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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. You are heard. And you are validated.
  2. My namesake was a mashup of Lobo and the main villain from a D&D campaign in the late 80s. But mostly my inspirations are either from literature, or really bad puns.
  3. Not me. I am the person who puts in bids for 10-50 at the LOB. I rarely need something right now, mainly because I thought about it five levels ago and it's sitting in my inventory.
  4. Interesting analysis. There is absolutely nothing to stop anyone from engaging in any or all of these activities. There are threads in the Market forum that take you step by step through making inf. Freely given, because this version of this game is made to be easy and to keep anyone from excluding others from making inf. I'm going to refer to something that Troo said in a different post. His/her concern was that people might feel pressured to make inf. I will say, if you want inf, any amount, and you can't get it, let me know. I'll send you to the right place to read guides, give you tips. If you cannot figure out a way to make more inf than you can ever use, you just aren't trying. "You're doing it wrong." That is not meant to disparage anyone's play style. Inf is so incredibly abundant, and we are all willing to share how to pick it up off the sidewalk.
  5. The AH slots are key. In theory, you would be better off leveling as high as you can. Boy, anyone remember fighting for an extra marketing slot when we only had, like, a dozen?
  6. I was afraid of that. So the concept is that the Cloud Sense proc "goes off" on summoning, which is not an action that results in damage? Disappointing.
  7. Huh. I, too, was puzzled, and I assumed that you took umbrage at my hate for Dual Blades. They really suck at level 12. I think that I've repeatedly said that there is plenty of influence available for anyone who wants to pursue it. I don't think anyone needs to be a billionaire, but if they want to be, and are willing to put in some effort, they certainly can be. I can see your point (and I cannot stand the power leveling followed by complaints of lack of content), but I don't see this as a real problem. I'll put some disclaimers in the original post, but I don't think I need to change the title. I meant to phrase it as a challenge, and if someone else wants to take up the challenge, that would be great! Oh, and you are wrong about one thing. I'm totally bragging. That was hard to pull off in the time span! I'm not going to solo a MoITF anytime soon, so consider this my contribution to CoH accomplishments.
  8. I second your suspicion. Eventually I'll get around to testing it out, more or less.
  9. In the words of Keanu, "Whoa!" Thank you. I would never have thought to click on the "+" in one million years. I'm not sure what to make of the Self Destruct and Fly, if anything. I was really hoping that there was some way to enhance the damage, or the probability of stun, or the magnitude of stun. Basically, I was wondering what wonders would ensure if I slotted it with +5 Absolute Amazement or +5 Ragnarok. Seemingly two wonders: jack and squat...
  10. Does anyone have any detailed info on this power, or know how I can find same? In the power description it says: +FlashPulse +Self Destruct +Fly, but I don't see any other information. I'd like to get an idea of damage, to hit debuff, and stun capabilities. Thanks for your help!
  11. War mace/dark armor is a painfully slow developer due to endurance issues. I’ve got one as a scrapper and it’s great once you are able to use ancillary pool powers to help with endurance. Incarnates at 50 help as well.
  12. Can I start a new character from scratch and earn a billion inf in 24 hours? tl;dr not this time, but definitely doable. 24 hours from character screen I ended up with 830,507,909 inf and had 82 items for sale. Eventually that should be over 1bn, but 24 hours is 24 hours. (EDIT: This was purely to see if I could do it. If you need or want inf for whatever reason, there are a lot of ways to do it that are better than this. I daresay that no one *needs* billions of inf, and that you can have a great play experience without it. If you do, however, want ways to earn inf through marketing, there are a bunch of good guides and good threads in this forum, and I think that everyone is more than willing to help you out. This particular challenge was self-imposed, and was neither easy nor fun. So it goes.) ======= We know how easy it is to make inf on the AH, but a lot of that involves patience. I wanted to issue myself a challenge and see if I could start a new alt and, without using any "inside" knowledge or cross trading with my other marketers, end up with a billion inf in 24 hours. I wanted to try out Dual Blades, so I rolled up a Fire/DB tanker with dual chain saws and named her Arboreal Reaper. Her arch enemies are the Devouring Earth, and she has dedicated her life to burning down those evil trees. I started at noon on Friday, as it was a slow day and I had the day off. I ran through Outbreak, sold my enhancements to trainer, sold my inspirations to the AH, and got to work. I turned on double xp, put settings on +0/x3, bosses, and started running initial missions for Susan Davies. Two or three missions got me to level 6, so I went to KR and got my radio. Tuned it back to +1/x1, ran three radio missions, bank job, get my jet pack. Head to the Hollows at level 9. Run first two arcs, ending up barely beating Frostfire as an EB. This got me to level 12 and I stopped leveling the Reaper there. By the way, Dual Blades on a tanker is an absolute disaster. I'm be sitting there for several minutes hacking at a boss, doing like 1% of his bar every few seconds, all the while listening to that horrible hacking sound. Even white minions would take at least 30 seconds each. I'm sure that it will blossom later, but I digress. Marketing-wise, as always, the first few million inf is the hardest. If I had been smart, I would have gotten the Atlas Park exploration badges for 5 merits, then used those merits on crafted recipes. That probably would have saved me an hour or two. But I forgot, and defaulted to buying and vendoring or trading white and yellow salvage. This was while I was leveling the Reaper, so after each mission I'd bank and reload. When I had about 700k, I bought 6 converters (which I could have had for free) and three level 15 Quickfoot recipes. Converted by Running, and one of the three was a Stealth. Sold that for over a million, reinvested in converters, and got to work. My strategy was just about pure rare roulette. I invested lots into recipes of lvl 15 travel uncommon recipes (running, leaping, flight, teleport). Convert by travel, then convert the resulting rare. Forgot that one of the flight recipes requires rares, boo. Eventually bought the rares and crafted them anyway. I bought lots and lots of Undermined Defenses recipes at level 21. That was probably my saving grace. There were hundreds of them for sale, which I picked up for up to 30k a pop. Convert to Touch of Lady Grey, then convert by rare. Then I added Mocking Beratement recipes at lvl 31. Lots of those come up for sale during the day; convert by Taunt to Perfect Zinger and roll. It was important to have a few different levels to work, since there is a lot less overlap across rares. I did a little flipping: mostly when LotG non-procs started selling under 4mm. But mostly rare roulette. If I had more time, I probably would have tried to work a few tried and true market segments like defense, damage resistance, pvp, but then I would be stuck waiting to see if someone else would sell me supply. As it worked out, I was generally able to buy all my recipes up front, then had bids fill as time went by. Now, crafting a billion inf worth of IOs really isn't much of an accomplishment. (Call it 2 billion, since I figure I bought at least 10,000 converters, maybe a lot more.) Selling those IOs in less than 24 hours is a huge accomplishment. There are not very many, if any, segments where there is a strong, deep bid; people tend to buy when they want things, and if they do put in wait and see bids they are mostly lowball. I could have gone the easy route and just listed everything I crafted at 500k. But I figure I would have made at best half as much inf that way. I can talk about my crafting strategy and pricing strategy, but in general I didn't hit bids unless I thought the bids were good. As the day went on, prices on things got lower. Finally in the last hour, I started putting things on fire sale. I doubt I'll do this again, but if I did, I would definitely use merits for converters a lot earlier. I went out of my way to make sure that I did not buy or sell from my other marketing alts, which actually is a far bigger deal than you might imagine; I estimate that cost me 100mm in and of itself. I probably put in about four or five sessions for an hour each yesterday and this morning. I had 100mm+ by about 6pm, and from there on out it was just about crafting until I got sick of it or I ran out of AH slots. This is obviously not the most efficient use of playing time or marketing time. Just wanted to see what I could do. Happy hunting! (EDIT: ten hours later: 1,018,758,107 and selling 13 items.)
  13. If you want this, go join up on Cake, play it, report back if you want. There is absolutely no reason you can’t have a presence on as many CoH providers as you want.
  14. I’m pretty sure I have a few in the bottom 10.
  15. So far this calendar year, I've been preoccupied with my surgery, so I didn't play at all for awhile and then was restricted to playing one-handed <insert joke here>. Not much actual play got done, and minimal marketing, but observations abound. Prices on a few IO staples have moved 1-2mm higher since the new year. You all mention the LotG proc, and I agree that it looks like the actions of one or two people. What's more interesting to me is that other sellers seem to have pretty good pricing discipline, so there doesn't look like a lot of deep discount underselling. Underlying demand remains good, and people keep making alts that needs those 7.5%s. Supply in a lot of other IO areas has dried up, and there have been some shortages. But I separate demand into sophisticated buyers and retail buyers. Retail buyers are price takers and will bid creep until they get what they want. Sophisticated buyers will put in bids and wait. There are entire niches that no one will lift an offer if there are more than ten for sale; they just put in bids and wait. But the minute there are less than ten, they disappear at full retail price. I remember one of the brute ATOs that I owned ten of, and they were the only ten available. Listed ten at 10mm -- nothing for a day. Took them down and listed one at a time for 16mm. Sold them all within an hour. But in general, I don't want to sit around like that. Lots of good profit potential right now. Some spots (like LotG), I'm not even bothering to craft anymore. I buy the dumps in bulk, relist them under the seller' ceiling, double my inf. Anything that has less than 20 of something for sale, and it's a good set, there's some nice potential. I see a number of places where prices are spiking to 6-10mm. You may not be able to sell 100 there, but you can certainly sell 5-10 there. Winter-Os and ATOs feel sloppy to me. There are a lot of buyers of the super packs who are content buying the pack and dumping the contents as is. As a result, it really depends on when people choose to do that, and I don't monitor that as closely as I used to. I worked my way out of the majority of my winter packs for 1-2x profit, but I still have about 2000 and I think a lot of people still have a bunch they are sitting on. PvP are insane right now. If you are not involved in that segment, you should be. Not paying much attention to purples, but I've seen some go up to the 30mm range. Rare salvage seems pretty stable right now, and you can make a decent living buying at 400 and selling at 500, but 500k profit per AH slot and an ROI of 12.5% is peanuts. Converters are slightly more expensive. I've adjusted my bids higher, because, hey, an extra 5k won't kill me and it's annoying to not get filled overnight. I don't expect prices to spike, but if they do I've got tens of thousands of merits that I have to do SOMETHING with. Happy hunting!
  16. Min maxing generally means optimization of resources and long predates gaming. Well, computer gaming and rpg at least.
  17. The beauty of this request is that the OP can see what’s happening on the other servers RIGHT NOW. There are no costs, no barriers to entry. Go join up on other servers if you want, and report back if you want.
  18. Yomo Kimyata


    That's how it starts ... dupin' rares ...
  19. A lot has changed since Live. 1. Every piece of salvage of the same rarity (i.e., white or yellow or orange) is considered fungible. That means that in the AH they are all considered equivalent. So when people sell white salvage into the AH it goes into a big pool. Then if you buy, for example, a luck charm because you need that specifically for a recipe, it comes out of that big pool. So there are no expensive rares and cheap rares; they are all the same at this point. This keeps people from manipulating the market on, for example, luck charms. 2. The developers seeded the market for salvage. They offered 10mm each of white, yellow, and orange salvage at 10,000; 100,000; and 1mm inf each respectively. Those are those really big numbers in the "for sale". That put an effective cap on prices, and for almost all of trading history, prices have been significantly lower than those caps. Going to your question: why is rare salvage so expensive when there are so many sellers and so few buyers? The answer is that the sellers are mostly the devs at 1mm a pop. There are sellers like you and me who are offering at lower prices, but that's harder to see when you have that nearly 10mm number staring you in the face. As to whether or not rares are too expensive, every day we see people who want to buy them complaining they are too expensive and people who want to sell them complaining that they are too cheap. At this point anything between 5,000 and 1,000,000 is "about right".
  20. I just recently started a Merc/Time MM named Billy Pilgrim. If the Vonnegut estate doesn’t like it, I’ll be happy to change the name.
  21. Sounds dead on (assuming a 6-piece set). A fair RNG would have a mean of 5 conversions (15 converters) and a median of 3 conversions (9). Out of curiosity, what was the longest non-conversion streak you had?
  22. I’d say a few hundred enhancements.
  23. Just started a new character. Here’s how I got him to 100mm by lvl 19: 1. out of Outbreak sold the large inspirations for seed money. 2. Traded yellow salvage (bot under 500, sold over 1000) for the first few mm. 3. Put in lowball bids for attuned pet damage IOs and converters around 85k. Logged off for the night. 4. Next log in converted IOs, sold them. 5. Put in bids on various attuned Preventative Medicine. I will need a full set eventually. The set is in good demand, some pieces more than others. Logged off. 6. Sold off the IOs I didn’t need for over 100% profit. Put in more bids. Invested in more converters and converted more of the pet damage IOs that I bought. Invested 10mm in portable workbench. Put in bids on lvl 21 uncommon Stun recipes. ( Stun because they looked untouched, lvl 21 because I’m testing that level range.). Logged off. 7. Crafted stun recipes. Convert by uncommon until I get an interesting category or one that will convert to rare by category. Then rare roulette. three days by the calendar. Well under an hour of active time. Over 100mm in cash and probably the same in pending sales. This was a real half-assed effort; one can do a LOT better than this.
  24. The only things that stand between anyone and a billion inf are: a little bit of knowledge (which is pretty much freely given in this forum); a little bit of patience; maybe scale.
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