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Americas Angel

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Americas Angel last won the day on June 5 2023

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  1. I'm one of the few players who regularly use the 180s T9s in both PvE and PvP. They can be great powers, and while they do need some tweaks, I don't think they need revamps. Yes, the more casual side of the playerbase aren't familiar with their use-case. But I don't think that's justification to revamp them. For those of you that don't know, the way to use them in PvE is to cycle them. On my EM/EA Scrapper, I do the following: Minute 1: Ageless + Unleash Potential Minute 2: Overload Minute 3: Ageless + Overload Minute 4: Overload I can cycle this over and over. Using the +end from Ageless to counter the endurance crash of Overload. (And if I'm clutch with the timing, I can avoid the toggles dropping all together.) The benefit of this is that I can easily cap psy defense due to Overload or Unleash Potential being active, my DDR is capped due to Overload or Unleashed Potential + Ageless, and the +regen from Energize stacks nicely with the +MaxHP from Overload / +regen from Unleash Potential for an additional 10-15 HPS. Not to mention my higher HP is good to have as an antispike tool. End result? My EM/EA scrapper is much tankier than an EM/EA that foregoes the T9. It can handle multiple spawns of hard enemies like Carnies, CoT, etc, at +4/8 solo. It doesn't require inspirations to fight psy enemies. Here's a video of @Frosticus's EM/EA stalker in action. Same principles: As you can see...it's pretty tough! Much like Drain Psyche was used as a baseline for the Blaster sustains, I think Overload is a good use case to consider how to improve the other 180s T9s, as they don't quite match up to it. Here's what I'd do: Elude Crash: Remove the -recovery crash (Especially as Elude has no end management) Utility: Debuff resists or DPS buffs (+recharge?) of some kind HPS Buff: +regen or +MaxHP or +absorb Retsu Crash: Remove the -recovery crash Utility: Debuff resists or DPS buffs of some kind HPS Buff: +regen or +MaxHP or +absorb Unstoppable Crash: Remove -HP crash Utility: Debuff resists or DPS buffs of some kind HPS Buff: +regen or +MaxHP or +absorb Power Surge Crash: Remove the -recovery crash, remove -HP crash Utility: Debuff resists or DPS buffs (+recharge, elec procs, etc) of some kind HPS Buff: +regen or +MaxHP or +absorb The different Utility/HPS buffs that each power gets is where the fun stuff would get added. You don't want to have the T9s just plug every hole, as that makes things homogenous. But you do want them to synergise well with the armor sets weaknesses, ala Overload. Imagine this is where the bulk of the "suggestions foruming" would take place. The only area that's a bit confusing is what to do about the -recovery parts of the crashes. Overload, Elude, Retsu, and Power Surge all have it. Unstoppable doesn't. It should be removed from Elude because SR doesn't have any end management powers. But that might make SR better, as Nin and EA will have to pay a power tax for said end management power, and then a DPS tax in pausing to manage the -recovery crash with it. Maybe the solution here is to remove the -recovery crash from Elude, but give Elude fewer Utility/HPS Buff tweaks compared to EA and Nin? (But then, that might make SR weaker than the other sets. But then, SR is currently the best outside of the T9s so maybe that balances? But what about...) Yeah, it's a tricky one. I'd say just remove the -recovery part of the crash from all of the 180s T9s and see how they play on beta. If it's OP, look at giving all of them a -recovery value, but much much lower than they currently do. (Similar to stuff like Hasten, Burnout, Meltdown, Rage, etc). Ideally you want it low enough so that it doesn't require an end management power pick for counterplay, as Invuln and SR don't have access to those. You also probably want to change the -end crash from -100% end to -100 end. (I.e. a set number value instead of a percentage.) This is so the crash can be countered with accolades or set bonuses. Counterplay is good game design. And hey, if we're going full Suggestions Forum with this. I'd suggest tweaking every toggle in the game to have a 0s activation time. (So you can just spam click them to turn them back on.) Pseudo mezzing myself for 0.5-3s per toggle isn't fun or challenging. (Having them drop is the risk part of the risk/reward. The retoggling is just a pain.) As an aside, I'd say the only T9 folks wouldn't mind being totally revamped (aka turned into something like Meltdown/One With the Shield esq) is Power Surge, due to how terrible its current crash is.
  2. A good Tank/Brute farming setup earns 2.5mil per minute (~150mil per hour). Not counting drops. Nothing else matches that. Of the options presented in the OP, best bet is probably either an AoE-focused Blaster of some kind (fire/fire, water/fire, ice/fire, etc), or something with Plant Control. You'll likely have to lower the difficulty/play on a slower map. Which means you'll be earning a lot less.
  3. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Sad but true. And I daresay the motive was to nip the inevitable flame war that was forming in the bud before it got any worse. Widower's response, while not what many folks hoped for, was understandable. As was GooglyMoogly shutting the thread down after Greycat's request got denied. The suggestion thread had served its purpose. IMO Players are better served by starting a new thread with a new request, now that the parameters for what is potentially on offer has been provided by Widower. I'm sorry you got brigadier'd against by the usual suspects. This forum has become quite an ugly place. And I can absolutely empathise with not wanting to use/promote the Fallen But Not Forgotten section due to the people that frequent this place. One question that might be worth thinking about, if only to move the conversation back to something that encourages healing rather than debate: If a memorial NPC for Eildath isn't possible, what is the sort of collective memorial wall/plaque that she would approve of? By this I mean, if she was still with us, what sort of memorial for all those have died would she want to see added to the game? Could be a different way of keeping her spirit alive. And never say never. Back when Matthew Bragg (Kiyotee) died in 2004 I emailed everyone at Cryptic I could about it asking for him to be memorialised in the game. I refused to take silence for an answer. Eventually CR Aura sent me a very long, but very kind (I think she could tell I was young) email about how they could not add him due to company policy, and that that policy was not going to change. ...and yet he's standing in the tutorial today, some 20 odd years later. Still helping newbies like he did in the pre-beta board days. It's why I never do the Galaxy City tutorial. I guess what I'm saying is, it's only policy until it isn't. Sorry again for your loss.
  4. @Dacy and @Easter Bunny for everything they've done for the base building community. Lexicon (unsure of their forum name) for keeping Fightclub PvP alive after I took a break. (On Everlasting, no less! With roleplayers! In a specifically-designed-for-fightclub cage fighting bar! Genuinely the one of the coolest things I've ever seen in CoH.) @Bloodom, @Dark Bladed, and all the other speedrunners/min-maxers for Actually Testing Stuff in closed beta. @icesphere and @Bellator for constantly making builds for new players on the homecoming discord's archetype channels. @Dusk, @Faverty Events, Lady Sinestra , and all the other folks who run RP nightclubs over on Everlasting. It's nice to always have something to do, RP-wise. And a big ❤️ to @Zed & co for keeping Mids alive. And @UberGuyfor keeping City of Data alive. I probably use these two CoH resources more than I play the game!
  5. Exactly. Due to the timing of this thread's creation, your suggestion is insensitive, by your own admission. Because of this, I would suggest you hide/delete this thread, and repost it in a month or so, once the folks you are starting arguments with have had time to grieve the death of their friend. This is probably a debate worth having. Just not right now.
  6. I didn't know them personally, but I did know of them. A memorial NPC would be a lovely tribute. +1
  7. I'm sorry for your loss.
  8. Thinking on it more. I'd say if a player account is >1 year old then players should just be able to set their own gold title. It can come with a popup warning that lists what is/isn't allowed. Similar to how we have rules for character names in the TOS. Seems like the easiest way to implement something like this without giving GMs piles of work. I retired the CR role last year due to finding it stressful. (Roleplayers be crazy. Lol.) As for the other CRs, the CR program was shut down a few months after the licensing agreement earlier this year. Can read the full details here:
  9. Just that I wished the CoH ingame timer went down to miliseconds One thing I wanted to mention, which has nothing to do with my tests, is that roleplayers don't really have a good log cleaning tool, and I think this tool could be used for this. If you you added a mode that allowed players to pick the channels they want to keep (local/emotes/request for roleplaying, etc), and then cleaned up the log by removing all the other channels, and timestamps and channel names; and then delivered that cleaned up log to the user? Would be a godsend. Not sure if this is of interest to you, but you did ask.
  10. Been using this to parse Kheldian ST attack chains. Fantastic tool. Thanks for taking the time to put it together @KaizenSoze
  11. I think giving every player the option to apply/request a custom title is a good idea. Folks could request stuff for flavour like a "Goddess of Kheldians" or "Crey Sponsored Superhero" title. But they could also request more functional ones like "Base Builder" or "Speedrunner" or "PvPer". This request could be done via an official form of some kind. And would have guidelines on what is/is not allowed. (Nothing that implies a leadership role, nothing that indicates you represent HC, nothing that implies seniority/authority, nothing that contradicts the lore, nothing offensive, etc.) If everyone can apply (maybe make being able to apply a reward for having been here 1 year?) then it helps avoid the haves vs have nots that gold titles create. Would be more work for a very stretched, unpaid, volunteer GM team, though.
  12. Koopak's bot wasn't able to do the attack chains in the OP. So the bot has nothing to do with this thread. Now, 15 attacks in 4s is doable. It's just a question of muscle memory/practice. But this doesn't really prove anything IMO. What would be interesting, to me, is seeing how many of those 15 attacks have to land in order to match/exceed Scrapper DPS. The discussion thus far, from both sides, seems to assume it requires all 15, and therefore perfect timing. This might not be the case, though. Knowing where the line is, precisely how many of the 15 attacks need to land, would go a long way in determining how easy to use this chain is to use, relative to scrappers.
  13. Done! Also added the EM/Bio stalker, too. Appreciate you taking the time to put this thread together. The recharge thresholds are especially helpful.
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