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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I could be wrong, but I generally use this forum as a wishlist. I rarely ask for anything, and mostly mock people who want things to be made easier.
  2. Going back to original problem: you have to cure 20 lost, and it’s just too much to handle: I’ve never had this before level 12, and you say you are already going to Perez and that untoggling is too much. First, I’d put an end reduction IO in all your toggles. Second, don’t be afraid to take a knee and Rest. I can’t imagine any of the Lost in Perez can hit you when you are resting, but I’ll be happy to reimburse you for any inspirations you have to spend.
  3. I saw one of your Hecatombs eating the carcass of one of the procs. You run your farm your way, but we’re watching...
  4. You’re right. I’m sorry. retracted mean comments
  5. Maybe I suck at reading and maybe I’m a dick. I don’t think either is true. but if you want the devs to spend even thirty seconds to make changes that even a toddler can overcome in five minutes?
  6. I’m sorry, I just can’t come up with another way to make it even easier than spending five minutes fighting greys. Maybe you should go back to playing tic-tac-toe or find an easier game?
  7. Obviously the problem is that the OP is either alone or is in a really small minority of those who are overburdened and is unable to work themselves out of a pickle. solution: go to Perez park, north end but south of the wall. By the time you get the lost cure, the lost who spawn there should be grey to you. You can turn off all your toggles and cure the lost with no risk
  8. The fact that you and I are even posting about this indicates that we all have way too much free time. I've never rested using this power, and I've never needed it to regen faster. How are you playing? If you are playing a melee alt, have you toggled your defense toggles on? Are you using a power other than Brawl on your opponents?
  9. And yet, after 16 years, you want to change the recharge rate ad endurance cost of a power that is in play for 5 minutes?
  10. Nah. We don’t need any more perks. Certainly not account wide perks! If OP wants validation from playing past lvl 100, then I suggest telling people in broadcast and getting validation there. “Oooh!”
  11. But the Lost and the Rikti are two different villain groups...
  12. You hit 50, you are incarnate, you are grinding level 50 content, and you want more rewards? What exactly do you want to be rewarded with? I'm all for more shinies. Badges galore. If you like playing your 50 and that's not reward enough, I'm sorry.
  13. I'm flabbergasted, and I run this mission on all my alts. You can kill this mission in three minutes. You want to cut that time to one minute? I vote that developer attention should be spent on larger issues, IMO.
  14. Possibly a topic for a different thread, but I'd love it if there were an intermediate level between EB (which are generally easily soloable) and AV.
  15. Oh, this is about power gaming? Maybe OP is playing the wrong game if squeezing out that last erg of power is necessary to them. To me, power gaming in CoH is kind of like playing tic-tac-toe for Russian roulette. It's really hard to lose.
  16. I think, in general, I am grateful for what the devs have done, and that we have a stable server with a large user base. Personally, I’d be fine if there were never any changes in content or sets. I’m a prolific alter, but I’m nowhere near having played every set or every mission. As for new sets, I’d much rather see a cool concept than power creep that takes all the best parts of other sets. The skill level it takes to succeed with the worst combinations is so low, that a new overpowered set is to me a ludicrous idea. as far as player input, I appreciate that they listen to us, but there is no way I’d sign off on letting the lunatics run the asylum! If you want that much input, launch your own server and run it how you want! I’m supportive of whatever HC does and if that changes I’ll go somewhere else or launch my own server.
  17. My experience: * I seem to average about 1.25 ATOs per pack * Selling the ATOs generally covers the cost of the pack, with "everything else" being profit * I suggest diversifying by buying 10+ packs at a time rather than just one at a time * When I kept track, ROI seemed to be around the 25% area. * It gets really tedious really quickly
  18. That's it, I'm gonna make an alt that does nothing but street sweep! Obviously a staff fighter of some sort (with the broom skin).
  19. Exactly. Well, in theory you could bid more than 100k, but you can buy all you want there. I don't know how much of this was HC and how much was on Live, but this current incarnation of CoH does a great job of keeping the market in pretty tight bands. Between salvage seeding, fungibility, converters, and merit/ticket vendors, I'm not sure there is anything that has a restricted supply. Maybe Hammy-os?
  20. What's been your favorite part so far? For me, it's getting a new alt up to about level 22, so I end up with a lot of alts and I rarely take them to 50 and incarnate.
  21. Not sure v. Regular drops, but for ticket farmers who normally sell rare salvage, it looks like about 75k would be a break even price for yellow. 540 tickets for random rare v. 80 tickets for specific uncommon, ratio of 6.75:1. Assuming a 500k price for rates, that’s just under 75k for yellows.
  22. I’m not too concerned. I don’t craft like I used to, but an extra few thousand inf is a rounding error when I’m making millions per craft. Frankly, it’s probably great for anyone who is a seller of salvage and it’s putting inf in their hands.
  23. That's awful! At least you could give them converters or something useful.
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