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Everything posted by johua

  1. I'm one of the aforementioned farmers. I power level to 50 and kit myself out. I also never really do exemplar content so I don't catalyze my builds or anything like that.
  2. I don't normally like to necro threads, but an expanded color palette or some kind of advanced color options with a picker or slider would be fantastic.
  3. I dunno if this has been suggested or is on the dev radar but I figured I'd make the suggestion. Anyway, I've often encountered an issue where I make a character, make some costumes, get them some levels, and then realize I don't like their scales. The problem is that if I want to update the scales for the other costumes, I have to load one costume on all of those slots, and then I have to go through the process of fixing those slots, color selections, etc. So, I think it'd be neat if you could save and load costume scales like you can costumes and power customization.
  4. Huh. I thought the Freakshow resurrects got nerfed because people were using them for farms.
  5. I don't think the Council needed a buff tbh. But also I don't think I'd mind it as much if not for the Freem thing, which I find incredibly annoying and unfun, and the tedium of having to fight the bosses 2-3 times, because I could swear I've had bosses resurrect and then when I get them low again they turn into warwolves, and I'm just like... who thought that this would be fun? I also assume that the resurrected mobs don't give any rewards, but I honestly zone out pretty hard when I have to deal with a mob just refusing to stay down. But if the Freakshow bosses don't give XP after they resurrect, I figure it's probably the same for the council, which just adds to the tedium.
  6. if the previously stated justifications for the nerfs really is the reason behind all of this, hoo boy. isthisanoutofseasonaprilfoolsjoke.mp4
  7. if the issue is people pulling in insane merits via afk farming then this whole thing could have been solved with a rules change. but, who knows? AFAIK the dev diaries still aren't out. Still, I really, really don't like the idea of being punished for something I've never once done.
  8. this is basically the same as the previous change except it screws everyone over. still leaves me about where I said the previous change left me, in the other thread.
  9. Nope. Incarnate materials aren't the issue. Again, I use the emp merits to help fund my character builds. If I lose that funding, then I also lose interest in building new characters, because I am not going to endlessly grind inf to make up for it.
  10. This is about where I sit. I use the emp merits I get through farming to help fund character builds and if I can't get them anymore I just don't see myself making or leveling new characters much, if at all. And that also removes a lot of my reason for doing regular teaming as well, since I won't have new characters that need to do Tinpex/iTrials.
  11. the AE changes with respect to veteran levels and emp merits is bad and will not have the desired outcome. it's just going to make the people who like to do that stop playing.
  12. IDK about slang but I recommend against typing an accent. It never works. Just note the accent in your bio or something.
  13. Everlasting. And it looks like the CoC does say that it's not allowed, but given the frequency at which it occurs I guess what I'm looking for is a statement from someone that says that people doing this will be dealt with.
  14. Maybe there is one, I don't know. But what I do know is that several friends of mine have been regular targets of people who cannot seem to keep their creepy comments to themselves and to my knowledge these friends have reported it and nothing has been done, because the people who do it are still around. So, devs, can we PLEASE get a no tolerance policy against unsolicited sexual comments in tells. I don't mean a "you shouldn't do this, please stop doing this" comment or post, I mean an actual POLICY. As in if someone reports you for making an unsolicited sexual comment, because you SEXUALLY HARASSED someone that you will be banned for it? And if you're one of the people who do this, knock it the hell off.
  15. I'm just not a big fan of conflict RP outside of the SG event-space. Too many bad experiences with antagonist characters/groups, so nowdays if someone tries to start conflict with my characters in a place like the D my characters are probably just going to shrug them off.
  16. Noticing that the theft of essence +end proc is no longer slottable in reaction time for martial combat. Is this an intentional change?
  17. faceclaims. faceclaims are really, really gross and people should stop using them. stop claiming people's faces. stop trawling people's social media for pics and then posting them as something your character did. 🤮 it's one thing, by the way, to use a face reference for commissioned art. it's another (disgusting) thing entirely to rp someone's actual life.
  18. "organic rp" or people who refuse to have any OOC communication. miss me with that shit, especially since almost everyone I've seen describe themselves as an "organic rper" has been pretty awful.
  19. people who put references or links to their naughty list website in their bio and don't even have anything worth laughing about. like at least put something funny in there, otherwise you're just being gross.
  20. it's weird to me that people think removing or nerfing AE farms would lead to an increase in available teams. I think it's more likely that people would just stop playing or find some other way to power level and the complaining would just start anew.
  21. no improvements to the game!!!!! not now, not ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I can't say that I've seen many of them since CoH: Freedom. I suspect it has something to do with the fact that players have access to travel powers at level 4, and don't really need the help getting around.
  23. The only things that generally would make me ignore people are usually report-able so I just report them instead.
  24. Leagues in missions would be cool, especially if mob density could scale to match the league.
  25. Make your own team and specify no judgment powers. Or solo. Stop trying to make the game less fun because you don't like something people are having fun with.
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