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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Well no it's more about knowing the game has the owner's legal permission and they aren't going to get shut down on a whim. Has nothing to do with life validation whatever that is supposed to mean.
  2. That's great. Has zero involvement with NCSoft who might choose to act differently with their property.
  3. yeah it's also in their best interests to protect their property from theft. A C&D letter doesn't cost huge bucks and why would they need to go after every pop up? All they need to do is go to the courts and have it decided illegal once to put the law on the books. Cloud hosts aren't going to permit any future pop ups to run pirated software on their servers and are basically enforcing the law for NCSoft at no cost to them. sure, they won't stop everyone from running a private server in their home or parent's basement, but that isn't going to have a huge community of people. more likely be a secret underground operation just like this one was until someone spilled the beans.
  4. I wasn't trying to start an argument I thought the wording was weird. Seems to me the ranking criteria is off too. not everyone is using bases for the same reason you are. what if the new player is looking for a RP spot or just likes exploring?
  5. Meeting donation goals doesn't mean the game is legit. Does the homecoming people have legal permission from NCSoft yet? Nope. that means not legit. NCSoft can shut it down at any time and prosecute anyone using the code. point is, focus on becoming legally legit. then worry about complaining the part time volunteer staff aren't working fast enough on stuff you like.
  6. Well my rule of cool says it would be cool to have it as a cone or better yet a second AOE
  7. Seems like quite a few people posting here are missing the big picture. The primary focus should be on becoming legit. Without that, the rest is going to be pointless.
  8. Yet you're ranking them based on personal taste for how efficient you personally find them?
  9. Yeah spin your leg around in a crowd and see how many people you hit. Golden Dragonfly can hit more than one target too. the gut punch animation excuse doesn't wash either. It can be a Bruce Lee 1 inch type punch that can go through multiple bad guys.
  10. Dude it's a spinning friggin kick. it Looks way more like something that would hit multiple targets. making it a cone or even another AoE doesn't break it at all. it makes it even better.
  11. Why make Storm Kick a cone? Haven't seen the animation for it I guess...
  12. Yeah no, gimmicks don't necessarily make the set better. Some of them are total stinkers. MA is ok as is. Only slight change I would make is convert storm kick to a cone.
  13. You can call it toxic a million times it still won't make it true.
  14. There's nothing stupid about paying someone for a service. you're assuming that someone is online offering free pls 24/7. that isn't the case and some people would rather spend inf to be done quicker rather than waiting around.
  15. Constant?? Come on man that's making mt Everest out of as molehill. blowing it way out of proportion. I play ALOT like many hours every evening and on the weekends and I barely see a handful of LFG fire farm chat a week. in fact there is more SG recruiting spam on the LFG channel than anything else. starting your own private channel that you can control what is posted is an option for you too.
  16. Yeah I know its hard for some people to hear a different viewpoint that doesn't jive with their weird worldview. Play your way and let others play their way.
  17. Wait... you're one of the people going on and on how bad PLing in AE is and you're doing it yourself?? Also what exactly is begging? "LF AE Farm" is no different than "Blaster LFG". It's people looking for a team of like minded people to play how they want.
  18. Yeah running into some fresh person to the game who only logged in once who has zero inf paying for a PL is way more rare. I've never seen one since this game came back nor have I run into anyone 50 who doesn't know where PI is. Trying to paint majority in AE as stupid new people begging for PLs does not pass the sniff test. From what I see every day, majority are people leveling up alts. You're trying to paint this as the rule for everyone when it's more like the very small exception. if people aren't living up to your whacky standards for whatever reason, don't team with them. Better yet, start your own server and turn off AE, XP boosts, side kicking, notoriety settings, double XP weekends and have fun your way.
  19. This is like the shop at home service at my supermarket. lol
  20. Cool as this all might look, I doubt this project will ever be finished. Game tech will have advanced so far by the time it would be out that it will look ancient.
  21. I agree it is stupid. Yeah everyone knows all the "purists" out there never bought an XP booster, never joined a higher level team. ran a DFB or got sidekicked by higher level people. Getting rid of the AE or gutting the rewards into uselessness is just plain stupid. It's all about the "gospel of envy" Churchill was talking about.
  22. If someone wants to charge others who have the inf and are ok with paying for it, I don't see the problem. The whole mention of PL'ers charging are "exploiting" people is just silly. People with the inf are getting what they paid for. If they feel it's too much, then they'll find someone who will do it cheaper. Zero exploitation.
  23. I'm wondering how difficult it is to change some of the signs and textures they use to have different languages?
  24. Yeah the game has a lot of content no question. I don't think anyone said there wasn't. Story content is only one part of the content though. just poke through the forums here and you'll see all kinds of threads asking for more weapons, costume pieces, base items all over. more stuff is a good thing.
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