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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. If it is true that the only thing you were after is the +5 health and a badge...well, no getting around it if you want all the badges. But if it's really just the +5 health - go for Invader on Red side. Then, you'll have what you seek in a lot less time. You'll still be repeating the same content a zillion times, but it's much faster. (and for those that don't know - you can get Invader easily by unlocking Schweinzer in Port Oakes. ) I typically unlock him by doing the SSA out of Bricks, using the contact Dakota Berg. The third mission will allow you to get the Bloody Hands badge if you run it at 0/8. If memory serves, you can probably get away with 0/3 and be okay. I run it at 0/8 just to be sure, and it's always awarding well before I'm done with that third mission. Once unlocked, you can get all 9 mayhem explorations easily and quickly. If you have multiple accounts, it might be worth your trouble to multi-box it, and unlock it for a character on each account, so your upcoming alts don't have to worry about unlocking it, and can just load in an alt with it unlocked, and invite your new alt - and you can get invader at level 1, if you like. I recommend waiting until you have a travel power, though.
  2. So, if my ranged is 22%, and the attack is ranged, fire, despite my having 58% fire defense, the game is using the 22% instead of the fire value of 58%. (in some cases, depending on the attack from the npc) Interesting...so I can probably drop some of the fire, and pick up the ranged...somehow. Or, boost the regen. The interesting thought for me is this: someone will figure out the proper AT/powerset to continue business as usual. So, what's really the point of the change, once the cat gets out of the bag? That's a rhetorical question, by the way. Too many varied opinions, and some folks are too emotionally involved right now to have an intelligent conversation.
  3. So, I like to think I understand the basics of attack mechanics for CoH. But, it's certainly possible I've missed something, or forgotten something. My character, for the purpose of this question, has smashing defense: 48% Melee defense: 42%. Ranged defense: 22% A ranged attack having smashing damage comes at my character. My understanding has been that the game checks all defenses and uses the highest value. In this case, smashing defense being 48%, the toHit roll uses that value, 48%, rather than the 22%. This change is slated to come in the next patch, if nothing changes. So, where does this leave our characters? Seems like it checks both positional and typed, but many attacks from npcs tend to have two different types of damage. Sometimes it's cold/smashing, or fire/lethal, or some such. Do we know how this new adjustment will play out? I went to the Test server to see if I could sort it out, but my combat log moves too fast to actually see what's going on. So, does anyone know if the combat log can be logged and reviewed after a mission? If not, can someone elaborate on how the characters will handle incoming damage in terms that are a bit more clear for that first bullet point? I mean, if it only checks against "up to one", then it seems like it's possible it might not check for any. And if it doesn't check for any defenses, does that mean it's auto-hit? I'm trying to sort it out...but I'm too obtuse, I guess.
  4. I know you and I don't see eye to eye on a number of things. But, may I encourage you to copy one of your characters to Brainstorm and just take a peek at this content? I think you'll find it's plenty difficult as is. It certainly doesn't need to be longer. Took my SG 2 hours to complete, and we had to auto-complete against the two robots because we simply didn't have the dps. (it was essentially a come as you are circumstance, no attention was paid to team comp, rather the intent was to just explain the different nuances to folks who'd not been through it before. ) Well over 100 defeats. Over 2 hours. And the currency will be tradeable. And it won't be that expensive, given how it will drop after weekly tfs as well as the Aeon and the ITF.
  5. Sheesh! I would've never thunk it. But it makes sense given how you like to school me when I make ignorant remarks.
  6. I feel a bit badly that you, and apparently others feel that way. Just so you and others are aware - consider this: Initially, they had planned to remove the vet level rewards within AE. Our feedback on that - they listened to, and they changed their minds. Whether it was for something worse - that is subjective, depending on how you typically do things and your perspective, and the future. But they did hear our opinions. I'm still wanting ...well, more candid statements from the powers that be, and hope we'll get them sooner than later - as to the specifics of why, and what they hope the end result of this change will be. It was John Lydgate, (A poet) who said, "You can please some of the people all of the time. You can please all of the people some of the time. But you can't please all of the people all of the time." Which is strange for me - I know the quote, but never heard of Lydgate. Had to look it up, as I thought Will Rogers said it. Anyway, it would be a bit unrealistic to expect to be pleased by every change the HC devs will make. But I am somewhat comforted in knowing that they DID hear the objections and sought another method to curb whatever behavior they were trying to curb.
  7. I can see myself running the content on Hard Mode to accompany certain in-game friends. But, it wouldn't ordinarily be something I would recruit for to run, unless there were a badge only available in the hard mode run. I mean, there's nothing to compel anyone to run it, other than in-game loot which doesn't really mean much to me. The only reason I'll look into acquiring the new Prismatic Aether Particles is for the badges. After that, they're pretty much without utility for me. I can make more merits doing something easier, due to the time commitment hard mode often requires. The story of the new HM ITF isn't any different, the cut scene is the same, so other than badges, no reason to run it, unless, as I stated, some friends needed a hand.
  8. It's no secret that the 2xp from p2w is being adjusted to actually giving 2xp instead of 3xp. How about a 3xp buff available at a high cost? 10M or so, maybe 25M. A 5xp for 100M So, here's the advantages: Quicker PL to 50, which means less strain from farming in AE Less influence in the economy The only con I can think of: The same players who get to 50 and don't know how to get to PI or Cim. still don't know how to get to PI or Cim.
  9. I think you can - but that doesn't mean the players on a given league have done that. Seems like what the OP is after, is for an idiot/lazy proof way to ensure the players can discern league chat from other chat. Now, some folks have a special tab set up for league chat, and some folks take the time to color things. But there's a lot of folks who are blissfully unaware that any of the UI can be changed.
  10. Bud counter - yes. Instanced - I'm okay with it. But, with regards to the instanced version, consider the idea that whomever is griefing can do so whether they are on your league or not, can't they?
  11. So, this is a thought, and I don't think I'm the only one to think it. It may be due to learning curve (and my overall disdain for the normal ITF due to the senseless screaming by some npcs), but with regards to the rewards: Why is the hard mode ITF half as many Prismatic Aether Particles when it takes twice as long to run? They should at least be the same, if not more PAPs. I mean, with Aeon, you can incan the team (assuming you know where to go, and skip quite a lot, safely, effectively). In the HMITF, you pretty much have to kill your way through for the most part. And it may be that we'll get used to some of the mechanics like the Hostless Nictus...Nicti? And it may not take as long, but it certainly seems harder (and longer) to me than ASF. Obviously, opinions will vary, and some folks probably don't zip past parts of ASF and suffer as much as they would during the Hard Mode ITF. But I am curious as to why the rewards are half given the likely time differences in running them.
  12. Got it? Good! In all seriousness, consider this a mea culpa. I was a hypocrite. If you hadn't quoted it, I wouldn't have remembered saying it. Still, you should acknowledge your own error. I never said I solo all the time, but I solo a lot. Running off to some other game that I never heard of is an unacceptable solution to me, particularly when I don't see a problem. You are one who seems to believe that solo players and/or farmers are having a negative impact on the game. There is no evidence of this, but that's what I get from reading your comments. If you believe differently, perhaps you may enlighten us.
  13. A couple of options: First, convert them to trancendants, and send them to your alts. Your new alt at level 1 can hold these, and when they ding 50, you can play a bit, unlock the slots and use the emps for the new 50. Alternatively, just convert the emps you have now to reward merits now, before that patch hits. If you have so many that you'd have over 10,000 reward merits, convert 50 at a time to Hero or villain merits.
  14. Anecdotally, I don't recall anything getting more expensive or trending upwards before that patch. I've seen it mentioned, or even I brought it up, that we ought to have a market index to track such things - Price of Apocalypse:Damage, Luck of the Gambler Defense/7.5% recharge, Celerity:stealth, Panacea +hitpoints/Endurance - track the last 5 at a specific time each day, or a given day of the week, and have it be used like the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Obviously, more IOs could be added to those, that's just an example. It could help display how prices are trending up or down. So..my "experience" with that adjustment was bittersweet. The IOs I had for sale after that patch hit took quite some time to sell, because prices dropped for the items I was selling a fair amount - like 1M less than they were immediately prior to that patch. That was the bitter part. The sweet part is my stack of influence then goes farther; which I'm all for. The cheaper things are, the less I feel like I need to farm. (at least, that's my takeaway from that "nerf/adjustment"). I am never a fan of change, even if it's for the better. But, in the case of the HC devs, catering to a smaller playerbase isn't going to be the same as when the Paragon devs needed to adjust to a subscription base approaching 200K. There's probably not any set rules, and they're probably figuring some things out as they go. I'm okay with that, as long as they can make a habit of explaining the thinking behind certain decisions. In some cases, we might be able to point out different solutions, or different perspectives. But, they, and me, and the rest of us, we all have to try to be open to the idea we may be wrong in our thinking and change when things do go the way we thought they might.
  15. You have this way of putting things that makes me want to scream because while your perspective has merit, your delivery needs a lot of improvement. City of Heroes, at least the HC version is now, and has been since they put this in on the server about options. Options for me, and options for you. City of Options. I cannot put words in your mouth and say you've said this or think that - you've done so yourself in this thread. You've literally suggested people quit playing and go somewhere else because we're not playing this game the way you think it was intended to be played. Since you brought chess up, as an analogy, the way I interpret your words, you don't see the beauty of someone being aggressive and castling to the queen side while strategically advancing certain pawns from the King's side to crush your king, with support from the knight and king side bishop. You think everyone should use the king's pawn opening. I mean, any other opening would lead to difficulty in bringing out the queen and king side bishop. So that opening is the way the game should be played! You've obviously played a lot of other MMOs, and think this gives you some kind of authority to speak on how others should enjoy this game. Sorry, but you're way off. You can think we're ruining things in your head, but to express that - while I respect your candor, I do not respect your attitude and want to encourage you to consider just why it is other people play this game in a different manner than you. Because, obviously, we hate the game, right? We hate it so much, that we lock ourselves away in this farm and are too ashamed to actually enjoy the game the way you do? Get over yourself. Some of us farm for the influence to support the alt-itis. Some of us solo because we work remotely and might have to go afk at a moment's notice. You clearly have your "way to play ideology". It falls short for many of us and is unacceptable. You want to do things you way - do them your way. But for me, I'll do things my way and I'll not tolerate you telling anyone to go play other games. Rebirth is fairly "grind"-y in that respect. If you want a place where folks are desperate to team, go there. There's usually about a dozen players on at one time. Maybe 50-60 on the evening weekends. Me, I'll be here, advocating for solo play, because the last thing I want is to be teamed with a jerk who thinks their way to play is the "intended" way. Don't be trying to stick people in some conventional box. There's no air in there, and it's restrictive. Consider enjoying all the different ways people can play this game. How we can come together for a mapserver event even if we have no idea who any of the other people are. We can willingly join supergroups and chat over discord if we want to - or we can choose not to do so. It's our choice how we play. Who are you to tell us we're doing it wrong? Why is it you think your way should be the only way? How do you see that playing out?
  16. I recall a most peculiar fellow back on live, who was a perfect level 46 for back in the day, when we needed a "bridge" for sidekicks to get the maximum XP. His name: Naked Mole Rat. While I'm not sure what a naked mole rat looks like, his avatar was quite pink and he did look like he could be naked, or at least without fur.
  17. Just my opinion, but I'd love to trade incarnate components between characters. As for trading between accounts - here's why that may not be such a good thing, although the downside is limited. Forming up for a RHW, 50+3 required. So, the newer 50 acquires by trade the loot required to satisfy the criteria. But, in practice, we learn they don't really know how to use them. They don't realize that Hybrid is a toggle that turns off after 2 minutes, and needs to be re-toggled when it recharges. They aren't aware of the range of their destiny power, and half the folks miss out on the buff. Small things like these issues are why I'd be against it. Not strongly opposed, but cautiously considering.
  18. Holy smokes, reading through this thread...it makes me think of political crap like Jordan B. Peterson being interviewed by very liberal reporters! And in some ways, I feel like I'm just as guilty, for not really seeing each side from the start. I want to think I've come around, with some of the insights shared by some of you. I mean, I can understand the reasons for the change, even if I don't think the change will impact things the way the devs want. But some of you are just outright militant, for and against! It kind of makes me disgusted - and that's saying something, because I can be damned obtuse and more than just a bit of a jerk in my own right. In this thread, we've literally had people telling other people to quit this game and go play other games instead. That is not the community our HC devs are trying to foster. I can disagree with some of you and still appreciate that you have a right to your perspectives. But I cannot condone someone telling other people to quit this game because this game is an "MMORPG". It ain't. It never was. If it weren't for global chat channels, badges and arch-villains, I probably would have never teamed. Thanks to badging, I've met some interesting people. Met a few asshats, too, like any population, there's all kinds. Some of you ain't that bad. Some of you deserve a kick in the keester. But that's just my opinion. This notion that people are seeing this game as it was meant to be, designed to be is interesting. But, just because the game may have been designed to be, meant to be played in a certain fashion, that should in no way dictate how any of us choose to play right now. In fact, nobody should dictate how anyone plays. There is no wrong way to play this game, provided it doesn't violate the Code of Conduct. You want to farm, farm. You want to team, team. But farmers shouldn't be giving folks who like to team up any sass, nor should the folks who like to team give any lip to the farmers. And fun fact, a fair number of us do both! In fact, I'd say a lot of us!
  19. Why does it have to be one or the other? I used to call this "City of Options". I would like to continue to do so.
  20. Who in the blue F*** do you think you are, talking to someone that way? Shame on you! You've basically stated that anyone who solos should just quit the game. Screw you and the holier-than-thou boat you came in on! I just can't believe you would state that for all to see. That's seriously disgusting! Consider the taste slapped out the mouth of your avatar! See, I was going to leave, but just for that, I'm staying!
  21. You didn't see it because I foolishly left it out. So, again, thanks, and good call on your part.
  22. There's no debate, really. If you're even half-inclined to figure things out, you can make a billion inf in day. Maybe not every day, but in a day. Or, you can get all the IO sets you need for your build with no influence of your own, just making good use of the drops you get.
  23. Please know I don't like the removal of emps to reward merits. But, they won't be worthless, as you'll be able to transfer them to your alts. Now, if you're like Veracorp, who seems to predominantly only play one character...not sure what to tell you. Perhaps the HC devs can chime in about that.
  24. Hey, you know what - I appreciate your taking the time to contribute to the discussion. A lot of what you said, I already knew - certainly about the time to form up. As far as frequency, I suppose it just seems like you guys are going all day every day, but I'm sure as you say, it's not the case. And your numbers about playing while afk-farming are consistent with my anecdotal experience, if my memory is serving me properly. Given the proposed changes and what I feel like are the devs telling me they don't want me to afk farm, (and well, I have more than I'll likely ever spend unless a dev steals my emails or the game has a nasty hiccup and they disappear. and even if that happens, I can market my way back to solvency easily enough. ) Funny how the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.
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