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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Much like ROUS, I don't believe they really exist.
  2. 1: It doesn't matter, it's a nerf and a silly one. 2: Someone else can come in with the math stating exactly how much less mitigation 5% defense is when dealing with CoH ToHit mechanics, but I will state this as a very long time Super Reflexes junky... it's a ridiculous nerf to ALL powersets that rely on defense.
  3. This right here is the kind of post that can alter an opinion. I recant my request for mez protection for squishies beyond what we can already access in game.
  4. And here's the problem. MMO does not mean that one must team. It means that one is ABLE to do so. Soloing deserves no nerfs. Ever. Which is precisely why the buffs I would like to see for the more squishier archetypes are buffs, rather than nerfs. Now I completely understand those that enjoy the added difficulty just for playing certain ATs. As a matter of fact, it makes me debate wanting those changes. But nerfing soloability? Bad move for player retention. Very bad move.
  5. Just wanted to thank the Mids devs for removing the prestige sprints from the default page.
  6. This. Tanks are absolutely the best for absolute survivabilty and damage output when ignoring enhancements and being a lowbie. Which, ya kinda gotta do just due to the way slotting works as you level up. A 6slotted brawl with SOs after all, (just an example, don't do this unless you're Houtex on his Brawling Humilator,) is far better than a single empty slot. Edit: And as soon as I hit save on this post, my brain went "oh, but fury damage in lowbie levels....."
  7. Fair enough. On my wishlist would be the ability to have a aggro cap's worth of enemies in every spawn.
  8. What you're doing is continuing to insult the rest of us by stating all some want are more rewards and it's all about that while ignoring that you're flatly wrong. I'll put it in smaller words for you. Asking for higher diffs with rewards is not the same as just wanting more rewards. What part of that is so difficult for you to understand?
  9. Wrong again. Willfully being insulting is nasty. I should know since I've gotten a couple 3day bans for being willfully nasty.
  10. Yes, rude. You incorrectly and malignantly state that those asking for more challenge are only doing so for more rewards. It's a false statement. An incorrect statement. The truth is that I want higher diff settings because it will be both more challenging and more rewarding. What I don't want is more challenge without corresponding rewards. That's why I don't run around with enemies buffed, player debuffed and no insps set all the time. If there were corresponding rewards for doing so beyond "can I do it," I would do it more often.
  11. Focus and Shockwave from Claws beg to differ. That said, I'd love to see an assault/debuff AT where the secondary is mostly PBAoE-centric and acts as armor.
  12. I rather enjoy knowing there's always a power to skip in my SR builds. Especially since the other 8 are not optional.
  13. Why? What's the difference between being geared up to handle +0/x1 versus +2/x2? My rewards go up then, why shouldn't they for +6/x10? And how, exactly, do you stop the increased inf/xp gain and drop chances from having more enemies to defeat?
  14. That's rather rude and wrong. Just so ya know. If I want a challenge without rewards I can turn off enhancements. This is a game. With greater difficulty comes greater rewards. That rule wasn't changed when we went from the old diff settings to the current, why would it need to be changed if more diff levels were added?
  15. Why shouldn't rewards match difficulty?
  16. Depends on the enemy and build. It is not a fact. I can go afk against several enemy factions at max diff with quite a few of my builds simply because my mitigation is greater than their incoming damage. Even my claws/sr brute is immortal against an aggro cap worth of +4 Cimerorans...
  17. Oh, it's not that, I just like seeing my costumes properly. It's also why I don't use Nrg Aura. 🙂 Even though I've stated the same, it's really not true. While there is the binary portion (mezzed or not mezzed) there's also the bit where getting hit with multiple mezzes stacks. Something you can watch while playing. Mez hits, you lose mez protection, as it drops off, your prot value goes back up. This is why tanks get 13 to scrappers 10 pts. Giving squishies 3 would be nothing more than a buffer against the stray mez and not something I see a problem with. I like my fire/bio sent's identity: Burn it all to the ground while laughing.
  18. The best DPS I've mustered on my sr/claws tank comes from the following: ST chain is Followup, Focus, Slash, repeat. T4 Musculature Core T4 Degen Core T4 Assault Core T4 Pyronic Core Maybe 4-4.5min pylon times. Haven't done one in a while. The main problem with SR is that it doesn't buff damage at all. My bio/claws tank does much better just as my claws/bio scrapper greatly out DPSes my claws/sr scrapper.
  19. Forgot to add, with an FA/Claws tank, I strongly advise reading through this thread.
  20. Absolutely. It's why so many lean on Rune of Protection or hover blast with as much ranged defense as they can get. I'd place good money that the vast majority of us make all sorts of concessions in our builds, concessions not needed at all by those with built in mez protection, that given even a modicum of baked in protection would allow for a great many other things to improve our builds and lessen the aforementioned performance disparity.
  21. At lvl 50 and incarnated out, sure. It's not like I run max diff at lvl 1.
  22. Would 3 points of mez protection that kicks in at lvl 10 added to the inherents of all squishy ATs homogenize everything? They'd still get mezzed through that but it wouldn't be nearly the binary fun vs mezzed that the current situation creates. And it wouldn't involve respecs nor would it force a change in tactics. You left off Stalkers and Sentinels, by the by. Not that I play stalkers but, yes, I don't enjoy having to hide or constantly back away from fights or analyze every spawn every mission because one mis-step means having to use a rez or a hospital trip or waiting around for someone else to pick me up off the floor. I don't judge ATs by how easy they are. I judge them by how annoying they are to play at a level to which I've grown accustomed. Masterminds are the only AT I refuse to play due to considering them completely broken in a bad way. Stalkers I don't play just cuz I don't like Hide. I guess in the end, I simply dislike having to buy mez protection to have fun with some ATs when the other half of the archetypes don't have to. I don't consider that a balanced situation.
  23. Crutch probably is the wrong word for what I'm attempting to explain. I like teaming these days. Even have a regular group I hang out with but when they're not around I would like to have just as much fun with my squishies as I do my non-squishies but I don't. Certainly not before 50. It was only thanks to hopping on the PLing Train that I even ended up with as many non-melee as I have now, and yes, some of them can at least get through missions at high diff, but it's a drag. I only want to see some of that disparity alleviated one way or the other.
  24. Which IO set do you have in Spin? Are you always leading off with Followup for its ToHitBuff?
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