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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. Tons of arrows, tons of fun!
  2. Thanks to Jax, she's in the level range! See y'all in Cimerora!
  3. That's the one.
  4. I see them listed on the workbench as Snare.
  5. I made an Archery/Time corruptor, Sabina Lucsly, but she's probably not gonna make 35 by Saturday. She might make an appearance at the costume contest Saturday evening, though!
  6. /screenshotui 1 This will toggle on the UI (it's binary, so use 0 instead of 1 to toggle off the UI again). Then take your screenshot.
  7. The training demo for any character is the first 49 levels of play.
  8. This seems like yet another "Classic WoW" call. Except that you want your favored shard to be transformed into the "Classic WoW" shard and everyone else to move to the "Genie" shard. You want everyone else to play your way or move to another shard. I vote no, just as I voted no to the "gimme all travel powers" thread you cite.
  9. I also vote no. You want all four travel powers, the price is spending power picks. (Well, you already get flight and teleport in Mystic Flight, and there are P2W flight and jump powers). If you want to see power creep, look no further than what happened on Live when the Fitness pool became inherent. Before that, characters almost universally spent three power picks by level 20 to get Stamina.
  10. Null the Gull can change you at any level. You have to be 20 to change the original way through tips/alignment missions.
  11. Alas, mateys, another event popped up for this Saturday midday. Enjoy!
  12. As I said, I have a soft spot in my heart for the Shadow Shard. I went again today...
  13. Thanks for the Dr Q! Loads of fun, as always! I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Shadow Shard. (I still want the Chantry interior as a base option.) I'd forgotten that the last mission is the Full Oranbegan. 🙂
  14. I've always run it by going straight to the meteor, destroying it from the back side, then freeing Mender Lazarus. He's useless in general.
  15. Anything related to Battalion is supposed to be Incarnate content (and perhaps even "progression" content, as it's done in other MMOs). There's also a strange psuedo-balance that occurs here in that AE doesn't count as Incarnate content, so characters can't make use of their Incarnate Shifts (so 50+1 is the limit, not 50+3), but the max enemy level is 54 instead of scaling higher like the devs said about Battalion content. To your point, though, 54 does limit the potential audience somewhat. It not being true Incarnate content means that you only need a Tier-3 Alpha slotted to get maximum level.
  16. I'm in! I'll find a mask, veil, or something for Fraulein Mental (mind/kin CTRL). (As it turns out, I already have a costume with a full helmet that I haven't used.)
  17. Nice! All I got were before/after as well:
  18. Yes, I enjoyed it. It's cool to see a narrative toward the whole Battalion long-arc that was supposed to be coming before shutdown. I think, overall, you managed to get in a good story within the confines of the MA system.
  19. I've just played it. It seems solid enough, and I enjoyed playing it. I have only a few minor comments: I found myself running around the maps a lot looking for objectives (and running into objectives I couldn't complete yet). This may have been a limitation in MA, or it may have been a design choice to make it feel more detective-like. I don't hate it, but I'm glad the maps weren't bigger. Actually, I do like a lot of the detective feel of this arc. In the mission where you meet Twilight's Son at the end, the PPD and Vanguard probably don't play with Ouroboros enough (at all?) to know who Twilight's Son is, so it doesn't make sense for the contact to talk about him. In the last mission, 'dosier' should be 'dossier'.
  20. A few of us in Atlas Park, showing 2020 out the door (at least Eastern Time):
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  21. DPS is their Taunt. That's why scrapperlock is a thing.
  22. 2021 is the woman Satan dumps 2020 for? (Match Made in Hell)
  23. Maybe a combination of "converter roulette" and "gotta sell it now"?
  24. I agree in principle--let's get a full sample of that level of enemy groups. That being said, most PI radio teams I've joined have had little interest in fighting anything but Council. They'll cycle through and drop missions that aren't Council because Council are the easiest 54 group.
  25. There's no space in the macro: UltimatePower. (https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Emotes)
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