  19. So it's not broken. Thank you both for your valuable input!
  20. My character is level 8 so, nothing sloted whatsoever, Maybe since the kill mission was having me fight greys and greens, they simply had beyond terrible KD protection, hence the KB.
  21. I've noticed that my Dom's Jolting Chain has been doing KB in all sorts of random directions instead of doing KD. I was puzzled since this power always worked fine on my Elec Controller. I checked the tooltip, it does say "knockdown". Known bug? While I'm here, though not completely on topic: is there a way to alter or suppress the huge white flash that shows when Domination is activated? It's really painful on the eyes... Thanks!
  22. There are other CoH servers? o_0 I just googled them and.. well, no thanks. I never considered Homecoming as "A server". To me, Homecoming -IS- City of Heroes. Everything here meshes so well together, the continuity is so well planned and executed, the community is so solid, it's the real deal. I'll be happy with whatever the devs give us and ever since I jumped back, it's been nothing less than the same joy I felt on live. It's all I need, really.
  23. Not yet either. I have 35 characters on Homecoming so far and the count keeps rising. A solid 20+ of them I rotate and have fun with on a regular basis but still have to find that "little spark of something" that I will call love. A while ago I had a huge thing for Controllers but now all my friends left the game to play WoW so, soloing Controllers is not quite as fun, and I'm wary of PuGs because most often I come across teams of super efficient players that just steamroll everything and, since I'm not very skilled to begin with, I just feel useless. I enjoyed blasters a while but again, since I'm not very skilled, I tend to refer the safety of armored melee. So now it's all Brute/Scrapper/Stalker/Tank but I have yet to find THE combo that will turn me on. My Energy/Energy Scrapper has been good to me so far, and I have a Dark/Dark scrapper I love too, but I have a feeling that my heart will eventually not fall for a scrapper. I dunno. I just love this game so hard that I'll just keep rolling alts and ask stupid redundant questions on these forums until people grow tired of answering. And who knows, maybe some day I'll make friends with some of you beautiful people.
  24. Them dual blades. I've rolled 3 DB characters so far but the two first (scrappers) were deleted at a very low level, I didn't enjoy the feel. I have a DB stalker and so far she is GREAT but I fully understand that a DB stalker does not make good use of the combo system, the rotation has got to be tight. So if I want to make a DB character where I can fully appreciate the combos? Play with them, use them to manipulate the field of battle and cackle like a maniac? I was thinking Brute. I was thinking, DB/Rad brute. I like rad armor but on my RAD/RAD scrapper, I generally die because I fall asleep because every attack is too darn low. Am I heading toward another deleted alt? Anything else that could work well with DB? I love clicking things. Anyone with this combo or something similar?
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