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Everything posted by Seed22

  1. Killing a boss and its' minions is in no way shape or form ever tactical. Its literally just smacking up a specific mob. That's not tactical, especially if said mob is effectively no different than the fodder you've seen in the map which is usually the case. Thats pretty much the only thing baffling me. Do people really think smacking up the same type of mob but with a nametag is tactical? Speeding to it can be I guess but strangely enough, while people seem to hate kill alls, they always treat these type of mishs as a kill all instead of speed 😂
  2. It's fascinating to watch people cling to archaic forms of minmaxing as if they understand the concept as it is today. 45% def waa never minmaxing on ATs with no DDR. It was, as most advice on the forums is with builds, misinformation that got perpetuated over and over again as to become a norm that should have never hapoened. I admit to falling for this misinformation myself when the relaunch happened in '19. But you have to look at the bigger picture. In a team, you will be buffed out the whazoo with so many stats that your pursuit of 45% will have been meaningless, and left you with oodles of lost DPS. All the while my procc'd 4* Cold/Ice fender will be shredding mobs while you pluck away at a boss for 5 minutes, because I chose to observe the current minmax meta; procs and damage with def being covered by the team. Some will try and argue they can pump out comparable damage with the 45% def toon to a procced out meta build in a team setting; you can't. Minmaxed proc builds obliterate 45% def builds in every single way possible with attack chains hitting for 400+. And thats on the low end before factoring in native damage and AT modifiers. My point being, the forums needs to catch up with and understand the current meta before trying to comment on and change the definition of proper minmax in relation to CoH. *Its also not meta to 45% def cap solo. Insp will cover any and all def you can want while ALSO pumping damage and acc.
  3. The moderation on these forums have been absolutely godawful for the last 5 years and getting worse. This isn’t about Snarky to me, he literally just quit the forums which i mean…big deal, so what? Still on the discord and game itself. But his situation does bring a concern I have to mind. Honestly we just need better and newer GMs.
  4. I’m on break and tentatively done making alts, but when I did I min/maxed. So with that in mind, Hasten was an auto pick, proc bombs where I could fit em, no pointless 45% def chasing on squishies. What I’m seeing in this thread is what I expected of the forums and in game community. Concept builds and other things. Though concept builder does NOT mean forgoing minmax. I build with elaborate concepts in mind and still minmax. A point I feel that needed to be made.
  5. I end up with 2 or 3 these days usually. Used to chase 5 when I made perma hasten builds way back even before shutdown. But now I proc bomb more, so thatll mean a good deal less slots for LoTG mules. People who are good at the game optimize the hell out of it, so builds can look very similar even if they don’t even look at each other. This game is very solved, with people trying to reinvent the wheel sometimes and making abominations in the process. As far as CoH being complicated? Not really. It looks like it on the surface to new players but its very simple as a game. Especially compared to modern games.
  6. Yeah thats the suggestions forums.
  7. Im with you on this. Theres no value in a CoH con. At most maybe 100 on a really good day show but most likely itll be 50 or less. Thats a lot of wasted money on the host and on the attendees just to see what is most likely just the forum population(honestly that would be my own personal hell if that happened). I would just spend the money to go see my RL friends vs wasting it to fly to a random location to see some people I talked to on the forums or teamed with once in a 20 yr old MMO.
  8. I wouldnt want a HC mode personally but its fine for those who do. I also personally don’t value anyone’s opinion who’s not a dev on matters of what gets added to the game. A bunch of nobodies with no experience with gaming whatsover over at least some volunteers with experience with CoH? Yeah I’ll hear it straight from rhe horses mouth on whether something can be added or not and not anyone elses.
  9. I can't respond to this with anything that won't get me a demerit but I'll say this. Fucking touch grass. This is the HEAVILY censored version of what I want to say.
  10. Empathy was my favorite set. My first blueside 50 was an emp/energy fender long before side switching was a thing I remade my emp to emp/sonic with perma AB and being able to keep fort on 7 people. Then I made actually good sets. That emp toon has been sitting on my primary account unplayed for the last 3 years. Empathy is heinously bad as it is. It's a reactionary set with no supporting mitigation to pad the blows that come in. And it's literally a way for WoW refugees to pretend to be h3al0rz still. 99.9% of emp players I've dealt with do not use the buffs of Empathy, meaning the set in their hands is even WORSE.
  11. I don't have one, so I wouldn't actually know on that front. But this would make it disgustingly worse
  12. Have you given this much thought? Because what you're suggesting would make it so an IOed SR tank would singlehandedly be the best toon in the game in all content. This does not bode well for, as much as I hate sound like a lot of armchair developers here and on the discord, the health of the game.
  13. Did you read what I was quoting? Tick for tat on that one. They were hostile so I was hostile back. And it's true, emp players will do Olympic level gymnastics to convince themselves and everyone else emp is good but everyone already knows it isn't. Those same emp players also coincidentally do not use fort or clear mind. Very interesting indeed.
  14. I have to reiterate. There is no correlation whatsoever to how you got to 50 and your level of knowledge with the game. Sounds counterintuitive but I'll elaborate. Say you've taken a year or 3 long break from CoH and are just coming back but have never AE farmed. You can still be an AE baby in that you probably don't remember how your build works, how to get to zones, etc. A lot of people who play organically also don't understand anything resembling an optimized rotation. I bet 2 bil inf a lot of people on the forums who champion the organic leveling experience can't even tell me how to, one, optimize a build, two, discern a proper attack chain, and three, get off the BS of pursuing 45% Def on non Def toons. Does that mean I have the right to demonize you? No. Best I can do is try and educate you on the above topics instead of negatively impacting your experience.
  15. Feelings make you say empathy is better than kin nature elec. Logic is knowing it's not. I don't expect logic on the forums though. Comparing base numbers even show that Dark and Kin are better. Can they miss? Sure. Will they in any situation where it's needed like HM? No. But hey because they can miss once in every 100 cast yeah emp is better I guess. You emp lovers will literally outdo Olympic level gymnast with the level of contorting you do to lie about empathy being good.
  16. Because they do? There have been a good chunk over the years who go "I don't know why people play solo" or act intentionally obtuse over people not wanting to team.
  17. Im pretty much done making alts. But when i was in a craze, i would just PL. At this point, I’ve done the traditional leveling experience enough times to know i never want to do it again. My issue hasn’t been AE babies, as others have put here, it’s been that the CoH player base seems to largely be illiterate and lazy, so leading content that requires a first grade reading level has been difficult, like HM. That’s indifferent to whether you got PL’ed to 50 or played naturally. The game never encourages you to read. Or rather, it seems nobody ever does because people lack the ability to read and follow simple instructions, no matter the content.
  18. Welcome! As others have said. Excelsior is a top pop server unless you want RP, then you're looking for Everlasting. Also, for builds and up to date correct information not marred in opinions or anecdotal evidence, use the discord. There is a LOT(mostly) misinformation when it comes to build advice on the forums, as testing here is off. Heart's are in a good place I assume, just not very accurate and pretty outdated info on meta building.
  19. I imagine the people playing this set will have the idiotic audacity to join regular teams and feel they shouldn’t be kicked. I say add the set. You all are trying to subscribe to the FAFO method, and I’m happy to oblige.
  20. I would agree with this mostly. The people who keep crying about “muh challung!!1” either quit 4* when the going gets a little rough or haven’t even touched HM 4. While that’s not super challenging content, for CoH it’s the hardest content in the game. So there’s your challenge in relation to CoH at least. So it leads me to believe that no, people don’t want to play challenging content in CoH. The one’s crying want a facsimile of challenge to thump their chest at while overcoming no real adversity or chance of failure. I’ve seen this personally. The second a 4* stalls for any reason for any amount of time, there was always one then multiple on my runs dipping. This was when 4* was new. It’s probably worse now if a 4* run encounters a hiccup. People seem to want “challenge” that doesn’t noticeably impact clear speed or even present a chance of failure here. Which is insulting to the concept of what a challenge actually is, but whatever, it’s their rodeo 🤷🏾‍♂️
  21. The good thing about CoH is that there are no walls to accessibility, and no real difficulty stops that’ll force you to adapt your build. That said, pretty much any build, even some of the worst sets in game, can clear +4x8 casually. And even can do HM 4. If you want to optimize your builds later, get advice from the discord. The best builders in the game are there, and also look into the rule of 5 and proc bombing if or whenever you get comfy with enhancements.
  22. I retract my retraction, this dude is a worse Diantane. I tried talking sense to ‘em, tried getting him to understand that this game will never be uber challenging, but no dice. PSA for those who are reading this: If someone comes to you in CoH asking for what OP ask for, assume they’re blowing smoke up your ass. 100% of the time, they don’t want this mode, not really. They just want to complain about how easy the easiest MMO ever is(by design) while refusing to play actually challenging games. They want to thump their chest mostly about allegedly being good at this relaxed and intentionally easy game by suggesting some outlandish mode that is the unfun version of difficult, basically irritating and overly punishing and imbalanced towards certain ATs while not actually being any harder legitimately than base game.
  23. Great hyperbole. People who DO play challenging games also understand the niche they serve and that they’re not all the same, also that not every game needs to have a super hard mode. Some games really are just chill and laid back. What you’re suggesting is akin to putting a Nine Sols mode into Stardew Valley. It doesn’t make sense, isn’t necessary given what’s available in their version of challenging content, and honestly wouldn’t even be utilized by 99.9% of the playerbase, so, as much as I hate siding with the folks who spam this phrase for everything, it would be a legit waste of resources
  24. That’s what I’m saying. You SAY you want extreme hardcore “challenge” and then if or when that occurs, you pull an Shadow of the Erdtree, complain about it being unfair, then review bomb the content. Except CoH’s review bomb equivalent is…I dunno actually. Yelling at the devs?
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