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Everything posted by Voltor

  1. Did you run the missions to obtain the handsome/beautiful badge? If not then he wont talk to you. Also you can only run his snaptooth mission 10 times
  2. Lightform was made into its current state before the lights went out, it doesn't need to be changed. Electric, energy and invul armor need the adjustments
  3. My PB has perma light form without hasten. also I have builds for electric and energy and invul armors that would lower the Tier 9 armor recharge down to the point where after it crashes the power will be ready in 60 seconds.........problem is that is 60 seconds of having to quickly pop insps and hope you don't get blasted by the enemies due to the extreme nature of the crash. Mitigate the crash and make it so that the recharge time cannot be reduced just like Strength of Will.
  4. The exploration badges remain where they are, but the mayhem side mission badges have always been split with some as Achievement and others as defeat, and all safeguard side quest badges are listed as achievements. Would it be possible to make a new badge tab labeled Safeguard - Mayhem and list all the side mission badges from them in there?
  5. Long ago Peacebringer light form was modified so that the crash wasn't so bad and it received a few other adjustments. If memory serves, the mods were talking about doing similar adjustments to electric, energy and invulnerable's T9 armor powers but then the lights went out. Any chance of at least getting the power crash from those powers a bit mitigated? Ran some tests on an electric armor tank of mine and that power crash drains him to near ZERO on health and stamina still. My peacebringer's lightform crash is no where near as bad.
  6. Recreating and reversing the classic death scene was dumb, imo. But Spock needed motivation to go after Khan. Also I always smile at Nimoy's line "I took a vow to never give you information to change your destiny, it is your path to walk and yours alone. That being said..............." Only Khan could make Spock reconsider non-interference. In the Shatner -verse novel The Return, Spock was going through Kirk's file of enemies to and trying to compile a list of those with the means and motivation to wait for any return of Kirk that would steal his body from Veridian 3. Ryker pointed at the list and said "Khan's dead" Spock responded "I know." But didn't take him off the list.
  7. Loved the last ep of Season 2. A nice nod to the end of Rogue One when Vader cut loose.
  8. For me its still fun to watch the old Space Seed episode then immediately watch Wrath of Khan. For me Voyager was too much, Enterprise felt like a repair attempt. The Picard series, only think I liked was that it dealt with a certain character and gave them a better resolution then Nemesis. The reboot movies: mainly just action movies with Trek characters in them. Though it was fun to see Spock cut loose and go after Khan.
  9. Dreadstar Also The Metamorphosis Odyssey by Starlin that introduced Dreadstar The Green Lantern: REBIRTH and subsequent collections of the spectrum war, blackest night, brightest day Death/Return of Superman: an event but one that was overall well planned. Any Judge Dredd Armor Wars: the TPB that collects the tale told by Dave in Bob in their second Iron Man run of Tony's tech being stolen Planet Hulk, World War Hulk, Immortal Hulk any TPB of the original Ghost Rider: Carter Slade, now called Phantom Rider Kind of turned away from Batman these days If only Marvel could print TPB's of ROM Spaceknight, but they lost the rights and IDW has it now.
  10. One you have the accolade you charge it up by logging out at a base portal max of 30 charges for each power If you have the passport badge on an alt check its temp powers for the fast travel
  11. A storage bin for recipes. capacity 100 This would be great vs constantly emailing recipes around and flipping from one alt to another. Just go into your base, drop them into the bin.
  12. What's this....? A WARSHADE with all 1547 badges? Who could have done that? Why my humble self, indeed! That's 4 alts now.
  13. Sent another alt to fulfill the requirements, they had already done part 4 of Faultine, not the first three. However I breezed through parts 1 to 3 and reran part 4 and made sure to smash Nocturne and the other bosses in the last mission instead of skipping straight to Penelope. Then had to run Freaklympics....not one of my favorite arcs but it does give 57 merits. After that I flipped to red and all prisoners were in their cells. Tarnished Star obtained. Conclusion, all 4 parts must be done but in the final mission of part 4 you must also defeat Nocturne instead of skipping to the end of the mission. Luckily it is an easy fight.
  14. How about that....a Warshade with all the badges, that's 4 alts now. Not sure if this is the first warshade on homecoming to get em all.
  15. Hmmm, a modification of the ice block or stone block transformation emote that summons a phone booth that lands on the character then shatters to reveal the costume change. Emote is triggered, character does the motion of ripping open the shirt, phone booth drops down, shatters to reveal character in new costume.
  16. There are many cool ways to transform into your assorted costumes, but there is one that has never been in the game....... The classic ripping of the shirt to show costume underneath, for an example go watch Superman 1 when Clark goes to change into costume to catch Lois and the helicopter.
  17. Then just add an alert that Sally has been defeated, instead of a spawn alert
  18. No, but if you have mids hero planner and your old builds are saved in it, then you can easily recreate and then upgrade your toons for the new era. Capes and auras and costume pieces are unlocked and ready to go, bases are free to build with minimal restrictions. Welcome home!
  19. Okay so the giant squid Lusca has an alert when she appears AND when she is defeated. Same with the Troll rave and burning building events and the Ghost ship The other giants only send out an alert when they appear. If possible can the alerts be updated to include a message to indicate the giant having been defeated? Also can an alert be created for when Sally appears in Croatoa?
  20. The Abyss was a red side only zone back in the day, I still think of it that way and thus skipped it. Despite having fought some renegade longbow in some RWZ missions I do not want to complete that badge. I forgot that Cage and snakes are in mid level tip missions but then I don't generally run tips until I am at L50 For Max's missions, I RP'd that as using a power bestowed on my character that can only be used once every 72 hours to hyper accelerate time so that the mission was ended without my having been in it. Also known as the auto complete feature 🙂 Given that Mot is the far greater threat, usage of said power was needed to ensure all material and power was gathered to defeat him.
  21. Voltor

    PvP badges

    Well there are 3 badges for a total of 50 defeats of another player in a PvP zone. The PvP map badges don't require PvP just go into the zone and get em, same with the plaque in BB, Siren, and WB Warburg Rocket badge is a solo endeavor Staying in each PvP zone for an hour: set yourself into an ouroborus or task force, enter the zone, hide somewhere and go afk for awhile Doing missions from the contact in PvP zone offers badges, these missions can be done solo or in teams. Obtaining the pillbox badges and heavies badges in RV, either solo or on a team. The AV's in RV should be done with a team. Most arena badges need only 2 people, battle royale needs 3, pentad requires teams, swiss draw requires 8
  22. I greatly prefer the PI safeguard mission. If you have villain slayer badge you can just keep getting it from the contact in Steel. Set to full spawn for Zeus if u need em, or keep it at team size 1 as Sappers aren't bosses, just lieutenants. Get about 8 to 15 per run, complete the mission work safeguard side mission badges, wash rinse repeat.
  23. For the Sappers and Zeus titans, practically any Malta mission will work. Agent Indigo offers a mission to defuse bombs and save hostages in an office building loaded with malta. Crank up the team size if you want zeus titans also, given that sappers are usually lieutenants you don't need to set team size to 8. Go through the mission and don't defuse the bombs. Repeat as needed. OR: grab some extra break free's and purple insps and farm the Peregrine Island safeguard mission. Sappers however have the lowest spawn ratio to the rest of the Malta so regardless of your mission it will take some time to get this.
  24. Judging by the numbers and positioning of the plaques, I suspect there is still one on the eastern half that has yet to be discovered. 4 on the west island, 1 in the center island, and only 3 on the eastern? Feels like there should be a 4th over there.
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