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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Wait... what? I need RL counseling because I see no benefit from engaging in online PvP? Seriously? Might wanna check that projector.
  2. Hell is as infinite as humankind's imagination makes it.
  3. Yall are killin me. I have yet to accomplish a no insp max diff ITF... much less one with buffed enemies. 😞
  4. I find my chat frequency is in direct correlation to the amount of booze I've imbibed.
  5. Hellcraft. Not witchcraft.
  6. I am not, nor ever have been, a duck. I don't even weigh the same as a duck.
  7. That's all there is to it in a nutshell for me. I'll PvP with my buddies for the following reason: They need badges There are no other reasons for me to PvP in CoH.
  8. Hmmmm. To bad we're not allowed to stream or record and post around here.
  9. This thread is an awesome reminder that I really am just a button pushing monkey. Yall be smart and shit.
  10. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Purple_Patch https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Experience Enjoy!
  11. I'm just happy when I put the call out for a max diff kill most ITF and the team fills up quickly. I don't have to think about what AT they are or what build they're running... they said yes to doing my favorite thing so they gotta be all right.
  12. That seems accurate and almost completely because, as @Galaxy Brainso perfectly put it, "All other ATs = essentially defenseless, which sucks in comparison to the next step up (melee dps) which are practically mez immune at all times."
  13. Objectively, yes. Subjectively, no.
  14. 100% correct as is the rest of the post but this part jumped out. And if you go back to the original post, you'll see I consider it cheating AND find it ok. True Neutral for the win.
  15. Followup request: Might we also get up to date AT mods? Or is that what the Dmg2 column will be after more tweaking where Dmg2 = Dmg*AT-Mod?
  16. I remember them and ponder them at times but I've gotten into the habit of dumping anything that isn't orange or purple at the quartermaster in my base so I never have anything with which to craft.
  17. I'm intrinsically motivated to play CoH for the soothing and meditative properties of seeing hordes of my enemies driven before me and hearing the lamentations of their women.
  18. This. Many times playing my Nin I find myself wondering "why am I getting hit so much? Oh yea, crappy DDR." And while playing my SR, "man, sure would be nice to have a click heal or +end right about now."
  19. Oh yea... also might be a great thing to fix stuff like this in personal missions:
  20. Just spent 30 mins looking through wayback on the original forums in an attempt to find the player that had as their avatar a girl, I think with pigtails, from some anime or other, that had energy melee with her martial arts. Think she even had glowing feet of doom. Failed to find it. Found my old one. Reread the old scrapper vs brute thread for a laugh.
  21. Staff, going off memory, has a damage buff for each level it hits. So at 3 lvls of the +dam, you're at the max. If you use one of the powers that eats the buildup, you start back from scratch. This has made me avoid using those powers because I get addicted to the +damage showing in the combat monitor.
  22. It sounds like your Active Defense mez protection is wearing off, thus leaving you open to being mezzed and having any toggles that affect enemies shut off. Set AD to auto and make sure you have enough recharge in it to make it always on and your issue will go away. Super Reflexes also has click mez protection and suffers the same issue. Most armors have their mez protection in a toggle (or spread across toggles) as Bio does and thus don't have this issue.
  23. To be fair, I've been screaming about having to chase down runners WHEN SOLO on everything that doesn't have a taunt aura for many a year.
  24. I love energy melee. The big, bad pompoms of doom. Loved the set far more before ET was gutted and turned into the garbage it is today, but two of my EM users are running ET-BS-TF-BS-repeat as a single target chain is it's great.... when solo. On teams, it's flat out horrific garbage due to how often your target dies while you're sitting in the middle of your ET or TF animations. I mean, really, it's bad to the point of needing two builds, one for solo and one for teaming, where the team build can just cycle through Barrage, EP and BS. If I could be granted a wish it would go like this: ET would be given its old animation back. TF would have some splash damage added. Rebalance as necessary and that's that. Done.
  25. Well, yea... if I insult someone properly I get a ban for my troubles.
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