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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. Hope you're okay, Emmy!
  2. Next week, I'm in with Ruby Kit Kat, rad/rad stalker.
  3. Loads of fun today, even playing Dodge the Blue Patch! Here we are, we who signed up. @TrixieKixx recruited to fill out the team, so that we could /e BringIt. Yes, we are. Most of us even stuck around for Tin Mage Mk II.
  4. I have the Psi Mastery pool on my main, and I've always liked it. I'm not sure I like Mental Blast, and you'll probably have enough other attacks to ignore it. I get a lot of use out of Indomitable Will; between that and Rune of Protection (Sorcery pool) I have decent tools against incoming mez. Mind Over Body is decent and gives some +RES to be slightly less squishy. Plus it gives +RES(Psi), which you don't find everywhere. I've never used World of Confusion, though I've heard it's a weaker form of Seeds of Confusion (Plant Control). Psionic Tornado is one of my bread-and-butter AoEs. Not great damage, and it's DoT, but it's serviceable and adds good soft control with the knockup. I've long carried Teleport Target (back when it was Recall Friend), just for helping.
  5. The one I see most frequently complained about is Max (one of the DA contacts), who doesn't shuffle off to the Inactive tab even after you complete his arc. If you're compulsive about finishing your contacts, Max is a blight on the Contacts panel. This was requested frequently during Live, and the TF nature is baked pretty hard into the Flashback code because of the way the devs built it to interact with arcs you've already outleveled. I get it, though, because the original missions weren't TFs and you could add a full team when you'd solo'ed it up to the last boss. (I frequently see people asking for help with Protean, for example.)
  6. I'll bring Sunset Smash, my WP/SS Tanker. (I'd thought about making an April Sweep with Ruby Kit Kat, but I'm not sure I'd be able to get her to 50 and alpha unlocked in time.)
  7. And so it begins... Posi 1 was way easier than when I did it earlier in the week. That team wiped about a half-dozen times between the door ambush and the Shadow Simulacra. Donut! In the nick of time! Turning in the final mission. Great fun, as always! And I'm playing my first stalker!
  8. There are still some listed at or below 24M, since my packs posted at 24M haven't sold yet. But I'm well on track, and the Winter Pack Count is decreasing. 🙂
  9. I remember being on a pre-DFB sewer team where the leader had a buddy roll alongside with an unteamed 50 rad defender throwing out AM and spamming heal aura while the team killed and got XP.
  10. Yes. 🙂 She has a bunny ears and tail for Posi, Kit Kat for Synapse, and Gem Stalker for Op Renault. The only one in April that I'm not sure about yet is which Sexy Skittle I'll bring to Apex.
  11. I just went with bunny ears and bunny tail. I might play around with another costume to see what happens, but that might be terrifying. 🙂
  12. I'll be there for Posi with Ruby Kit Kat, Rad/Rad Stalker! Here are my screenies from this week: Starting lineup. The docks and boats made it more challenging to line up for a pic, but maybe a closer shot would have been dominated by Sparc and his Mu-tingent. Mission accomplished! Too late, Nerva suckas! 🙂 Exit pic, though I missed Greenie before he leapt off to Ouro.
  13. I'll bring Samantha-7, my MA/Nin Scrapper.
  14. I only got pics before, sadly. But I got a light/dark combo that I thought looked pretty nice: We all look pretty ominous in the dark.
  15. I could almost see it happening at level 2, but frankly I think level 4 is too early to be branching out except maybe for a travel power. You choose your primary and secondary before you even enter the game, so I'd be surprised if skipping one or both of those didn't have some deep-rooted consequence in the spaghetti code, for reasons similar to not ever being able to respec to different primary/secondary. I main a mind/kin controller, and I use my T1 primary and secondary powers all the time. If you're in a position where you don't want the T1 powers in your primary/secondary, you might double-check to see if you actually want to play those power sets at all.
  16. Even Baby New Year isn't exactly a baby.
  17. "We're not savages." --Mordo
  18. Still 20M each for the most part, though I've seen a few recent buys for 19M so it's still fluctuating. I recall the devs saying they'd re-seeded 10 million of them at 25M, but a lot of people bought a lot of packs during the sale. There are people who want some return more quickly, and there are people who are willing to buy at 20M to open or sell later when the price does finish coming back up. I figured when I bought in that it would be at least April/May before the prices returned to normal.
  19. Ouch. That last mission is surprisingly easy to spiral out of hand, mostly because Katie latches onto the person who deals the killing blow on the last stone in her prison, and she has a long aggro range. The only way to do it quickly is the way we did on the first run: whoever frees her flies far upward and then back to the exit.
  20. While I love planning ahead, you're right--the list might get lost in our growing thread. I'll be there next week with Cosmique, my Peacebringer angel!
  21. Loads of fun, as usual! It's been a while since I've done the Katie TF, and the St. Patrick's Day theme rocked! Which witch is which? We weren't the only team lining up to run Katie, so we opted to do more of our pics following the run. Mission accomplished! Our biggest issue was that Amy can't be teleported to the exit during the cave escort mission--a pretty minor issue at that. We absolutely wrecked Mary Macomber's cabal. Just chillin' with Katie after the TF. Katie's the one not on theme. 🙂
  22. I have the TF available on my toon, if that helps.
  23. On Indom we call that a Kaze (or Kazi or Hamikaze). Ideally, we do a Kaze with a league of 40+ dropping Lores and being TPed in, and even then it's risky. If you fail, you've probably left Hami with a triple-bloom and that zone is useless for the night. It really doesn't take much to fail: Take too long coordinating after the Lores and buffs start flying? EoEs start to expire while you're in Hami. Too many people without Lores (or not yet level 50)? Not enough damage. Tanks can't hold aggro on mitos, or people start getting stunned out? That's a league wipe. (The Indom league doesn't always succeed even with a league of 40--last night, we wiped on a failed Kaze and followed that up with a nearly-failed Zerg in our backup zone.) A Zerg is one round of mitos, as opposed to the designed method of successively clearing each round of mitos. In case people complain that the game is too easy--@Gristlebone's accomplishment is an example of what a well-coordinated, well-built, well-equipped, well-prepared team can do, and not an ordinary thing. Well done!
  24. I'll be there with Fraulein Mental (mind/kin CTRL) in green witch gear.
  25. Yeah, on my main, most of power tray 8 is macros for commonly-used emotes (Hovr = Villain Stance 2, which is my go-to hover stance), with the last three slots being costume powers. Tray 9 is a costume change emote for each costume slot. (I've been meaning to change them around because I've changed a few of the costumes.) And I have my base passcode in Tray 4 (Base). Everything else is actual powers. Tray 4 is mostly travel powers (I still keep TT, MT, and ATT in the tray just so I can see their recharge timers). Tray 5 is mostly rezzes (3 rez-other powers from Day Job and temps and 3 rez-self powers from prestige and temps). Tray 6 is buffs from accolades and temps. Tray 7 is mostly summon temp powers. I have a lot of temp powers I've never used up. 🙂 Just in the last week or two, I put Sprint back in my tray (Tray 3, slot 1) because I pulled my stealth IO out of Mystic Flight and put one into Sprint, so I can toggle stealth without landing. Oddly, on Live I'd never learned any of the macro or keybind stuff. Here's one where we can see your violet--and Lady Stygia's black.
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