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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I'd like to second some of the comments about using the AH. It can be a LOT easier and faster, especially if you are running as a tanker, which is not generally considered to be a steam roller. A really simple way to make tens or hundreds of millions (this is incredibly sub optimal method) guaranteed*. 1. Craft every recipe that drops that does not require rare salvage up to level 49. 2. Invest in some enhancement converters. You can buy them in the AH for under 100k a pop, or you can convert merits for them at 3 converters per merit. I recommend at least 10 per IO. 3. If the IO is uncommon, craft by category (right button on the top, drop down menu to the second option) until it is a rare IO. 4. If the IO is rare, move it to the AH and check the trading history. If every trade is over 1mm, offer it at 900k. 5. If not every trade is over 1mm, put in back in inventory and craft by rarity (right button on the top, first option). Repeat step 4. 6. Wait. You should sell everything either instantly or overnight. * Not an actual guarantee.
  2. Are you talking about the bug where there is no history listed, or the bug where an erroneous history is listed? For the former, the work around almost everyone uses is to put in a bid for something like 5. If you then select your bid, it will show you the trading history. You can even update it for something that changes quickly like salvage. If it's the latter, that's a real problem, but doesn't happen very often. I *believe* it has to do with the fact that the AH is not housed on its own server, and there is some bleed through. Miracle +recovery is probably the best known example. In my opinion, if you don't want to sell something for 600k, offer it for higher. Having a perfectly accurate trading history would still result in you getting screwed sometimes if you just want to dump it for 5 inf. That's the chance you take. Just about everything has pretty well established ranges right now. If you have any specific questions, let me know!
  3. ^ This. I'm trying to sell as many IOs and inspirations as I can now, and saving "everything else" for later(tm). I'd much rather extract 12-15mm of value per pack now than hold onto them for 6-8 months and try to extract 25mm per pack. I've never used the winter o's much, except occasionally a set of Avalanche. Believe you me, Avalanche is now going into just about every alt I have beginning when they hit lvl 7. Sadly, my computer has just given up the ghost, so no gaming for me until I replace it.
  4. What's the problem that you are looking to solve? Make them 50% more powerful? Just curious.
  5. I almost always use Form of the Body. My usual attack chain for groups is Guarded Strike for defense, Mercurial Blow (which has an Achilles Heel in it), Precision Strike, then Eye for the -res debuff.
  6. My mistake, I missed that! I’ve been trying to work my way out of this unexpected cache, and it’s surprisingly easy so far. I just can’t bear to open more than 50-100 packs at a time, but it seems profitable so far. I’ve really only used Avalanche for my builds, but all except Entomb seem to be selling well and to be covering the cost of the pack.
  7. Old Tfs are old. Developers had different motivations then. Now it is a volunteer session. Do you want badges, or exp, or content?
  8. So, I dumped a few thousand rare salvage into the AH. Last time I checked, there were about 10,000 bids all at 100k or less.
  9. From the tankiest of tanky tanks to the supportiest of supporty support, there is nothing you can play that will be unable to solo. Maybe you have to choose EBs over AVs; maybe you play +1/x5 rather than +4/x8. It's all good.
  10. I thought it might be nice to set up some sort of give away/exchange. If you have something you'd like to give away, post it here. If you have something you'd like to acquire but there's none in stock, or you don't like the /AH, or you're inf poor, ask and you may receive. I only ask that if you receive something, please use it rather than sell it. I hope this will drive traffic to this sub forum and maybe get more people interested in marketing for themselves. I'll start: I've got a bunch of Miracle +recovery procs I'm looking to give away to a good home. Most of them are unattuned and lvl 30-31. Send me a PM either on these boards or ping me in game @Yomo with your global and I'll send you one via email. Happy hunting!
  11. At level 30, and I’m vaguely discomforted with this build, and I’m not sure why. I’m slotted mainly for offense, and it does a good job of it, but I felt it would be better. Much like I consider escargot to be a delivery system for garlic butter, I consider a staff/ bio scrapper as a delivery system for res damage debuffs. I’m constantly in offensive mode and staff of the body. i feel like my staff brutes (/fire, /regen) feel more survivable and fury helps their damage against mobs. I feel like my staff/bio stalker is more well rounded, and significantly better at single target. I guess I need to work on defenses now as I continue to level. Also, I need to address the value of scrapper criticals on staff. Questions: 1. Does anyone know how the DoT of many staff stacks deals with crits? Is it only the first tick, or does each tick have a %? With sky splitter coming in two parts, same question? 2. Where do you slot Crit Strikes in staff? I would normally put it in a T2 single target so I can leverage the crit % for a T3 single target or a PBAoE. But frankly, I think I would get the most bang for the buck having the crit apply to my T2 single target. I had it briefly in Guarded Spin, but pulled it out when I got to 27 and put Obliteration in there.
  12. I knew a Winter Pack discount was coming, but would never have imagined a Black Friday discount of 60% off. I had parked a lot of influence there in 10mm bids. If I asked nicely, they would probably reverse it, but I’m not a complainer by nature and let’s see what I can do with this from here. i feel bad for anyone who had a bunch of bids for winter os in the high teens. A few months ago I was buying the hold winter os for 12-14mm, spending a few converters and selling them for >20mm. Not enough flow for my tastes so I (luckily) mostly got out of the market.
  13. I would qualify as saying that this is *probably* a display glitch, although Jimmy's comment seems to confirm it. There are definitely real items that have some screwy histories that are not bug related. Lots and lots of very small bids. Never post at a level you aren't willing to receive!
  14. You and me both. I now own several thousand winter packs. The very thought of opening them gives me the "chills".
  15. I’m away from the game, but I suspect I’m going to log in and be owning a LOT of winter packs. Never thought they would cut prices that much!
  16. I second this. Almost everything that I pursue started because I wanted one, so I bought ten. Still works this way for me: I get an alt to lvl 17 and put in bids for blocks of perf shifters and miracles. Slot one, sell the rest for profit. At this point, I've probably dabbled in everything there is to dabble in. I drew the line at trading Halloween salvage, however.
  17. War Mace is a great set. I’d argue overpowered, but it is what it is. But it shines in single target. Its aoe is good, but not as exceptional as some other sets.
  18. My go to sets when leveling: Entropic Chaos/Decimation For ranged Positrons Blast For targeted AoE Kinetic Combat for melee Obliteration for PBaoe Basilisks gaze for hold unbreakable guard for res damage
  19. As the one who posted "some people just want to bitch," I'm sorry to have triggered you into some sort of episode. That can't be fun or pleasant. I wasn't referring to you, or even the person I was replying to, but that's ok. I hope you're all right.
  20. Based on the title of the thread and reading the first handful of replies, I’ve got a pretty good idea of OPs motives and endgame. It’s pretty transparent. Frankly, I’d be fine if there wasn’t a drop of new anything. I’m nowhere near leveling every power combination of every AT to 50 and beyond. I’ve probably run every piece of content available, but not recently. And if I ever feel the need to make a new power set, I’ll host my own server. *content*
  21. Expanding off the Empty Auctionhouse thread mentioned by Broken_Prey in the first post, what’s your go to policy for recipes that drop? Personally, I now craft every recipe under lvl 50 that doesn’t require rare salvage. Convert them into something if they are worth under 2mm. Craft every purple, convert until I can sell it for over 20mm. Craft every pvp, convert until I can sell for 9+mm. Rare recipes almost always get vendored unless I think I can sell them for more than 2mm or I can make 5mm from crafting it.
  22. I like to target 1-3mm per trade. How many trades you do per day is partly based on demand, and partly based on how many times you can convert something before you get bored! 300mm/day is almost certainly more than almost anyone "needs", but when did that ever stop anyone?
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