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Everything posted by macskull

  1. I dunno, it's pretty trivial to toggle on/off travel powers with a keybind, and even with PvE travel suppression Hurdle + Combat Jumping doesn't suppress and gives you excellent movement control.
  2. Even ignoring the legitimate responses of the poster who replied to this originally, the lack of willing and available players is absolutely preventing someone from forming and running their own raid. More likely than not if you try to start something in Hive 2, you won't have enough people to get rolling until Hive 1 finishes their raid(s) and then people start to stream in from there to keep the train going. Sure, you could do a raid with 8 people, or 20 people, or whatever, and it's been done before, but what's the point? You'd get 100, maybe 150 people a night jumping into the zone because of the quick rewards, and now that those are gone you're getting half that - but still enough that there are people willing and able to help with the raid that can't because the cap doesn't let them. Revisiting the cap to be something closer to, say, 75? That seems like a reasonable compromise.
  3. It's not too bad for me right now. I keep an eye on my insp tray and tap the button for combining pretty much every time something new shows up in the tray. As reds drop I just pop those too. I'm normally running 4ish minutes on the asteroid map, sometimes less if spawn placement is good, sometimes more if it's not. Duoing with another Rad/Fire brings that time down to 2-2.5 minutes.
  4. I have a G600 so I've got 12 side buttons but I only ever really use 4 or 5 of them in practice. On my Rad/Fire and Spines/Fire I've got a button for combining reds, a button for chugging reds, a button for Burn, and a button for Healing Flames. Everything else in my chain is in my first power tray in a convenient slot to use with my left hand (1-6 basically). I didn't use a mouse with extra buttons back on live but it is super nice.
  5. IIRC the only reason the alpha slot exists in its current form is because internal testing with the ability to pick extra slots broke the game. Not in terms of making characters too powerful, but literally broke the game. That being said, it is still possible to get 6-slotted everything without breaking the game but you'd need to have GM access level 11 to do it.
  6. lol is this guy serious? Since I really doubt he's going to reply (because he'd be looking for a nonexistent list) I'll answer for him - in the entire history of this game only one power or mechanic has ever been nerfed solely for PvP reasons and it's probably a pretty obscure nerf that most people don't know about. The problem with Long Range Teleport is its animation time and interrupt time, the limited zones available to teleport to, and the fact that you have to take two useless powers to get it.
  7. The first one is 3% for players, lieutenants, and minions, and 6% for anything higher (assuming you slot the catalyzed version).
  8. Sort of - they give up some AoE ability to get there though.
  9. Scrappers have a higher base damage and crit ability. A Brute at its damage cap will do slightly less damage than a Scrapper but in the absence of lots and lots of external buffs the damage disparity is larger. EDIT: Bit more info - Brute will do better at holding aggro and is more survivable, all other things being equal. Brutes are better in farming situations because if you're at or near the damage cap on both the Brute will still be roughly 1.5x more survivable just based on the difference in resistance caps.
  10. Barrier, Avid, and I are putting our names in. Will update with globals and character names. Barrier - Fire/Poison Corr, Ice/Plant Blaster Avid - Fire/Nature Corr, Ice/Plant Blaster Macskull - Fire/Emp Corr, Ice/Pain Corr Apparently our team name is "macskull and the farm targets"
  11. Why not just create another account and use it as a go-between?
  12. It's a good thing that this has never once happened in this game. (No sarcasm there, it literally hasn't.)
  13. Power Boost is still going to be plenty useful for a /Cold, you just won't get extra -special from Benumb.
  14. Not being on the league has never stopped people from getting the reward table.
  15. Has there been any consideration given to removing the area factor from the PvP damage formula entirely? IMO they should be treated as single-target attacks on the basis that they're not being used against multiple targets anyways. Also, is changing regen back to HoT for PvP (for those few powers that do this) still a thing that's being looked into?
  16. The issue now becomes if you're trying to do it during off hours you have to be far more picky about what you can get into the Hive since you're only gonna get 50 and you either need 1) everyone prepared to zerg it or 2) the right mix of characters, and the odds of having either of those aren't always great. I think this change sucks, personally, not because it means "oh no we can't get a bunch of really fast merits" but because there are going to be dozens of people every night that are perfectly willing and able to take down Hami that won't be able to because the zone will be full an hour before the advertised raid start time. As far as my own gameplay goes, I'm pretty indifferent, though it is too bad that Hami is no longer worth my time.
  17. Almost everything we do as players in this game is to stack the deck in our favor - hell, just look at how OP a single character is even at base level compared to your average NPC, and then compare that to most other MMOs. I don't need to use an AE mission to make that kind of inf or XP, it's just a little faster and a little easier. If you really want to stop something like that then sure, you can disable XP and rewards for AE missions, but I think if that were to happen a not-insignificant portion of the playerbase would either significantly cut down on their play time or jump ship to a different server.
  18. By this logic, a team of 8 competent players running any content in the game is an exploit.
  19. Even with the changes to Tanker damage modifiers and damage cap, a Brute at its damage cap will still do more damage than a Tanker at its cap, and can reach that cap more easily. When I'm farming on my Brute reds don't drop fast enough (unless I'm solo) to keep myself at the damage cap, and I'd need 8 more small reds every minute to keep the same damage on a Tank.
  20. >implying there is a "right" way to do anything in this game
  21. Here is a build I found from @Dan Petro in the PvP Discord: http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1510&c=692&a=1384&f=HEX&dc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would probably make a few changes to that build, personally, I think that build as-is would have some significant endurance issues without outside buffs, but it should give you an idea of what to build for. There's a "general build philosophy" thread in these forums that discusses build goals in the current PvP meta which should help explain why things are the way they are. If you're coming from a time before IOs the whole thing will seem completely alien to you I'm sure.
  22. Definitely sure, my Fire/Rad Corruptor has it. If you're running the newer versions of Mids Reborn you'll see it there too. If you're looking for it on the Wiki it's not there since it was a SCORE addition.
  23. Defenders and Corruptors already have Flame Mastery: Consume Char Fire Shield Rise of the Phoenix Greater Fire Sword Would like to see an Ice Mastery pool though.
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