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Everything posted by Riverdusk

  1. Not sure if it has changed, but the most annoying part of group invis to me was always that when you recast it, even before it expires, it makes you visible again for a second. Just long enough that you get seen. So, you basically have to go hide in a corner somewhere before you can recast it if you care about being seen. As to the numbers, group invis provides 60 feet of stealth pve which is "full invisibility" on its own. Superior invis provides 200 feet, but I think the only time that much comes into play is with the few sniper mobs there are or maybe in PvP (of which I know pretty much nothing about). Some mobs see through stealth no matter how much you have. Looks like neither suppress their stealth when you attack (just like shadowfall, steamy mist, and arctic fog). You can monitor that with "stealth radius PvE" in combat attributes and see that it doesn't go away when you attack, unlike a lot of other stealth powers. The group you attack will still "see you", but it makes it very nice in helping to avoid aggro of a second unconnected group. Not even stalker's hide power has that feature (wish it did). Clicking a glowie will still fully suppress it though.
  2. Kat/Ninja scrapper is a nice one as mentioned (and thematic). The melee defense of divine avalanche matches nicely as noted (instead of only stacking lethal). Also, probably the main weakness of ninja is its lackluster DDR. So, being able to overcap melee defense is nice when you get hit with those defense debuffs. I do tend to prefer katana on a scrapper in general due to the natural extra bonus crit chance golden dragonfly gets. I don't think any other AT gets anything extra. But not a big enough deal that other AT's wouldn't do fine with it. Stone armor is an interesting idea as well with the buffs it got and being able to add some non-lethal damage into the mix. Also had good luck with willpower if you want a pure "natural" character.
  3. Thanks, it worked! Didn't even know there was such a thing as clubs here, thought people meant some third party site I had to join. 😄
  4. Anyone have an idea what filename it is to silence Soul Drain? It isn't that it is a bad sound necessarily, it is just another one of those ones that if you hit multiple targets it amplifies the volume to an insane degree. It ends up MUCH louder than any other dark melee sound. It bursts my eardrums every time I use it in a crowd. Kind of the same issue as the necro zoning upgrade sounds (which I did fix a long while ago thanks to @Solarverse help.) I tried the Rosetta Stone link but it says it is removed. People are saying you need to "join the club" to get it, but I'm not seeing any info on how to do that. Maybe I'm just being dumb.
  5. Illusion/dark controller You literally have 3 invincible tanks (with actual taunt) with you on demand. That's when you even need them for protection (rather than damage), which most of the time in this combo you don't. Because controller version of dark is pretty insane. A boatload of defense and resistances for yourself with shadowfall and fade (and an epic shield). Fade even has DDR. Then on top of that another boatload of tohit debuffs (and a healthy amount of damage debuffing) with spectral terror, darkest night, and dark servant. Also, an amazing heal, big -regen, and almost endless endurance with soul absorption.
  6. I find infiltration amazing. It is faster base speed/jump than the free P2W ones, and unlike them you can slot it if you want more speed/jump. To me it is much easier to use than super speed when trying to go vertical. Even with the "buff" SS got in that area, I find SS clunky to use still myself. Infiltration has the same stealth as SS and easy full invis with the +stealth IO, just like SS. So, to me it is actually better/easier to use than SS, and then on top of it, has one HUGE advantage over SS. You can slot a LoTG in it. I take it on the majority of my characters now. Although ones that already have a built in stealth power (like steamy mist, shadowfall, etc.) I still tend to stick with super leap. Oh, and I wouldn't be against it being able to stack with stealth, but also don't really see it as a big deal. Unless you are trying to play without IO's or maybe PvPing? Otherwise as said, the +stealth IO + infiltration is all you need. Most of the time I take infiltration without even taking stealth anyway. It isn't a prerequisite.
  7. Another one can be found here that just lowers it instead of silencing it (if it doesn't link directly go to page 3 of the thread and find the July 4, 2020 post): It is really very easy at least for this one as you just create a new folder where needed and drop the already provided file in and you are done. It still lowers things enough that twilight grasp is pretty much silence (at least the wind-up part, you still hear a healing sound effect from the friendly targets hit). It isn't bad at all imho.
  8. Well, to be fair there are already freakshow and council that I'd say don't really scale. As in I believe they are the same at level 20 as they are at level 50 power selection wise. Not sure the whole power scaling thing is as big of an issue as some make it out to be. But I agree (and I think OP acknowledges) his suggestion is unlikely. I do know Hellions funnily enough do have some scaling now as some of them get a nasty burn patch when you meet them at or near their highest max level (something I especially notice on my MM's as they wreck them unless you are quick on the "move-to" commands). Not sure if that was added more recently or was always there and didn't notice it before. Main issue with Ouro still is that you can not invite more teammates mid-arc. It usually ends up being mostly a solo oriented experience. Not that it is bad, but it isn't quite a complete "fix" as it is more limited. If they fixed that issue, which I think most would love to see, then yes this idea would definitely be moot.
  9. As mentioned, if they changed it to a toggle it'd probably be made into a copy of one of the endurance eating knockback toggles for balance reasons, no thanks. Now that it is much faster casting ice patch is amazing as is. The point of frozen aura now is the damage. It is an attack that happens to have a sleep component. Also rather not see that turned into a toggle. Main issues with ice melee are that frozen fists and greater ice sword are both very underwhelming. So, I'd say you are aiming at the wrong powers to change...
  10. I always pick up a bunch of charges of plasmatic taser from the P2W now as well. 5,000 inf for 24 charges. It is basically a clone of the power "energy torrent" and is a great early aoe attack power at low level when a lot of characters otherwise have no aoe. Quick casting and good damage and should hit well early on thanks to the bonus +tohit you get at low levels. There is a grenade aoe one as well, but I tend to like plasmatic taser better as it is quicker. Anyway, cheap way to make the early levels go much faster, especially if you are trying to solo them.
  11. Can't remember exactly when, but Jack Frost was buffed pretty nicely. Most importantly an added built in 25 defense to all. Not hard to soft cap him now a days, especially if you also throw in the two pet +5 def IO's. I remember his squishy days.
  12. There are always the infamous "prevent <name> from escaping" as well. I never believed the stories people would tell of the escapee literally going through walls to escape sometimes until I saw it for myself. Also almost impossible on some maps even if they don't "cheat" depending on the map layout if the map has two very divergent branches and you choose poorly.
  13. I'm with you there on tankers. Idea does sound fun though. Another way to go would be a EM/DA/Leviathan scrapper. Leviathan for water spout for stun, and the fun of tossing them in the air too. Leviathan is always one of my favorite scrapper epics to take anyway, water spout a strong easy one pick wonder, leaving you with more room for other powers.
  14. Well, despite your stern disapproval and that you think my opinion is such a major problem, I'll continue to have my own opinion about the AT's in a make believe superhero game. Thanks for sharing your opinion though. Edit: Oh and I think we've gotten off topic anyway really.
  15. Even when stalkers are using their ATO procs as well? Not in my experience although I suppose there are some outside cases I'm not aware of or I'm just not min/maxing things well enough. And I never said stalkers are hugely less durable than scrappers. The other person wanted to make scrappers less durable and more damage, which means making scrappers less durable and more damage than stalkers. That seems like it'd overlap the purpose of stalkers imo.
  16. A melee that is more cannon and more glass and crits more? I think of stalker, so to me that already exists.
  17. Which is why another possibility that has been brought up is to have damage procs scale by AT damage modifiers. Not a fan of that myself but I know it has been discussed before.
  18. There's also the opposite, one mission I always end up doing where it says to defeat all, but in reality you only need to hit all the glowies. There's even an "editor's note" on the wiki about it. Stop the Sky Raiders before they can make off with Balsim's designs Ends up being an easy mission with a pretty good reward (Cryonite Armor temp power). https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Oswald_Cuthbert#Stop_the_Sky_Raiders_before_they_can_make_off_with_Balsim.27s_designs
  19. Fair enough, but I feel people already game things with the current cap at 90%. I know more than once I've seen calculations done as to exactly how much recharge you can slot into aim or build up to have the gaussian proc at exactly 90%. I don't know that things would change much by lowering it a bit. Overall I'm with you, I like procs generally the way they are and feel they help the game more than they hurt. Most importantly I find them fun in adding new and varied build opportunities.
  20. The biggest issue I've seen raised mostly has to do with super long recharge powers getting that 90% chance to proc (Guassian being the obvious example). But also in some of the epic attacks/holds in particular. If there does need to be a "fix" to me the easiest one would be to just lower the chance cap. Having it be 90% in the first place seemed to be kind of an arbitrary number? So, instead of 90% make it say 75%? Just throwing it out as an example, the actual cap number could be tweaked to whatever. That would leave putting procs in "normal" powers alone while curbing some of the outliers.
  21. Get to around 105% global recharge, use SG base +20% recharge buff. Perma dom achieved for 90 minutes at a time without having to worry about keeping hasten up. Click hasten manually. Thankfully allows me to go afk whenever I need, for up to 90 minutes at a time anyway.
  22. That's what red inspirations are for. Max out your damage to start, then much easier to finish the AV/GM off by the time you run out.
  23. The Dismiss command doesn't leave a body, only Release does. You can't "Release" individual pets. Hence the macro I posted which dismisses the zombies and grave knights to get them out of the way, and leaves only the lich body behind.
  24. It is actually super easy to happen. Just use the following macro: /bind <key of your choice> "petcom_pow Zombie dismiss$$petcom_pow Grave dismiss$$releasepets" Boom, dead lich body alone and ready for you to extract whenever you want. Drawback is though that it kills off all your pets and you have to resummon everything. But with how cheap and fast recharging MM pets are now, it isn't that big a deal anymore. At the same time, with how easy it already is now, it really is just a QoL thing at this point. I'd say just let us summon the ghost directly instead of having to waste 15 seconds or so going through the rigmarole every 5 minutes of that silly dance in order for me to get that Wraith out. I guess another alternative would be to give us a command that would let us release individual pets that leave a body behind instead of the only way of doing it killing off our entire army.
  25. I think a tohit debuff would work better and still be thematic. Your eyes are a bit blurry after just waking up so it is harder to aim for a short while. 🙂 This has actually been suggested by others, so just repeating the idea as I thought it a good one.
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