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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. "Some of the finest modern swordsmen on the streets..." Yeah, there's way too many slip-shod clumsy swordsmen on the streets out there, but this guy's legit!
  2. Well I'm ready to celebrate! ETA -- who in their right mind would downvote this?! 👻
  3. In preparation for the season, I'm revamping my pumpkin-headed MM King-Pumpkin Spice, who is sadly a Mercs MM. But still, it has to be done.
  4. Nah, I like it's nightmarish qualities. It's seasonal!
  5. I always accept, and almost always pick it up, character concept be damned. From what I read on the Wiki page for it, there's only one that gives you a debuff, The Fool: This fortune stands for Thoughtlessness, Folly and Frivolity. Your To-hit has been slightly reduced, however your Movement rate and Recharge rate have improved. Note: Although The Fool debuffs your tohit, the effect on your hit chance is minor [-3% to-hit] Still, even that one also gives you +100% Movement Rate, +15% Recharge I doubt they ever really affect things too much, but I have seen teams throw them around like lucky rabbits feet after a team wipe, ha ha.
  6. I take it that crazy background art's some AI nightmare that resulted when you plugged in "proc rate"? 😃
  7. Did they change the Homecoming wiki page? Used to have a big search bar at the top and now it's some smallish bar over to the right.
  8. IIRC, one reason the skin palette is restricted is lots of very mature adults liked to create nekkid women toons that way.
  9. Anything. I want to try that power set, I want to avoid that power set having already used it recently, I have name which suggests that power set, I found a build with that power set on the forums that sparks interest, I have a groan-worthy pun of a name in mind so which power sets go with that, I have a costume idea that I bet would look cool now which power sets go with it? To demonstrate, the last few characters I can of that I've made are: MEWSIC (cat-looking character to try out Symphony Control with) SPECTRAL ENERGIES (I liked the name, and found a cool costume look for, based power set choices on the name, Dark and... something? He didn't get too far) PINK BAMFER (I wanted a toon with all the Teleport powers that double as attacks, and when I came up with that pun I couldn't NOT use it; also cat looking) Hm, maybe I'm just trying to make as many cat-looking toons as I can.
  10. If you hadn't asked it, I would have.
  11. I can't say, it's a set I've never got round to for some reason.
  12. My go-to is always stalker, because you can walk around just about anywhere to enjoy the scenery without everyone around you getting pumpkin spicy about your presence.
  13. I may suffer from something of a damage bias after playign so many squishies, so I like to still have some of that in my back pocket while doing whatever else I can to eff up anyone the team rolls over. That said, I've found Doms often feel like well-rounded ATs, depending on build - solid crunch with useful Pets, and Holds or whatever else they bring.
  14. Eh, unprovoked attack on a minority group sure sounds like "villain" to me. Let him wear it with pride, he's earned it!
  15. Nothing wrong with necro-posting if you still have something to add.
  16. Speaking of bats, here's my PLANET OF THE BATS. Most of his other costume slots are more "earthly bat" looking, and one even looks sort of like a planet (that floating orb head), but they're all fun. He's a Dark/Mental blaster, and was a heck of a lot of fun to level.
  17. Oh hey, Bat By Night! I saw you somewhere not too long ago, but I can't recall where. I have a toon called Planet Of The Bats who looks a lot like that too. 😃
  18. The best explanation I've gotten is "they're dud powers because they're supposed to be and always have been" ha ha. But I do think they should all be usable enough to be a functional niche choice for someone who wants to do that niche.
  19. I already find about half of the ones I see too long for my tastes, but I'll support the idea for those who want it. I don't have to read them if I don't want to, right?
  20. "Bright Dark Armor" sounds like an oxymoron. 🙂 The title of this thread could be condensed into "Dark Arrrgh"!
  21. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but didn't we have one of these threads not too long ago? 🙂 So far I don't have "main" I keep character hopping, usually once they hit 50. My two closest so far I guess would be a Bots/Emp MM and a Stalker who just can't stop Teleporting (see the stalker forums for my "bamf melee" stalker), in that I haven't gotten sick of them yet. OTOH, they are also less than a year old, and some toons I might have named last year haven't done much as of late, so... *shrug*?
  22. Pretty much I aim for the Protectors. I have had some minor troubles with some of the tanks, but not enough to have seriously felt the need to reconsider my targeting. MoG is just a PITA.
  23. Since we had an Egyptian or two here recently, I thought I'd toss in my oh so basic MA/Ninjitsu scrapper, Egyptian Blue, based on a small replica statue of a blue Egyptian cat that's been on my desk for years. "Egypitan Blue" is also the name given to the ceramics color that they achieved back then, which was a "modern marvel" in their historic world.
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