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Everything posted by macskull

  1. The thing is, recharge is about the only stat that suffers from diminishing returns (that and mez resistance but that's kinda lol) just based on the mechanics of the game, which means more recharge is less useful the more you have. It's already balancing itself.
  2. Yep. Even with these proposed changes I'd expect Hasten to be something that 90% of builds still pick up at some point. EDIT: Basically, as long as Hasten continues to be a single-pick power that provides a huge benefit to every single character regardless of build, a majority of players will still take it. The only way that's changing is if it gets significantly nerfed which I don't see happening and people would not like.
  3. Does that allow you to double-stack it for its entire duration? If not, it's a nerf.
  4. Well, the developers on live repeatedly said the game was balanced around SOs, so...
  5. You can still set it as a launch parameter in Tequila in the options dialog.
  6. I've never been paid to PL but if I did decide to offer it it'd probably be somewhere in the 200 mil neighborhood for 1-50.
  7. I don't think comparing an incarnate power respec to a regular respec is a fair comparison - sure, you can change which powers you pick from your primary/secondary/pools/APP/PPP, but changing incarnate powers is more akin to changing what powersets your character has. You can already have as many incarnate powers as you want and they're pretty easy to get. The only semi-annoying part is at the T4 level.
  8. Not a bug, power info windows will only tell you the values with the enhancements slotted in that power.
  9. I suspect that 10 million inf would be way too cheap, considering you probably put in at least 276 Empyrean merits (30 for each of 6 very rare salvage and 8 for each of 12 rare salvage) to T4 each of your six slots, an Empyrean merit is worth 10 reward merits, and you could probably make around 250-300 million inf from buying and selling enhancement converters with the 2760 reward merits that'd be equivalent to. There are other, faster ways to earn Empyrean merits than just grinding out vet levels (which isn't really efficient at all once you pass vet level 50 or so).
  10. Sure, but unless you're on a task force it's pretty easy to quit the team and then rejoin when you get to where you're going. Or if your entire team is moving from one piece of content to the next - like, "hey we just finished an ITF and want to do an LGTF now." I understand that LFG is not a catch-all but it's pretty damn convenient for most use cases.
  11. Bio and Invuln are probably your better options for primaries (mostly Bio because having 3200 HP plus another 1600 HP in absorb is just silly). SS is the best secondary but you can make others work. You'll want to pick up Taunt (autohit -75% range debuff) and probably go Stone Mastery for Fossilize. There's a "general build philosophy" thread in here somewhere that should help you out, but you'll want to prioritize HP and movement speed on a melee character.
  12. I already said it in this thread, but... I just don't see why this is an issue. Keybinds make cycling travel powers on and off trivial at worst, and Hurdle + CJ is indisputably the best in-combat movement you can get and requires virtually no endurance to use. Honestly, outside of RP reasons there really isn't a reason to not take SS/CJ on everything especially with the availability of all-you-can-eat jetpacks at the P2W vendors.
  13. Power Boost doesn't affect -res and you can't slot for it. With DR on debuffs and Defender debuffs not being unresisted anymore it's not as useful as it would've been. Nature/Sonic might be okay but you're pretty much limiting yourself to the tier 1 and 2 attacks with maybe a Screech every now and again because Shout's animation will get you killed.
  14. In cases like that you could always LFG to Citadel since he's right by the base portal in Talos. A few more clicks and another loading screen, sure, but I'd expect that to still be significantly faster than having to exit a zone or navigate to a base portal.
  15. Slippery slope argument doesn't hold much water here. Just based on the number of people I've seen in the second instance of the Hive by the time the raid is supposed to start in the first instance (don't think it's been more than 20 or so), I'd say that 75 would be more than adequate. Realistically, if it were possible to remove the cap but make the difficulty scale up proportional to the number of players in the zone, that might be better, but let's look at this realistically - the reason Hami raids drew so many people in was because it was an easy way to make a solid chunk of merits with little effort. At this point the people that are trying to get into the zone are more likely to be people who are actually interested in doing the raid rather than sitting around waiting for a rewards window, and the 10-20 people that aren't able to get in because they didn't show up 30-40 minutes early are kind of getting the short end of the stick.
  16. I dunno, it's pretty trivial to toggle on/off travel powers with a keybind, and even with PvE travel suppression Hurdle + Combat Jumping doesn't suppress and gives you excellent movement control.
  17. Even ignoring the legitimate responses of the poster who replied to this originally, the lack of willing and available players is absolutely preventing someone from forming and running their own raid. More likely than not if you try to start something in Hive 2, you won't have enough people to get rolling until Hive 1 finishes their raid(s) and then people start to stream in from there to keep the train going. Sure, you could do a raid with 8 people, or 20 people, or whatever, and it's been done before, but what's the point? You'd get 100, maybe 150 people a night jumping into the zone because of the quick rewards, and now that those are gone you're getting half that - but still enough that there are people willing and able to help with the raid that can't because the cap doesn't let them. Revisiting the cap to be something closer to, say, 75? That seems like a reasonable compromise.
  18. It's not too bad for me right now. I keep an eye on my insp tray and tap the button for combining pretty much every time something new shows up in the tray. As reds drop I just pop those too. I'm normally running 4ish minutes on the asteroid map, sometimes less if spawn placement is good, sometimes more if it's not. Duoing with another Rad/Fire brings that time down to 2-2.5 minutes.
  19. I have a G600 so I've got 12 side buttons but I only ever really use 4 or 5 of them in practice. On my Rad/Fire and Spines/Fire I've got a button for combining reds, a button for chugging reds, a button for Burn, and a button for Healing Flames. Everything else in my chain is in my first power tray in a convenient slot to use with my left hand (1-6 basically). I didn't use a mouse with extra buttons back on live but it is super nice.
  20. IIRC the only reason the alpha slot exists in its current form is because internal testing with the ability to pick extra slots broke the game. Not in terms of making characters too powerful, but literally broke the game. That being said, it is still possible to get 6-slotted everything without breaking the game but you'd need to have GM access level 11 to do it.
  21. lol is this guy serious? Since I really doubt he's going to reply (because he'd be looking for a nonexistent list) I'll answer for him - in the entire history of this game only one power or mechanic has ever been nerfed solely for PvP reasons and it's probably a pretty obscure nerf that most people don't know about. The problem with Long Range Teleport is its animation time and interrupt time, the limited zones available to teleport to, and the fact that you have to take two useless powers to get it.
  22. The first one is 3% for players, lieutenants, and minions, and 6% for anything higher (assuming you slot the catalyzed version).
  23. Sort of - they give up some AoE ability to get there though.
  24. Scrappers have a higher base damage and crit ability. A Brute at its damage cap will do slightly less damage than a Scrapper but in the absence of lots and lots of external buffs the damage disparity is larger. EDIT: Bit more info - Brute will do better at holding aggro and is more survivable, all other things being equal. Brutes are better in farming situations because if you're at or near the damage cap on both the Brute will still be roughly 1.5x more survivable just based on the difference in resistance caps.
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