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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Meh. Possibly meh? I've got a couple doms. One is permadom without hasten. One is permadom with hasten. Another one hit 50 but hasn't really been played since. I think I also suffer from the "too many damn powers to choose from while in combat" feeling. Having to add to the clutter with macros for all the targeted clicks just to make them single click attacks doesn't help. Do they need a buff? Probably not. Do I like the way domination functions? No, not really. I'd far rather they have a passive inherent. Adjust all the control mags to 50% between dom and not dom values and call it a day.
  2. True. Unfortunately, the difference between overall mitigation is far greater than the difference in damage output. At this point, the only reason I'd roll another brute would be if I planned to lvl cap them at 40 or so.
  3. It really is. My shield/em tank honestly feels like cheating with godmode turned on. Kinda fun sometimes but overall leaves me just shaking my head that it was allowed to happen.
  4. Heh, I'll put it this way... my SR/Claws tank can continue tanking even with Rom's autohit fluffy beating on him. Even with the game cheating like mad to try to kill me it can't!
  5. I blame Castle, BAB and Arcanaville.
  6. I main SR. I've got three B... Z Bubbas, tank, brute and scrapper. Got a couple SR Sents. A few other SR meleers. SR is freakishly awesome 95% of the time. After you softcap it. And the rest is Rularuu eyeballs and anything autohit. DAMN YOU, Romulus Autohit Fluffy!!! And leveling up. No fear protection, before softcap you get hit, get hit hard and you feel it. It's definitely an end game set. Shield is far more forgiving and based on my experiences so far with my shield/em tank, it's just plain numerically a superior mitigation set. But it ain't and never will be as sexy. And, yea, you're right, the lack of a damage aura or any kind of damage buff other than quickness's +20% recharge is off-putting.
  7. SR is easy to softcap for all archetypes that use it so you can have room for adding on damres and health. With its scaling resists kicking in as health goes down it can rapidly become a full tilt beast that will survive when you don't expect it.
  8. I wondered the same but slash, which is now the two slash animation, has both entries in the 1st section.
  9. Confused about something. What is that 0% chance of 18.7685 damage? It's not tagged with anything like fiery embrace. Side note, and I know this isn't your job, but dang, devs, swipe hasn't had the two quick swipe animation for a looooooong time.
  10. As I said in another thread, yes please to a new assault/debuff(and/or buff) archetype where the debuffs are pbaoe-centric and act as armor. Yes, the AT will need some kind of functional mez protection.
  11. Doom. The rabbit hole has returned! Awesome work.
  12. I still want to be able to store inf in account-wide base bank. One with no cap.
  13. How is this not true for buildup? It is. Therefore it's not a flawed example at all. It's true for every powerset. I don't believe this to be the case. Otherwise, brutes would clear missions faster. Or I misread your post. Either way, in actual play is the important part.
  14. Mixed bag. While my claws/sr brute would seem to be more efficient thanks to holding aggro which decreases the chance of runners, in the end, the claws/sr scrapper still kills so much faster that when comparing 100% clear all DA repeatables at max diff, the scrapper still gets it done quite a bit faster. Sadly, thanks to the way tanks were buffed here on Homecoming, even the sr/claws tank is faster at clearing missions than the claws/sr brute just due to the increased power of their AoEs. Edit: the brute still wins against single hard targets like AVs and pylons, of course. Tanks were overbuffed, regardless. They should NEVER beat brutes on damage output, aoe or st.
  15. To be fair, that still leaves me with one tactic: kill 'em all. Difference being they come to me to die rather than me going to them.
  16. Should have the info you seek.
  17. There's a general chat in this game?
  18. I should... but there's just something about WW that makes me want to slot it for MORE KB.
  19. This. Now that I keep all my squishies fully stocked with defense amplifiers for mez protection, my inf stores have to be rebuilt on the regular.
  20. I've got one speedster with whirlwind. I use it as an attack instead of a toggle. Toggleon, send the spawn flyin, toggleoff, shadow maul, flurry, sands of mu, sprint on all the time, extra run speed from IOs. I don't play her much, but she is amusing.
  21. That sounds right. Gut-wise... don't trust my memory at all though.
  22. That's what matters. I have fun with my fire/bio sent and he has absolutely no control or debuffs. Just damage.
  23. Ahh, but my mace/bio scrapper is a completely normal human mechanic who just happened upon a magic wrench that grants her abilities. Sooo, magic origin.
  24. It's akin to having a job where you were hired to do X, you do X well and you get paid for it, but then they hand you Y's duties on top of yours without bumping your pay. Or even doubling your workload but not allowing for any overtime for it. At the very least, it's rude. And almost always bad for employee retention.
  25. My bad, man. That statement was specifically in regards to the rezzes. (Two posts before mine.) Can't use them without faceplanting first.
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