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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. But that's a true statement.
  2. So you can corpse-blast AND be the corpse! Brilliant!
  3. This is my experience as well with my sr/claws BZB. It's an incredibly solid combo even if it can't touch the peak of an sd/nrg tank. Edit: SR/Claws wins on pure sexiness, of course. But that's hard to define numerically.
  4. Fix existing. No new til step 1 is done. Figure out how to make an emp/ass rifle def solo as well as an sd/nrg tank.
  5. just downloaded 59GB from gog.com. /my body is ready
  6. In game numbers don't take into account Arcanatime and often include other oddities.
  7. Sounds like the NoXP was saved to your default options. So any new characters will get it but existing ones will just keep what they have until you load from defaults again. Fix? Disable it on a character where everything is set properly, then go to Menu, Options, Windows tab, scroll to bottom, hit save options thrice.
  8. Well it SHOULD be.
  9. SR is still awesome on tanks. And we can't have claws with shields (which sucks) but SR/Claws is a LOT slower than the SD/EM. Plus all the extra HP that SD grants... and near capped DDR with dblstacked AD... and static DR to build off of....... As for SS, I have one. SS/WP brute named Bunny Fufu. He has spring attack. And no rage. Cuz he hasn't gone full Monty Python yet.
  10. I choose to be offended by the tolerance of intolerance.
  11. Copied the freshly lvl 50 em/bio scrap to beta and got her all tricked out. With Assault Core: 1:40. Without it, 2:20. Would be ridiculous if I never missed. To be honest, though, I'm not sure I'll ever really build her out on live. While the pylon time is nice, bio's survivability is lacking at the high end. Although, she's got 2047 HP and Ablative Carapace is adding another 1096 Absorption, so that ain't nothin to sneeze at. ... Also, I'm a dumbass. Forgot to turn on Offensive Adaptation. 1:20 with assault, 1:35 without. Honestly, that's not much better than what my claws/bio scrapper gets. Come to think on it, it makes sense due to ET and TF not properly critting.
  12. That's my goal as well. Leave EP or Barrage single slotted with the passive +crit AT IO.
  13. So I should test out Soul's Fast Snipe on the test server before locking into it? I would prefer to go a different route but feel forced into it. How much better are your times with musc/degen/assault?
  14. Averaging 3:24 with my SD/Nrg/Soul Tank. Workin on the Nrg/Bio/Soul scrapper next.
  15. I was never under the impression that SS's ST damage was anything to write home about. Low ST damage is going to make taking out the computer and 6 AVs quite the long slog.
  16. Claws is bad in PvP? /I really have no clue. Always did fine before the snap.
  17. They are VERY different. However, excepting how cool they can be to watch, you're better off just rolling a Sentinel and you'll be doing practically the same job in a mission and be safer and more effective while you do it. Edit: I'm not fond of the fact that I just stated that. I miss my human only chaos mage warshade. Sad fact is, my chaos mage fire/bio sent is far more effective and has built in mez protection.
  18. I'm all for it. Also make hasten a passive +20% recharge instead of a click +70%. /clicks elude and runs away
  19. As you saw in the Tank Gods thread, Shield seems mighty durable and adds a very nice aoe to the mix to help out NrgMel's low aoe output.
  20. Don't you be mockin my glue melee/paper armor scrapper!
  21. Confront and barrage I completely understand. No Build Up? I'm gonna need two bolters for that much heresy.
  22. And if you don't have permahasten, how are you going to run ET(long)-TF-ET(short)-Moonbeam-Bonesmasher?
  23. Same here.
  24. Side note: Tried out Soul Mastery instead of Energy Mastery on my brute on Beta. My end bar went dry before I was even a 1/4 of the way through a pylon. Now I could run Cardiac instead of Musculature but that sounds like a pretty big damage hit when the goal is more damage. There's also a nasty pause in the followup, focus, gloom, repeat chain that would have to be filled by slash, and with fu, focus, gloom, slash, fu will only be doublestacked. So there's another nasty hit to DPS. Seems to me that sticking with fu, focus, slash, repeat with energy/body mastery backing it up is still the way to go for single target on any claws build.
  25. If I recall, it's always healer, autohit, spawner, from left to right.
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