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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. I agree op. Surely there's can be some other way to discourage afk farming that doesn't prevent a good QOL change for my SR, NIN, shield, etc characters. There is currently a complicated macro workaround but there should be something for smooth brains like me to set up in a second.
  2. Make it about two German sailors Scheer and Graf Spee. Is twink even a slur? I'm not gay or all that young but I could think of worse things to be called than a term for a young dude.
  3. I for one like how the procs work. Back in the day it just to just be a % chance of firing per attack, and thus favoring fast recharge fast animation attacks. Now, it's the opposite which makes your big bad attack bigger and badder. I'm sure we can all agree that this current system is way more cool. When you chunk off a huge percent of health, or just delete an enemy from existence, it really activates the monkey neurons. Much better than just throwing down caltrops.
  4. Most of my career was spent at around 100-200 million or so. But I also tend to horde merits and not use them so with that I have no idea. I tend to just market up some money whenever I need to kit out a new character. But without such immediate motivation I generally can't bring myself to do the work to make much money. Nowadays I have a bit over 2 billion saved up since I haven't made a new character that I've played through in awhile.
  5. I pretty much agree with you OP. I've said it in a past thread on the subject and I'm sure it's a very boring and unimaginative idea, but I wish it was just "veterancy" or something. And the gatekept incarnate content was just that they had to make sure you're a bad enough dude to rescue the president. This is of course no different than levels in general concept but at least it doesn't interfere with peoples' backstory.
  6. For me, its when one of your teammates has smoke bomb.
  7. If it's "chore" content for me, I would like a good team to get done with it. But otherwise I generally prefer a lower performance team since it's fun to deal with random disasters. This can of course be taken too far.
  8. You just reverse engineered the dude who Vancouver BC (and Vancouver, WA) was named after. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Vancouver
  9. Honestly I probably play around the same. I should probably branch out some. Still haven't played any controllers, dominators, corruptors, or any epic AT. Pretty shameful I know. Instead I'll probably just make scrapper #681.
  10. I think that Goldside is in general harder. It has the best story though IMO.
  11. Yep. To start as a villain class but be a hero, just choose City of Heroes (as opposed to going rogue), make your character, then choose to go to Paragon skipping the tutorial, choose the outbreak tutorial, or to save Blue Spectrum in the Galaxy City tutorial.
  12. Just going by unique possible alphanumeric combinations is not a realistic calculation of the combinations unless you are a RMT spammer. Real players would want actual names/words + some unknown amounts of completely made up stuff. Realistically this is a much a social science problem that is unsolvable to any precise degree as a math problem.
  13. I like these ideas. The only downsides I can see are that it doesn't address the names used by players no longer playing, and programming since the code is always a problem.
  14. You think that mission is bad? I liked it quite a bit. Some real bad mission designs are in Croatoa. I like the place and arcs overall but damn there are three missions in particular off the top of my mind that are stinkers. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this.
  15. I don't want to pollute the poll since I haven't played savage melee, but from my extensive electric melee and some shield defense experience, I think I'd prefer teleport to target.
  16. Holy fuck, this changes everything. Switched to smoke bomb for TP and combat TP on my sort of ninja themed character. I wasn't prepared for how awesome this is.
  17. If you are doing it via Ouroboros, the number on the right side of the mission list is the issue that it came out in. Numbers bigger than 24 are after Live. Issues after 26 are HC.
  18. My go to is run due to the fact that I'm in the pool anyway since I always get hasten. Also I think it's the most fun. You're just going super fast and have to jump over stuff and dodge stuff. Fly/jump may be more efficient despite the lower speeds due to the large amount of verticality in the game but it doesn't seem as fun to travel that way for me. Tp I've never really liked since it seems clunky to use, especially short distance, but I love LOVE using combat TP with a macro with my melee characters if I can fit it in the build. You can indulge fully in your chunni fantasies, where you can *Teleports Behind You* Nothing Personal, Kid meme in game. Yes I had this on my katana/nin scrapper. Don't judge me.
  19. Yep. All the expansions are included. You select in character creation which world to start out. Whether City of Heroes/Villains (primal) or Going Rogue (Praetoria). Then if you selected city of Heroes/Villains, it's decided where you end up in the tutorial you select or from a choice in the tutorial. If you selected Outbreak you'll be a hero, if you select Breakout you'll be a villain. Or in the Galaxy City tutorial, if you select to save Blue Spectrum you'll be a hero, to kill him you'd be a villain. A little confusing but I guess that's how it is when you're 1000 updates into a game. Also tutorials and Praetorian double agenty stuff aside you can do all the content from everywhere by switching alignments. You also have 1k character slots so don't be afraid to just choose a random path to go down too.
  20. Same fam that was my first Goldsider. I was going with the character concept of naively following the establishment as my first Goldside run.
  21. I want this part a lot at least. I'm probably just slow but I don't want to have to learn a whole new system to build my character for pvp, especially given how little of it happens (a real chicken and egg problem to be sure). Back when I played live, there was no second set of rules for pvp, and I think it was still fun. But that's just my opinion I guess.
  22. Same, even more so for Goldside. I didn't think I've ever teamed for Goldside as a native praetorian.
  23. It's pretty heartening to see all the people around. It's like the good old days, lol.
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