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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. This is going to sound crazy, but is there any chance you have this guide in printed format? I have trouble with videos.
  2. Out of curiousness, how did this come about? Did you post them and you sold instantly into the highest outstanding bid? Or did you post them and they sold "later" (maybe seconds/minutes later) when someone came in with a bid of 15mm? If the former, then there are problems in the queue. If you care to tell, where did you post them?
  3. I think I'd rather see a flat 60 converter fee to pick whatever enhancement in set you want. That's 20 in set conversions, which would normally get you where you want to go 98.85% of the time. If you want to ensure against that 1.15%, go ahead!
  4. yup. that's one of the reasons I love it, although you need to manage endurance use. There's a KB +dam proc too, but hardly anyone seems to use it.
  5. I’m not a mastermind. Nor do I play one on tv. But I’m working on a project and I need your help! im trying to set up an end game character that can do anything/everything a MM can do. I have a few constraints though. No purples, no ATOs, no winter os. Everything else is on the table. Consider an unlimited budget. So far, my only realization is stick all the pet damage procs and recharge intensive pet procs in soul extraction. I’m currently using my primary attacks, but can respect out of them as I learn how to play a MM. i appreciate your thoughts and input.
  6. You seem to be attributing things to me that I'm not saying. I am simply trying to address your desire for discussion. I really don't have a horse in this race. Why does a player want a crafted IO over a recipe? Because you can only USE an IO. A recipe in and of itself is of no use to a player unless it is crafted or sold. Why does a player want to buy a crafted IO rather than buy a recipe, necessary salvage, and take the small amount of time and influence to craft it? That's a deeper question, and where I suspect your motives lie. Maybe it's cheaper on the AH (sometimes it is, most of the time it is not). Maybe it's easier or faster (most of the time it is, sometimes it is not). Maybe people just want to control the whole process so recipes are the way they want to go. Etc. Is now where you tell me I'm missing everything again? Edit: duh. A critical reason for buying IOs is that you can buy them pre attuned.
  7. Finished Croatoa and ran some AE to hit lvl 32. I'm no expert on masterminds, but it seems like lvl 32 is a sweet spot, what with the empowerment power. Seems to add a lot of value, especially to the zombies. I think I'm going to need to take some time and figure out what I want my build to be at 50. Normally, I'd wait until 49 for that, but I realized I'm even more dependent on the AE than I thought. I should have realized, but didn't, that when you select a bronze recipe roll 25-29, you get the recipe at your level if it comes in your level. So, if I want things that are sub-lvl 30, I'll probably need to select bronze rolls at a lower range to reduce the odds of getting a 10-50 recipe. For example, if I want another Cloud Senses proc, I can't get there unless I start with a recipe that's 30 or below. And for that I'll also need low or middle salvage, which has/will stop dropping. So more tickets. Lots and lots of tickets. Also, up to this point I've been converting mostly roulette-style. I suspect I've going to have to start spending a lot more merits on converters to get specific things. For example, I'll need a Call to Arms +def at some point. Probably should have targeted it already. But that could cost me hundreds of converters to roll for directly. It may be something I just have to do without. I'm also trying to figure out what to run next for content/merits. I guess aim for story arcs. I could also just do them directly through Ouro, but I prefer to do them directly with the contact. That's inefficient, but that's how I roll.
  8. One simple thing that would help battle axe, not that I’m advocating a change mind you, is add defense debuff to slotting choices like broadsword. I even feel like that was in place at the origin of the set? But I wouldn’t bet any inf on my memory in this case.
  9. Recipes: - can not be stored in base storage - can be bought and sold in the AH in stacks of 10 - can not be used directly/slotted - are usually, but not always cheaper to buy in the AH than the corresponding crafted IO - can usually be sold to vendors (not purples) - can not be converted IOs: - can be stored in base storage - can be bought in the AH in stacks of 10 but can only be sold one at a time - can be slotted - cannot be vendored - can be converted Converting a recipe to an IO requires a workbench, 3-5 pieces of salvage, and crafting cost (which is an influence sink and disappears). Anything else? I'm sure I'm missing a lot.
  10. Hmm, in a way they do. You can buy a reward merit for 1mm, which you can then exchange for three converters. That effectively sets a cap on the price of converters at 333,333. i wouldn’t object to the seeding of converters at that price. They are a lot cheaper in the AH and you can almost always buy them in bulk, but I can see how seeding them at 333,333 could make life easier by cutting out the merit middleman.
  11. Isn't that the system already in place? I guess that they could simplify it to cut out the merit middleman. In that case, I'd recommend expanding the "fixed price" section of the AH, and put all the recipes in there at the prices you quote. I really don't like the current system they have with seeded salvage. I mean, you KNOW that most of the 9.8mm rare salvage are listed at 1mm due to the price cap, but I'd much rather know there is 9mm offered as the cap and 0.8mm posted by players, for example. I would rather they had put it in the "fixed price" section.
  12. I'm not really a fan of this, partly because I'm not sure what the problem is that it's meant to address? Are converters too expensive? Is uncertainty getting you down and you want to be guaranteed to get what you are looking for? I'm just guessing. I would much rather you pay a flat fee of x converters and choose the outcome you want, and I really don't want that!!!
  13. I rarely run IO set niches anymore. But it seems to me that there is a lot less interest in providing supply than there used to be. I’m guessing that most of the people who are in the best shape to provide that supply are bored with it. I’ve probably sold 30 crafted miracles for profits of 5-10mm a piece today. And I’m like, so what? What am going to spend it on? Boosters! J/k
  14. Miracles are back in a big way, so smoke 'em if you got 'em. I noticed the display bug was back, but that there were none for sale less than 10mm (88 were for sale). A few hours ago, I took two stacks of lvl 31 harmonized healing IOs that I bought months ago for 150,000, converted each of them by healing to Miracles, then by set to the proc. I figure on average it cost me 15 converters a pop. I just checked in and most of them sold. Note that the last 5 history is showing a lot of 5,005,000. That's me, but my bid was only for ten. Be careful about selling for 5 inf! You never know what the bid is!
  15. What's that line about engineering? You can have it fast, or you can have it cheap, or you can have it of high quality. Pick two! I mean, at one extreme, you can always start your own server. You can set it up so you are swimming in everything. But then you only get to play with whoever else joins your server. That doesn't sound like fun. The main reason I play on HC is because it does have the most population. I also happen to like the market system. They have designed the market system to be extremely user friendly, with caps and floors and all kinds of things that are specifically designed to keep casual players from having a hard time. Personally, I'd like it to be more cutthroat, but I'm willing to put up with it in exchange for the population. I'm not going to tell you to play on Pineapple or to start your own server. I will, however, suggest you really explore what you want and how you want to get it. It sounds like there are not enough recipes that you want at the prices you want them when you want them. You can place bids ahead of time, you can bid higher, you can buy other things and change them into the things you want. Those are three constructive pieces of advice. I think that learning how to use converters would really help you out, but that's up to you. If you need some seed money for converters, let me know.
  16. Galaxy brain, thanks for testing. I do think War Mace is the “best” weapon primary, but there are a lot of “what ifs” and “how about xyz “ I’m not sure I see a need to equalize sets. I have a BS scrapper. He’s awful compared to my WM scrapper. But awful means running +3/x5 versus +4/x8. At what point do we equalize all sets? My vote would be to nerf WM rather than buff BS.
  17. Hmm. To OP, what sort of recipes are you looking for? And are you putting bids on what you want, or are you wanting there to be supply waiting for you when you are ready to bid? Finally, is there supply, but is it listed out of what you want to pay? In general, most people know at this point what are good recipes and what are bad. So if I get a LotG recharge recipe to drop, I’m going to see what sells for more, the recipe or the IO after I get salvage and craft it. Usually it’s the enhancement that’s worth more. So you really can’t complain if someone would rather sell a crafted enhancement rather than a recipe you want. Are you familiar with enhancement converters? They really are magic. If you want, for example, a lvl 50 unbreakable guard +7.5% hp, you can start with any unbreakable guard and convert in set until you get the one you want. A more cost effective way is to start with a Titanium Coating, convert by res damage until you get unbreakable guard. Also, I strongly recommend selling things you don’t want to buy things you do. It’s generally more cost effective than just using converters
  18. "What YOU are missing is that my beef is with the argument that there was so much built up inf in the system that when there was an outlet it blew. " I'm sorry, but you choosing to reply to the previous sentence and ignore the sentence above just shows that you are simply not paying attention. I don't think you are stupid. You may be. But you are certainly not paying attention. My message had zero to do with RMT. It didn't with my interaction with MacSkull. I don't know why you all think RMT is so important. What I am simply stating is this: before the auction house, there was a 2bn cap. There is a lot of talk about how when the auction house came into being, there were suddenly hundreds of trillions of zillions of inf that got spent on one glad armor proc. That is untrue, and if you can't see that, I'm sorry. There was probably a few hundred of billion of inf in total, not more. I have no, zero, thoughts on what gold farmers were doing then or now.
  19. Sigh. you are right of course. The RMT inf/$ amount had to do with what people thought their time was worth. But I'm not missing the point and I resent that you think I am that stupid. What YOU are missing is that my beef is with the argument that there was so much built up inf in the system that when there was an outlet it blew. It has nothing to do with RMT. I don;t know why you or MacSkull seem to think that RMT is important to inflation other than that farming increases inf. I wasn't arguing against that. I am arguing, very specifically, that the statement that there was so much inf in the system before the AH was instituted that it had a lasting effect on the market, is bunk, bullshit, ignorant lies. There could not have been more than 2bn per toon. I'm not arguing about RMTers. I'm simply stating that there was not a near infinite amount of influence in the system.
  20. Everyone says that when Live went to an AH, the huge amounts of accrued inf were crazy. But at the time that got instituted, there was, at most, 2bn per character. So in the moment they instituted a free market, there was at most 2bn per toon. There were a lot of toons, but very few of them were maxed out. RMT sellers were not about accrued wealth; they were about income There was no one who decided to make thousands of characters and run them all up to 2bn and then sell out. It was about rate of wealth accumulation. If you could make 100mm inf in an hour, and you could sell that for $1 per hour, that was your thing. Good for you.
  21. I'm unclear what RMTers have to do with stored influence,or inflation. Are you saying that Chinese gold merchants (may not be Chinese, or merchandising gold) set up hundreds or thousands of accounts, built them all up to the account maximum at the time, and then waited or lobbied for an auction house, and then pounced?
  22. I hear this argument a lot, and I can't say I believe it. If people amassed thousands of billions of influence before the invention system, they could only amass 2 bn per character. They couldn't even email it. Personally, on live before the AH, I had a dozen toons who maybe had a billion inf across them. Even if you had a hundred toons who were at the influence cap before the AH, (and you didn't), there was no inflationary effect on the economy at the time. It occurred all at once. Not over time.
  23. So, I did what I am inclined to do. I started a staff/bio scrapper named Double Helix on Excelsior. I have no idea how I managed to get that name. I tend to level organically, meaning I play content and add slots or skills when I level up. I figure respecs are cheap so if I make a mistake, it's not the end of the world. So this commentary is definitely not for someone who just PLed to 50 and is looking for a power build. Like my last post said, I am pretty well convinced that I'm doing both staff and bio wrong, so maybe I can shake some people out of the rafters and get them to comment! Criticism is openly welcomed. At level 12, I'm hip deep in the Hollows. I haven't slotted anything yet, but I'm gearing up to spend a lot of inf on this one. So I'm working the market with lvl 15 rare roulette (that's my term for buying uncommon recipes, crafting them, converting them to something that's worth selling), and I've got about 100mm inf in the bank, so I'm going to start putting in bids for scrapper ATOs. My initial thoughts on the build? It's harder than I thought. My staff background (brutes and stalker) has a lot more recharge than this guy. I did finally add Mercurial Blow, and currently it's one slotted with Achilles Heel -res proc. Nothing does much damage. I normally run a new alt from outbreak to first contact to level 5 and then run radios in Kings Row until bank and the fly pack, and then I start Hollows. I usually run at 0/x3 for a non-melee alt and 1/3 for a melee alt. I had to dial it back for staff. Low level damage is not good enough, so I find I'm running out of the mission a lot to heal. I currently have precise strike (4 slotted, empty) guarded spin (4 slotted, empty) eye of the storm (4 slotted, empty) mercurial blow (1 slotted, achilles heal proc) hardened carapace (base) inexhaustible (base) environmental modification (base) An extra slot in health. I'm looking to put a panacea in there soon and when I hit 17 a miracle proc.
  24. Yes. It’s why I avoid hostage missions when I’m on a stealth alt.
  25. If I had to pick one way to make a billion inf as quickly as possible, I'd go with rare roulette. Plenty of guides about that. If I had to pick one thing to flip, it would be high demand ATOs. High demand PvP are in second. If I had to pick one thing to buy, convert and flip, it would be PvP IOs.
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