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Everything posted by FrauleinMental

  1. Double MC! Two theme teams for the price of one--what a bargain! 🙂 Our starting lineup. Or is that the usual suspects? First run complete. Second run, faster than the first!
  2. You have to enable Team and Dual inspirations to drop before they'll drop during play. You'll find those options at the P2W Vendor.
  3. That kinda happened in Man of Steel (maybe not refugees, but I don't recall seeing a whole lot about the incoming fleet/ship). Marvel played with it a while back with the whole New Asgard storyline (and they're laying groundwork for it now in MCU).
  4. It's not that you're not allowed to play someone who acts like an edgie asshole. It's that--acting like an edgie asshole--you have to expect that some people will react to you like you're an edgie asshole. Expecting people to treat you according to the brief exposition in your bio while you're acting like a different person pushes the bounds of even reality-warping spin-powers. Sometimes, you have to actually RP the character you wrote.
  5. As far as I could tell, indigo in this game is one of those really deep blues. Maybe only slightly deeper than the blue in my avatar picture. Indigo is kind of an interesting color, since I thought about using it: Indigo - Wikipedia. Apparently, Issac Asimov thought indigo wasn't distinct enough from the other colors to merit its own rainbow entry.
  6. I'll bring Sunset Smash, my WP/SS Tanker, wearing Red.
  7. I only got start/end pics, but I did catch the Dead Peppers:
  8. To quote David Tennant's Doctor, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." All the accounts, characters, supergroups, bases, etc., from Live are long gone. It is relatively easy to rebuild. There's a P2W Vendor in each starter zone and Pocket D who sells all the veteran powers from Live. There's no Prestige, so base-building is free. And the Community is still pretty supportive.
  9. I'll bring Sister Lyra (Fire/Willpower Sentinel).
  10. Thanks again, @TrixieKixx, for setting up the TF and herding the cats! It was a hard-fought victory. Those green mitos really gave us a run for our money. Also, thanks to the people in Help chat who gave us suggestions! I removed Taser Dart from my tray at around level 10, and I'd never used Day Job: Tear Gas. I only got two pics: Bots, Bots, Bots! Completion!
  11. I'll bring Jean-Luc Wick (Beam Rifle / Willpower Sentinel) in Locutus costume for LGTF next week.
  12. Tons of Council, tons of fun! Happy Valentine's Day, Theme Team! Starting lineup! Starting lineup, but I tried a different costume. 🙂 Time to "arrest" all the Council. Vandal, going down like a chump. Completion. Finishing lineup, before the dance-off to save the universe. 🙂
  13. I've been doing a little of each. I spent nearly all of my spare inf (10B) on 1,000 Winter Packs. I resold 100 Winter Packs last month for 15M each just to get back a little seed money (after the listing fees I had less than 100M inf left). I resold another 100 last week for 19M each, and I have another 100 still listed on the market for 24M each (figuring they'll sell eventually but I don't need the inf right now). I still have 200 Winter Packs in my inventory, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with those yet. So I've opened 500 Winter Packs (yikes!) and most of the winter-o's have been selling for around 15M each (except for the Entomb set, which I've been converting). I'm about halfway through the sales of those. I'm at about 5B inf liquid, plus 2B I've already spent on other stuff, plus 4B worth of stuff posted for sale, plus 3-4B worth of stuff (once it sells) still sitting in my email. (Frighteningly, AH fees have hit 1B inf...)
  14. I have noticed a tendency to put up their PFF as soon as the hold drops, but that's just been my experience. Did your hold stay up through the PFF activation? I've found on my main (Mind/Kin CTRL) that my most reliable control against Fake Nems seems to be knockdown. Or you make the Fake Nem watch through his precious PFF, while you obliterate his comrades, and eventually he has to face you alone. But it does break the steamroll rhythm. Personally, the more bothersome ability from Ascendant Archons is Detention Field, because it's not a hold, placate, or anything else that mez protection or Break Free inspiration can break.
  15. It's a fairly common trope in the superhero genre, because it allows you to have unique beings. You get Superman without also having to have a generation ship loaded with an entire population of Kryptonian refugees. One could argue Batman also follows this trope, even though he's human, since he's the last of his family. Wonder Woman also plays with this trope with her recent backstory of being the last of the Greek Gods. It's a frequent trope in RPGs as well, because it's easy to make a character without the "weaknesses" of family if you kill off the family in backstory. It's potentially a lonely trope, which makes it an easy trap for edgelords. Avoiding the trap almost invariably requires the building of some connection to another person: Superman has the Kents, Batman has Alfred, WW has the Amazons (in some stories, at least). Frequently those personal connections help define The Last of Their Kind in ways Their Kind could not.
  16. I'll be there next week with my main (Fraulein Mental, Mind/Kin Controller). I adjusted my Fairy Theme costume, which is that mind-shredding pink-purple shade I love. Get ready to Defeat All the Council! 😱
  17. Loads of fun and a couple team wipes to build character(s)! Interestingly, the Defeats counter on the Strike Force Complete box fails to mention at least a half-dozen times I died: once with Trix in the radio tower, and like five times in the final fight. Also, lots of low-visibility, from the low light of Lord Recluse's conference room to all the auras we had running!
  18. The monthly Patreon payments also could be perceived as a subscription, with whatever additional legal ramifications that might bring. There's also the extra cost that gets paid to Patreon.
  19. I'm in. Thanks for keeping us online!
  20. I only got one that wasn't in the dark before the run. As always, a lot of fun!
  21. You know, I wondered about this for a while. I don't even have a fire/kin, only a fire/WP sentinel who's not of level. 🙂 And nothing storm or earth. Then I just remembered that coffee is partly water. So I'll bring Coffee Ring, my Water (Coffee) / Dark Corruptor.
  22. It's greyed out (and non-selectable) in the emote menu, but it's accessible by emote command. ;collapse
  23. LGTF is on the Weekly Strike Target list, and I bet you'll have a lot better luck finding Rikti invasion leagues when it's up. If you're on a team doing LGTF, announce in the LFG channel when you're starting the last mission so people can start forming a league. If you hear of a team launching a LGTF, start forming a league 30-ish minutes later to be ready. You're probably not the only one with characters who want the accolade badge.
  24. Completing the Lady Grey TF triggers a Rikti invasion.
  25. Next week I'll bring my Beam Rifle/Willpower Sentinel, Jean-Luc Wick.
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