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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. CJ, Hasten, Tough, Weave, Fly, Musculature, Degen, Assault here.
  2. 1: It takes very little time and gets my farmer more vet lvls to PL an alt to 50. 2: If I'm not going to play a character I see no reason for their continued existence. 3: It's an easy way to refill base bins with good stuff. 4: I'm not a fan of clutter. I'm down to 52 characters but I plan to get that back below 50 soon. Too many tanks and brutes in my collection. 10 and 7 currently.
  3. You don't. I've got plenty of them.
  4. As per https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=epic.blaze_mastery.fire_blast&at=scrapper It appears the answer is yes.
  5. Wish I did.
  6. You're not wrong. Necessary? Not even a little bit. Useful for pulling off ridiculous shit that we shouldn't be allowed to do? Yea.
  7. I don't get the shadow meld usage. Does the effect hit instantly or after the 3+sec activation? And is the up worth the downtime?
  8. Try 'em all. Grab a 2nd acct, build a burn farmer, PL diff combos to your heart's content. It's amazing/ridiculously easy to max out new alts these days. The absolutely slowest part is gettin those passive accolades.
  9. I probably posted this already but my memory sucks. 2 mins with a mace/bio scrapper. Assault Core Hybrid was toggled on. Pyronic was used twice. Chain is Clobber, Jawbreaker, Shatter, repeat. Going through a big character purge. This one I'll keep. Cuz... cute redhead mechanic with a magic wrench. What's not to love?
  10. Does it matter? If a dev responds, they'll rightly do so in a way that is ambiguous as possible and if any of the rest of us answer it won't matter because we have zero input into potential changes.
  11. Even a fighting pool using defender that completely ignores its secondary isn't useless in this game. Superfluous, sure. But at this point, having a character that can solo a max diff, no insps, no temps, enemies buffed, player debuffed MoITF makes everything else superfluous. But that's a different topic. In the end, those that have stated archetype balance doesn't matter are correct. These devs have made the direction they're taking things very clear. There will be no rollback of the buffs and we can all continue cruising along with godmode enabled for max rewards and zero risks cuz that's what the people want. If you don't want godmode, play something squishie and self-gimp to your heart's content.
  12. I won't deny that all the time I have to waste chasing down runners with my main is a constant annoyance. And he's even got focus and shockwave to make it easier.
  13. It's even more silly how so many on the other side completely ignore how much greater the difference is between the mitigation values than the damage values.
  14. To be fair, that's how every single endgame build is designed regardless of AT.
  15. It's a whole thing. I still haven't done it at all but I get how the builds lean on tactics/focused accuracy to cover the tohit side and leaning on extra slots in conserve power and ageless for recovery. I don't do it. Generally my attacks at the end have the 5th purple proc and an extra proc and that's that. Edit: If I can get away with it I'll use the dam from the purple set instead of the dam/rec but that's a rarity.
  16. Quibbling. Value of mitigation difference, using your quibble, FAR exceeds overall damage output. Fact. You know the game tracks damage done right? There's a badge for it. Easy to test using farm maps.
  17. Again, you lie. Brutes can not achieve tank mitigation values without outside help because the base values are at scrapper levels. All they share is caps and any brute you build, I can copy as a tank and have superior mitigation. This is a fact. What you spew is lies. Edit: Also see HP caps.
  18. No it doesn't. It shows a claws tanker can outdamage a claws brute with spin at the damage caps and hitting all enemies possible. Of course, it does also show that over time, the tank is always going to surpass the brute in aoe damage just as the brute will always surpass the tank in single target damage, as you've agreed to. My point stands: Tanks have superior mitigation across the board 100% of the time and at no time deserve to do more damage in any area of the game than the brute. Those that think otherwise don't give a shit about balance between the archetypes and really should quit lying about it.
  19. Riiight. Cuz it's not easy as hell to dig out the info on every AoE thanks to CoD being updated.
  20. Claws Spin against 1 target Scrapper - 98.8472 Brute - 78.8276 Tank - 99.8481 At caps: Scrapper: 98.8472*5*10 = 4942 or maybe 9885 Brute: 78.8276*7*10 = 5518 Tank: 99.8481*5*16 = 7988 You were saying? It vastly is when you're not playing on easy mode.
  21. Oh FFS. Did you mean they don't do more damage than brutes? If they are doing more AoE damage than brutes, then they are doing more damage in an area of their performance. If they are doing less single target damage, as they should and do, then that is going to affect their overall performance. Were they CORRECTLY doing less AoE damage than brutes, then the clear all times would be APPROPRIATELY larger than they are. Tanks should NOT have been granted better AoE capabilities than the other melee archetypes unless their base damage was so low that it would remain lower than the other archetypes. Edit: And WHY is this? Because tanks have vastly superior mitigation than the other melee archetypes 100% of the time so should NEVER have better damage output at any level, at all, ever.
  22. 100% agreed. Every power in this game should have its affects altered in consideration of the power's cast time. (Yes, arcanatime, not stated cast time.)
  23. It certainly is closer to that for tanks versus brutes than it ever was on live. Again, the AoE changes were grossly unnecessary and unwarranted. Tanks, having vastly superior mitigation 100% of the time should NEVER do more damage than the brute. Full stop. Stating otherwise shows a complete lack of respect for an level of archetype balance.
  24. I'm pretending nothing. I'm especially not pretending that this crap is balanced because I've ALWAYS had some bias for tanks, thinking that they should be the Supermen of CoH and all other melee ATs should be inferior across the board like some people obviously do.
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