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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. No it's people not appreciating what they have and being intolerant of others who don't play the same way they do.
  2. always find it amazing how a community that loves to say how welcoming/tolerant/great it is has some of the most intolerant people ever. lol
  3. No. Not necessary. and farming was always, always part of CoH. If you think it wasn't you never played the game before. What's "playing properly?" lol the LFG channel is for everyone to use to find others to group with.
  4. If you're running the same content like WSTs over and over, you're farming.
  5. How do you know the people asking for farms aren't vets looking for some levels on an alt? you're assuming they're new players fresh to the game.
  6. Totally agreed! The same people here who fancy themselves as tolerant and super woke are among the most ignorant and intolerant people there are in my opinion. Not saying the OP is, just an observation in general.
  7. That's fair. I know I prefer to run trials over farming. More action in them and more of a team sport. farming gets boring after a while and I guess I don't see the reason to farm stuff if all you're ever going to do is run farm maps. That's hella boring.
  8. I like this idea! Before we get anything like that I'd love to see account storage put in so we don't have to rely on the stupid email system. Man once I get a character fully decked out that's when the fun begins for me. Don't know why you think that people just shelve stuff once they finish a build.
  9. This isn't how it works in those games though. You can click on someone in chat and invite them just like here. If you have people complaining about typing stuff out, they're doing it wrong.
  10. Nice thought but it'd have to be a whole lot better than the Nemesis system in CO. The one is CO is very underwhelming and big letdown IMO. I mean really it sucks. You're better off doing this stuff in AE here since you have full control over their look, actions and dialogue.
  11. LOL! You're welcome. Zardoz is an underappreciated masterpiece.
  12. Need to have or nice to have or somewhere in between it doesn't matter. You're advocating for a policy while at the same time saying people will just come up with other names so it's no big deal. Pick one.
  13. So even though you're admitting people just come up with a different name, you still feel like you want a name release policy, even though you're admitting people just come up with something else if a name is take. Either it's a needed thing or it isn't. Pick one.
  14. Then there's no need for a name release policy if everyone can and does come up with a different name.
  15. Going to call BS on this one man. You don't have any idea how many inactives there are with every character slot on every server used, if there's any at all.
  16. Making a big assumption here that people who joined in 2019 used up every character slot on every server name squatting.
  17. No worries man I don't take it as an attack. I'd prefer no one get upset or offended which is why I said its worth the huge undertaking to rework the code to allow for names to work like they do in later Cryptic games. And for those who will complain, yes I know its a huge, huge, huge job to do that. But then no one has to lose out on a name they might like. In this case here where there's a lot of names on dead accounts from when the game was made public in 2019, I don't see the problem releasing them if those accounts were not logged in at all for 2 years or more.
  18. Having auctions for names gives an unfair advantage to existing players who have the funds. Newer players who are inf poor would lose out.
  19. Are you reading some of your posts? LMAO
  20. Like I said before, it's ok for someone to get upset so long as its the other guy. that seems to be the prevailing mentality. What about the people logging back in to come back and finding all their stuff renamed and quit out of frustration?
  21. Man calm down. If you actually read what I wrote - and re-posted for you - I totally agree with the two year login thing is reasonable. However it sucks for anyone who would like to come back to have their stuff all renamed though. You're saying you're not ok with anyone getting upset, then go on to basically say exactly the opposite because you're deeming the time frame reasonable and "oh well you can log in" so it's ok your stuff got renamed. So yeah, for the people that may take extended breaks or whatever coming back may suck for them. People who've abandoned the game to never return is no issue.
  22. I guess you missed this... Now there's been a couple of people here who've said they do take extended breaks from the game and it would suck for them to be returning to find their stuff all renamed. But like I said, it's ok for someone to get annoyed so long as it's the other guy.
  23. Correct. It's ok someone gets annoyed in this equation so long as its the other person
  24. Isn't it interesting how the "they can just think up a new name" thing only works one way in these discussions?
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