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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. LMAO! nice try but no. I said I didn't care about inf or merit or whatever gain being the deciding factor in what makes a character fun for me. but when stuff gets ruined because busy bodies pseudo know it alls want to start dicking with stuff because someone said it does moar dps! on a pylon run or whatever other stupidity, yeah I care.
  2. so I'm a liar now? right. got it. No dude, I'm not a liar. but I get it. some folk just don't like others who disagree with them and feel the overwhelming urge to cancel them.
  3. well yeah, I should care about it because you're looking to tinker with stuff that I think is just fine as it is and like the way it is. you may wind up making it suck for me.
  4. the reward for me is fun, so I could give a hoot who can clear a map faster or earn more inf or whatever faster. I'm enjoying my character and having a good time. that's the only metric to be concerned about. just my 2 cents. trying to homogenize everything makes a game bland.
  5. you're kinda suggesting that DPS is the ONLY metric to be worried about. It isn't. not by a longshot.
  6. Can't say this sounds all that interesting. If we get another weapon set, I'd rather it actually you know, used the weapon for all the attacks.
  7. yeah no, that was mostly used for separating PvP and PvE builds. they are different animals. no one I ever teamed with ever had a "solo" and "teaming" build. your soloing build should be your teaming build so you can take care of yourself and in doing that take care of the team. LMAO! so you don't tell people what to do or insult anyone then go right on saying how someone else is "ruining the game for you" and "should just be playing solo". classic! I thought you don't insult anyone? for someone who complains about others not being sociable, you don't seem to have any empathy or understanding of other people like to enjoy the game. Which is it man? Why do they need to accommodate you? why don't YOU stay in YOUR space? don't worry, we get it. the door only swings one way and the holier than thou has spoken. So it's ok for you to screw the other people on the TF by leaving the team short. Doesn't that negatively impact their play? For someone who goes on and on about "building for others" you certainly don't seem to mind screwing them over. yeah building a character that can take care of themselves is helping others. @jubakumbi is spot on about the holier than thou busy bodies here. How about this man, you play your way and let others play their way and everyone has fun that way.
  8. yeah I'm all for more options but would love to see an option to turn all of this stuff off too. visual spam is getting way overboard. has been since powerset customization. most of the time I can't see what's going on in trials because of all the spam. But yeah, bring this back for those who want it.
  9. So you're including yourself in those "trash people" too or is it just the rest of us are the deplorables because we don't build or play how you like? and omg lol wtf is "social build ability'? Dude seriously, get off the high horse. You're not better than anyone or more pius for taking a pool power to port lazy people. People build and play their character they way they want because that's what they want to have fun not you. They don't need some holier than thou doofus telling them to pick pools they don't want for a good "sociable" build. picking recall friend doesn't make you sociable. Treating others the way you want to be treated is being sociable. You do you and let others do them and be nice to each other. That's sociable.
  10. Man I know what I wrote. I didn't say it is ONLY useful to people who don't know any better. Good try though. You want to use it, more power to you. Keep right on going and use it all you want. I'm sure there's folks out there who will thank you for it. It's my opinion that it's a waste. feel free to disagree. for me I'd rather use the pool pick on something that keeps me alive so I don't need anyone else to waste their time to TP and rez me when they could be helping the rest of the team.
  11. Good for you. Did you miss this part of my post?
  12. Man I never said new or inexperienced people shouldn't have fun. you're putting words in my mouth now. I said it's useful for people who don't know any better. Once they know they can free that pool pick up for something else maybe even more useful because they can get ATT from the P2W vendor, the game may be even more enjoyable for them. a little knowledge goes a long way. I don't build characters for you either, so not sure what you're on about there. If you like it, great. Keep taking it. I don't care either way. I don't take it because I find it a waste. if you don't more power to you.
  13. LOL yes, recall friend is a total waste of a pool selection since ATT does the same thing without sacrificing a pool choice. It's useful for inexperienced people who don't know any better or for people trying to resurrect the old taxibots in the Hollows.
  14. Recall is useless now that everyone can have ATT and TT. If you need to move off to rez a player "in safety", you're not helping the rest of the team while dicking around with someone who took a dirt nap. Team can clear the mobs and the dead person can use an awaken or hosp/sg base it.
  15. Right so you're causing inflation just because you can't be bothered for the 30 seconds it takes to post to the AH. Getting more inf to pay for higher prices isn't doing anything but inflation for laziness.
  16. and asking for a way to cut off salvage supply into the market and driving up prices for everyone else because you're ever so slightly inconvenienced isn't self serving trash? Got it.
  17. Would be sweet to have scaled up versions of existing weapons get ported into Titan Weapons. There's already a good selection to choose from in sets like broadsword, katanas, war mace etc.
  18. yeah that's why I said there are a couple of changes to power siphon and such make it better. Not everything needs to be identical IMO. it makes the game bland.
  19. KM is not as bad as people make it out to be. Power Siphon can use some work to make the effect last longer and some of the animations could be cut a hair, beyond that it's fine. I like playing it.
  20. Man don't make click bait titles please. they're super annoying.
  21. What's the export option to get this to post the detailed builds like HTML or phpBB and such? Every forum type I pick and the forums here throw some kind of error. Data chunk seems to work fine.
  22. one of my favorites to play is my DM/NIN scrapper. The native -tohit from DM pairs well with NIN. here's the build I use currently. works well enough for me to easily farm +4x8 of anything. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1461;663;1326;HEX;| |78DA65945953D35014C76FDAC4D0952E2C65B316050B480097676714F40161D0BA3| |CD6585208C40693A0EDA35FC1F50B28EA8B1FC4F55DFD0AA80F32EA28C6D39CBFAD| |33CD34F36BFFF76CF79C7BBB549F8FBF3C7FF7B49092672DDD75CBA58AA36F6D198| |EBAAC7BDB8E6E89E6A3D23BF06FA5BC645886A1CDEBCE267F6DAFCC1B55A3E61ADA| |B259DB303D775B24566CDBD2CE996BEB9E595BCBF02FDBA91865BB5ABE665A564F2| |02DD4C9DBBC69D43CDD33ED5A8CEDACA65B7A61CBAC6867ECD5467949773DC369E4| |A898717A1D55E0F115715D16624E16133A73F20658015799C70CA632416E52E01B1| |63D52A08552609629F7325D15A694477A15E6B5D7CC036FC0B7CCAE77E07BE89427| |8C3C61E489224F1479E2C8A392AD025B05B671D826619B84EDB6CA4369D6A42628D| |708ED2D097633A753601ACC30BB284F24D8912F45A644102F058628688CE38AD820| |6B5E5188046BA1C48750A00D7E043F312314B31BF574DF636DF83EF88079F021F80| |87CCC0C53CE34EF5B491FE7BE65BE317BF6C01FCC99EFCCB99FCC28E5CDC2377B91| |7B73E81258022F330B57C0AB982FE5ED655FB917FDEE43BFFBD0EF1CFA9D5BE47C7| |7C8A79F7BA7F4FFE2FA8FFC06F799E37F401F14EC5B27DF01F80E3CE1B5C253E6E1| |1DF019F81C315F3063B4CF21AE551AEA978239CE9CE2DA6E51DC11CC672482FE748| |17166836CF2984FBECA733DBA06AE8326736203DC64BA34FF519C89519C9312851D| |8336066D870E49916B1445CCF636F94EC16E6A5F047527682F1A340DFDF5A8BE596| |8B33E3D62586EDD6EFA3495BCDCBAB3FEE2646BD59FECB09CED50E63A94131DCAC9| |0EE54287B222B7FE0B841428919468CE37A864374AABE88034CD5DF9D2D624A9805| |3BCCBFCFCBF7D91EDBFB6B590849B94C28DC9A0AB7F0155D8E116| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  23. ZacKing

    Advice on TW/?

    thanks for the replies. builds have been very helpful. Anyone have any TW/INV builds to share? Think I'm going to give that one a try. thanks
  24. ZacKing

    Advice on TW/?

    Thanks but like I said I don't want to go with BIO. I just don't like the look of it even the minimal fx version. Anyone else have a build they could share? thanks
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