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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. That's right! It's multiplayer for a reason!
  2. Not just rp (which I have done very little of being a beginner) but I try to say hi to people I know if I spot them in time.
  3. Honestly? I'm still nostalgia bombing hard. Though there is a ton of new stuff added after I stopped playing live I'm also having fun with. Still can't believe they killed off States and Psyche. Really having fun trying powersets I have never used before. I also just love coming up with (usually or should I say hopefully humorous) backstories for new characters. I'm definitely doing more TFs/raids/trials than I ever did on live.
  4. I was Vampire Bro (he's just pretending to be a vampire. He's a mace/wp scrapper). Were you a MM? I wanted in on the SF but I was slightly below the minimum level at the time.
  5. Make your alt build a lower level friendly one and you can leave your main build alone.
  6. Did it ever explain why the Fir Bolg and Tuatha are monsters and not humans? Is it all a red cap trick?
  7. I've always really liked Croatoa personally but then again I'm not Irish.
  8. I did that too. He's still only in the teens so I don't know how practical it is later. He is redside which I think has a lot of areas that are a royal pain to get around in. And so far it is ok.
  9. What is the current legal status anyway? I honestly have no idea.
  10. Another low quality photo of a sharpie drawing. This time you can see the faint lines where I cheated by sketching with a pencil first. This is for Disgruntled. Thanks for running all those MSR!
  11. Sorry for spamming so many at once but I am too much of a brainlet to figure out how to put pictures in spoilers
  12. Plus raids. They're pretty much my favorite thing to do.
  13. I'm glad you asked because I have been wondering this as well!
  14. You are locked into only using the train. No helicopter, no tp, no Ouro. It fills you with nostalgia of the good old days. Not of prior Issues of the game, but of working at McDonald's.
  15. I can tell this thread is going places.
  16. Holy shit. I need to see what this guy does to make money and see if it also applies to real life.
  17. Blizzard North was Diablo 1 and 2 wasn't it? I think Warcraft was normal Blizzard.
  18. Ah. I haven't done any of that either. I only have one 50 so far and I'm trying to be disciplined and not play her too much while I'm on the home stretch leveling another hero. I'm looking forward to it though. I just reread all of that comic series and want to see my buddies together again. I just loved the two of them together in particular.
  19. Is this from his TF? (Yes, I have not ever run a Tinpex. It wasn't a thing back in the day and I haven't gotten around to it yet in HC).
  20. It's like the infinite monkey theorem but with a cat. And the bar to make a forum post is way lower.
  21. At least I made it in the group shot! Thanks for running this! I was pounded into the dirt so many times. As a level 9 anytime an AV looks at me I was gone.
  22. Is this thread a good place to post about my new character concept I'm working on, "Satan McHitler"?
  23. Her coven afaik is unrelated. At least the connection is never stated. Croatoa's coven came over during the colonial era and are all immortals or at least have great longevity. I'm also mad they killed her and sort of Horus off. They did great for a bunch of level 15's. I certainly wasn't fighting the carnival then. I think I just barely finished the hollows.
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