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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. It will happen for each server, just not all at once.
  2. The problem with either cancelling or selectively auto-declining a specific fortune is that you'd effectively be allowed to reroll (redeal) the fortune within the 20-minute duration if someone hit you again with the power. The random nature of the power is its own cost. I could almost see allowing something like this but triggering a "blank" Mystic Fortune with a 20-minute duration just to prevent redealing. But even that takes some of the risk out of the power.
  3. What do you hope to gain by this? People won't stand around ("gathering") outside a mission door unless they have to, so you're inconveniencing other players on the slightly-increased chance you'll stumble upon a random team up. As others have said, this was the entire point of Ouroboros. Also, not every enemy group has mobs at every level range, so some level scaling is necessary. I don't do a lot of AE, but I still vote no. Don't try to force people to play the way you want to play. (Besides, even before AE there were some missions that were plenty farmable. I'm looking at you, Council Empire.)
  4. I'm also that weird. I joined at Issue #6 and subscribed annually all the way to shutdown, even when I took breaks to play other games. (Even when I deployed in 2008 my sub was still active.)
  5. I had about 2400 hours on my main during Live, and I have just over 700 hours on her with HC. Actual play time, no AFK shenanigans for me...but then it'll be a while before I get some of those badges. 🙂
  6. I won't speak for anyone but myself, but here's my particular state of burnout... Even on Live, my SG was just with a small circle of RL friends who barely logged on. We had a SG, but I was the one who built the base (and contributed the majority of Prestige, on Live). Nowadays, I have enough going on in my life that I don't want to feel the duty to log on at particular times. That would be work...and I have plenty of work to do in my real life. I'll log in a couple nights a week to do Hami raids and/or MSR, but I don't do them every night even if I happen to be on. This is the main reason I've resisted seeking out a more active SG.
  7. Why not play a Spines scrapper? Why Rage instead of Build-Up?
  8. It tried it last night, and it worked as normal. I was able to convert 50 Reward Merits to and from 1 Hero Merit or 1 Villain Merit.
  9. I haven't run into that problem, though I remember wondering if it could happen. You can use the Pillar of Ice and Flame to teleport to your contact.
  10. Does anyone have ideas about how to create base features/textures similar to the interior of The Chantry?
  11. It works for me--I just set mine up over the weekend. You have to be flying in autorun for the flyposes to take effect, which makes them hard to use out of the box. When you stop moving forward, the flypose ends. I'm currently using a keybind: /bind r "autorun 1$$e flypose2" (or flypose1, flypose3, flypose4) You'll find the keybind, as well as macro commands, at https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Guide_to_Flight_Poses. The keybind turns on autorun the first time you press r (like normal) and then assumes the flypose the second time your press r. (I imagine you could set up the keybind to cycle through the flyposes each time you press the key.) The macros on this wiki page also work, as I set one of them up before I set the keybind.
  12. I have 5 account-wide badges on a character in Outbreak: 3 from AE (Early Bird, Author, Customizer), plus Passport and V.I.P..
  13. It could be, since it appears both powers have ranges slightly beyond minion perception range. Maybe Terrify is applying Fear and damage in separate ticks, which would allow enemy alpha. If that's the case, it's been the case since Live. In any case, I generally try to use Terrify only on stuff I already have locked down, just for the Containment damage, and that's probably not cool.
  14. The range for Terrify is within (or close to) the enemy aggro range, since it's a cone, so their alpha frequently triggers before Terrify hits them. I usually open solo against groups with Mass Hypnosis, which has better range, lasts longer (barring damage), and doesn't aggro even for the mobs it misses. I've mained a Mind/Kin controller since Issue 6, and I can confirm the 40s (and even upper-30s) are a slog to solo. (But I also mained a Jedi Sage in SWTOR's early days, so...) Mind has been around since Issue 0, and I don't recall any tweaks other than nerfing Telekinesis. The single-target powers are fine, but the AoE powers all need a look for recharge rates. Mass Hypnosis and Terrify both need a look for better interaction with Containment. As it stands now, Mind is a single-target set with occasional area stuff, so you're not exactly going to solo +4/x8 missions. (I solo +0/x1 on a fully-slotted Incarnate. I could probably solo up to about +1/x3 or +2/x2, but it'd be slow, and any higher would depend too much on the AoE powers for comfort.)
  15. I run my own content (solo) at +0/x1 on my main, but as a controller I'm capable of supporting a +4 team most of the time. My WP/SS tanker solos at +0/x8 because they're quicker to grind through.
  16. I had a similar experience my first year of playing. I joined at Issue 6, and I remember spending a respec at level 37 just to cash in my slotted enhancements so I could afford 40 SOs. I leveled my mind/kin to 50, mostly solo (8 months), then the next day made a PB and started her to 50. Once I got back to my main, I found it much easier to generate inf as a 50, and then I just started funding my lowbie toons. But then I never had a ton of alts. Now, like others here, I send 25M to my new alts. That handles their P2W powers and leaves a little for other stuff. But I don't tend to buy enhancements until 22 (25 IOs); before that, toons slot what drops.
  17. These are about what happened to me. I didn't care for Identity Crisis at all, mainly because I was a huge Zatanna fan and DC retconned her into a near-villain. I then developed crisis fatigue from the multiple lengthy crossover events with Blackest Night and Brightest Day. After I read the first few issues of Wonder Woman at the launch of The New 52, I finally dropped the entire DC line from my pull list. When money was tight in late 2013, I let my pull list lapse entirely. At best, I trade-wait now. I finally decided if I was going to wait six months for a story to play out in 10-minute increments, I could wait a year and get the whole arc in a bookshelf-friendly format. Mostly Doctor Strange and Carol Danvers, who were always my favorite Marvel characters.
  18. New AT, fine. As Defender is to Corruptor, Controller is to...Supporter? Existing ATs, absolutely not. If you're calling it a Controller, it's primary should be Control. While the current meta seems to be "damage is king," some of us still love our CC.
  19. Mighty Judgement has a similar animation. You jump up and punch the ground.
  20. Pre-ESC (Existential Shutdown Crisis): Confusing Ghost Widow during the Statesman TF (back when it was STF and not Ms. Liberty). (If I have to choose one, this is it because it's the one I remember best.) Post-ESC: Solo-mezzing enough Council troops in a cave mission of the Citadel TF for a wiped team to return to the mission before I fell.
  21. All of the revamped DA is Incarnate content, and you get all your Incarnate Shifts there. (That's part of why Heather Townsend's arc is so easily farmed for Empyrean Merits.)
  22. Eventually this thread will be locked. The GMs are good about keeping things from getting out of hand.
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