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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Sure it is. If you want to play the holy trinity, WoW is still around for you. Don't try and force specific team makeups to complete content and let people define challenge how they want to. If a team of blasters want to try this hard mode and team wipe over and over every mob, let them.
  2. I did. I know a farming is evil post in disguise when I see it. :)
  3. No thank you. hard pass on locking costume pieces and more temps behind badge collecting too. Sounds like a "farmers are ebil!" thread in disguise.
  4. Good to hear that new options are adding to the game not nerfing. Folks thinking everyone should be the same on the same level regardless of level or build are just dead wrong. There's gotta be a good enough incentive to play and pay for a game. Yeah I know this game is free, speaking about games in general.
  5. Thanks for these. gives me some ideas and a good starting point. Appreciate it. :)
  6. The base code thing is a great example of getting burned IMO. Just my 2 inf. Why are you expecting lower level characters with lower tier gear to be on par with higher levels that are better equipped? Homogenizing everyone to be on the same level doesn't work either and makes the game boring. I kinda agree it's best to be very cautious about this. It sounds ok, but really need to see it first.
  7. Beyond that, I'll be curious to see how it works. If this means that there will be NPCs with auto-hit or stupid high tohit that blows through all defense and damage types that have no resists to (kinda like Hami "damage") then it won't be worth the extra rewards. I'll wait until it's ready for testing though. Sounds interesting for sure and a step in the right direction. Intentions are good.
  8. Been looking to try this combo for a while. I've finally finished up a couple of alts I've been working on and want to give Dark/Dark a try. Want something that plays well in iTrials and such. Thanks in advance.
  9. You're putting words in people's mouths. it's a suggestion people offered for what can be done now in the interim until harder stuff is developed.
  10. It's an option that's available to you right now. You can do this very easily. From the look and sound of it they are going to address these things by doing exactly what they should do - add more content and more options, not nerfing everyone.
  11. Sorry to disagree man but there's no hardship to any of this. You don't need enhancement unslotters to remove incarnate powers or to never even craft and slot them in the first place. I see people advertising for speed runs as much as I see those looking for inf/xp runs. it's easy to form groups here with others who have a similar way of playing. It's not an excuse to nerf everyone and try to corral them into one way of play. Replies like that are only proving my earlier point these posts are less about improving the game for everyone by adding options and more about forcing everyone else to play the way a few people want. This is how it should be done! Thank you. Clicking an option to not allow incarnates or buffed enemies IS a self imposed restriction. The game isn't coded to do it automatically. You make that choice man.
  12. Going to have to agree to disagree here. sorry but a couple of mouse clicks to unslot incarnate powers or never bothering with them to begin with isn't a hardship or big hoop. People are more than welcome to advertise and form their own teams and groups here. Just as easy to post "forming non-incarnate slotted team for TF" to LFG as anything else. people can form their own SGs and invite others who play the same way and team up with each other for some fun. just my own observation but I think these posts are always more about people not being able to find teammates who are willing to play under the restrictions they want, so they come here to ask everyone be nerfed. that's the beauty of the game we have now. you can do both if you want to without having it forced on you.
  13. Is unslotting incarnates or never even crafting/slotting them in the first place that much of a hardship? It's not much different than selecting options when setting up a TF or changing difficulty for solo play.
  14. There's plenty of content in AE designed to be challenging for incarnate level teams. People can run it all they want or create their own. That's kinda what AE is for.
  15. which do you suppose is going to expand the game - which they say they want to do - and which one isn't?
  16. LOL! Nice try, not arguing for this change at all. I'm not that anal about how others should or shouldn't be playing. I don't mind incarnate stuff being used in this content to be honest. Scroll up and read what @Apparition posted, it was all part of the Paragon plan. again, advocate for more stuff to do at incarnate level instead of nerfing everyone.
  17. I don't see this as a huge problem. depends on a couple of things. I know people who really do like teaming but do this because they're playing a TW or KM toon where sticking with the group means stuff dies before you can even get 1 attack off. that can get boring.
  18. Wasn't talking about rewards. it's about crying about feeling overpowered doing content that was never designed for that power level. if you don't want to play using incarnates, don't. unslot incarnates, set your TF settings to buffed enemies and whatever other settings you want and go have fun. Let others play how they like.
  19. No more bizarre than crying about feeling overpowered running as an incarnate doing content that wasn't designed for or balanced around them. This is like complaining about being level 50 and getting no challenge from fighting Hellions in Atlas. should be advocating for more level 50+ stuff to do, not nerfing stuff for everyone else because you don't like it.
  20. No thanks. Unslot your incarnate stuff and have others on your team do the same and play to your hearts content. You get to play the way you want and others can play the way they want. win win for everyone. You thought wrong.
  21. No thanks. I like being able to purchase what I want when I want. most all items are part of a much needed inf sink too.
  22. Don't disagree with the sentiment but challenging isn't the word I'd use. More like tedious.
  23. Don't apologize man. What a wonderful thing it is to be able to ask for advice and share builds and play the game we all love so much again. keep those requests coming!
  24. Absolutely worthwhile IMO. No idea why you'd think shield isn't tank friendly. Resistances aren't much of an issue when you aren't getting hit. Have a couple of shield tanks myself. Shield/Broadsword, Shield/Psi Melee are both really fun. Working on Shield/Dark Melee next. My son loves his Shield/SJ tanker. Definitely worthwhile IMO.
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