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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I just wanted to get that title out there. Also, I stepped away from marketing for awhile to see someone bought out a few hundred Miracle procs. I’m watching the higher prices with interest; the last time I checked, the highest outstanding bid was 6mm. I sold a few into that, but I’m more inclined to let people lift my offers a few mm higher.
  2. If you are not going the set route early, I’d slot attacks with accuracy, end red, recharge, damage, damage, damage in that order. Maybe move recharge back. When I go the set route, I’ll four slot melee attacks and 5 slot ranges ASAP. You can slot Eradication at 7, kinetic combat at 17, entropic chaos at 17, posi blast at 17. i also put a slot in stamina early and slot the perf shifter proc and the endurance mod at 17. I also slot a miracle proc at 17. Later in your build you can add the Numina proc and panacea proc if you have the need.
  3. Wait a second! Pendulum and Crowd Control are already 180 degrees. Does this mean they are going 360?!?
  4. Has anyone done any research on what level gets used when converting an attuned set? I think Shinobu said a while back that it works off the lowest level available, but I don't think that's the case. I also think Robotech Master said that he got a LotG by converting a defense IO that wouldn't have normally worked? (I apologize if I am misremembering names or situations.) I'm looking right now specifically at the recharge intensive pet category. Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcement overlap at 30, and they are the only two sets in the category. You can convert a lvl 30 enhancement of either set into the other set. Working as intended. If you try to convert an attuned Expedient Reinforcement (lvl 30-50) by category, you have the option to do so, but the message pops up "Enhancement Conversion Failed" and no conversion occurs. If you try to convert an attuned Call to Arms (lvl 10-30), there is no option to convert by category. Does anyone have any other anecdotal evidence they can share?
  5. Why don't sentinels get good when they get their slots, IOs, set bonuses, etc. if everyone else does? That doesn't make sense to me. I'll work on getting mine to 50 and see what I think. Right now, it's arguably the most powerful character I've ever played at that level. I wouldn't mind if sentinels were below everyone else at end game. Someone has to be. But if everyone else is at 1.0 and sentinels are at 0.6, for example, then I'd definitely consider a rebalance. Can you spitball an approximation how you think they rank now? Maybe this is some sort of "new car" syndrome. This game, both in Live and HC, seems to have a track record of introducing new sets/powers that are demonstrably superior to existing sets/powers, so maybe people are disappointed they aren't getting the ranged damage of a blaster with the defenses of a scrapper? That would certainly be overpowered in my eyes.
  6. Try something like War Mace/Willpower, either as a scrapper or a brute. The attacks are all pretty vanilla, with some KB proc potential to play around with, and WP gives you layers of defense, damage resist, and regeneration/healing. Defensively, you can choose to work on sets that provide defense or dam res and you can figure out what works better for you. It's also a ridiculously strong build. Also, don't be afraid to respec (or to use unslotters). You get a free respec every ten levels, you can run repec trials, and you can buy a respec recipe in the AH for cheap. Feel free to try things!
  7. I'm following this thread with interest. I only have one sentinel (mid 30s, Beam/Bio) which is a real monster! The title of this thread really struck me, since I don't understand what is broken about the class. Maybe you sentinel pros can enlighten me? It seems that each class has strengths and weaknesses, and that is reflected in part in the damage scalar (in this case, ranged damage) and in part in survivability. I think a simplistic view of it (my strength!) is something like: Blasters get 1.125 ranged damage, and are super squishy; dominators get 0.95 ranged damage but have control for soft survivability; corruptors get 0.75 ranged damage and buffs/debuffs; defenders get 0.65 ranged damage and better buffs/debuffs; and controllers get 0.55 ranged damage and control. (Of course, I'm ignoring inherents.) Then we have sentinels, who are middle of the pack on damage, but off the charts on survivability. I guess I don't understand why sentinels need a damage boost? I see that as part of the tradeoff. If you want more ranged damage but less survivability, roll a blaster, right? Now, I'm absolutely behind changing the inherent for sentinels, mainly because I only use it by accident and I cannot say it makes a difference in my effectiveness.
  8. Is it possible that you're already going as fast as or almost as fast as mathematically possible?
  9. First of all, I suggest marketing on all your characters. If you spend 10mm inf on a set for your level 20, especially if it is attuned, it’s a lot more bang for the buck than doing the same for your 50. There are a number of guides out there and will be more soon on how to make inf on lowbies. Secondly, I like looking at buying into attuned sets as soon as they are available, particularly if they add good bonuses. Melee toon hits level 17? Slap a 4-set of Kinetic Combat in there for the defense bonus. I use Entropic Chaos and Basilisks Gaze for the recharge bonus. They aren’t free, but aren’t very expensive.
  10. My first wave of alts recently hit 50, and I’ve started this process myself. I would ask myself two questions: how complete was my character without incarnates; and what do I want to do with it afterwards. My broadsword/inv scrapper was full of holes, so I spent my incarnates on trying to plug those holes. My war mace/willpower brute on the other hand, was pretty much complete, running mission content at max sliders. His only real flaw was AV fights, which took too long, and the need for an “oh shit” power for willpower. I went with agility for him as well; it really is a great alpha for WP! And I found that I really didn’t need an “oh shit” button anymore. Would I shave off a few seconds kill time if I went Musculature? Maybe? But I like my survival profile better now, so I don’t really care!
  11. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride; Katherine despaired of ever finding true love of her own. Then all her bride friends started to die, and she discovered that she had the power to bring them back from the dead! Can Katherine and her bridal posse find romance? Follow us through Paragon City as we share the wacky adventures of: 27 Dresses Later (necro/kin MM)
  12. I played around with the Hero Packs and the Winter Packs. My takeaway, which sounds like it meets with other people's experiences, is that on average you end up with about 20-25% return on investment. I found that the IOs (and converters) pretty much paid for the pack, and everything else was positive return. I haven't spent much on Winter Packs though; my rationale was that there are ATOs I can sell for more than 10mm, but there aren't any Winter-Os I can sell for more than 25mm, so for Winter Packs you are relying more on the RNG giving you two IOs per pack.
  13. Does anyone have an idea of what kind of DPS is needed to take a GM down? Something like "you need 300 dps in order to break even with their regeneration, not counting debuffs"?
  14. Does 5-slotting the GotA speed proc help this at all?
  15. I've been working on my next "making inf from the AH" guide. Trying out my no-buy toon as mentioned in a different post. A few weeks ago, someone was really hitting bids on the converter market, and I ended up buying about 1500 of them for around 50k. The problem is that it's not on one of my regular marketing characters, so I've been experimenting with selling some of them at above-market prices.
  16. Currently at level 22, pure solo. I've had 11 IO set recipes drop total. That's a lot lower than I expected. Two were PvP, which led in short order to a Panacea proc and a Glad Armor proc, both of which I kept. I was lucky that I had the salvage to craft them. Two were rares, which I vendored. The other 7 became kismet accuracy (slotted), perf shifter proc (slotted), commanding presence triple (slotted), 4 sold. In addition, I bought three bronze rolls from AE, which resulted in (after crafting) a slow +smashing proc, a zephyr knockback (slotted) and something else I sold. I've used 92 converters so far. I initially cashed in 50 merits for 150 converters, and I have another 126 merits. Sitting on about 15mm inf, which I may use to buy SOs. I'm not sure if buying IO recipes from the workbench violates my no buy rule! I could probably make a decent living by just playing AE for tickets and bronze recipe rolls, with the occasional dip for an uncommon salvage I am missing, but I don't want to have to AE. I'd rather just play the standard content. I've done Hollows, Faultline, and have started on Striga -- that's where the merits have come from mostly.
  17. Yup, and there's an opt out box as well to stop from getting those messages in the future. But I'm still willing to bet that people will opt out of the confirmation box, accidentally sell something they wanted to keep, and file complaints. As it stands, you just click a mouse button a bunch of times. Personally, I find that annoying, but it's a few seconds out of my life and until they can read my mind to know what I want to sell and what I don't, I'll stick with it.
  18. Hmm, I think that I would oppose this, for what it’s worth (not much). I’m not a fan of making things easier. If you want an accolade on a character, either do the grind or do without. My 2 inf.
  19. As much as I'd love to trade incarnate salvage, I think that keeping it character locked is probably a good idea. We'd see a lot of Heather Townsend arc running otherwise.
  20. It is tedious, but I cannot imagine how many people would file reports to the devs that they accidentally sold their pvp recipes. I consider this a cost of doing business.
  21. Another way to make a few million inf. It says so in the title! Working on the sequel now.
  22. I try to run the Hollows and Faultline arcs on every character -- it's good merits, and you get the Ouro portal from Doc Delilah arc at lvl 20. I usually solo these, but it's not that hard to put together a team for either one; it just takes some time.
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