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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I still sometimes get that same kind of disdain from people running the super difficult high level content in the game, and I've been back for ages now. To hell with those idiots. Just keep in mind that's not all of us, let their imbecile condescension roll off your back and go find better people to play with, because you definitely will. Welcome back!
  2. Actually nothing! I was playing up a Corr, Um, Sonic... something... but she was, while playing OK, just felt a bit samey, so she's stalled out at something like 37. Great costumes though. Due to my limited time and a perceived post-holiday population slump (always happens, I'm not DOOMing out over it), I was finding it hard to find teams to do much else than DFB and Maria Jenkins, which is an arc that can die in fire as far as I care now. So I haven't actually been playing hardly at all the past month or so. I was going to start a Tuatha-like toon, presuming that we'd get those "reindeer-like" costumes for purchase via the particles, but that never came about so that guy's sitting there at like 3rd level, perhaps never to be played. Gave some thought to a semi-petless MM (I want to have the lions and nothing else) but the build I was half working on looked poor (big surprise I'm sure)... I guess I got a bit burned out. I have some time off coming, might roll around in some 50s off on during that... I dunno. Half thought about writing new AE arcs... Yeah, just not feeling anything right now.
  3. Sorry, I got distracted with something, do I still have time to get ready?
  4. These are always the best threads... 😃
  5. How about like Illusion we get Lores... OF OURSELVES!?
  6. Y'all ain't allowed to prank outside that date! 😠
  7. ATO price can also vary by character archetype. But yeah, it does fluctuate, based on day of the week (weekends are pricier, for obvious reasons) and other things.
  8. That's basically what I was doing! My Corr was rushing in via Combat TP to pop her Tier 9 deck clearing and the mass of foes kept getting snatched away, back to the tanker or brute or whomever. That was the team leader, so I just hung back and half-heartedly sniped then left once the mission was done.
  9. What normally seems to happen to me is someone on my team had Fold Space and I set all that up and then realize I just wasted my time. 😕
  10. I had a toon that was specifically all about TP so I took the Incandescence Destiny power so I could bring the league to me when I spotted a GM during Halloween. Then me and all my friends just killed them. Me and friends made a good combo!
  11. Pretty sure it does yeah, but only for the "Walk" power, not as a default stance for your toon.
  12. Considering that it's the warmer colors that are less available, you may be on to something there. I'd never thought about that.
  13. Untrue! I somehow lucked into being one of the first, like, dozen forumites to respond to their "new improved CoT" roll-out post, and just posted something like ".... ew. " I wasn't alone in that opinion (got a bunch of upvotes for that), and saw a lot of similar "not a fan of this look" posts in that thread after mine. I specifically remember this because the devs soon took the designs back in for a bit of retooling with some grumbling on their part. I'm not saying I caused that to happen, I was just in the early rush to say we didn't care for it. Kind of wish now I'd been a bit more diplomatic about my post, but, well, the past is the past.
  14. Yeah, that current Prince Charming crowd looks like it's off a Shrek character. I'd like a real crown look, even if just one of them.
  15. Mainly I like seeing it so I know it's working; making it a big flashy thing is helpful so if I try and zap a group of folk, I can see just how many got procced. The lightning field look doesn't break immersion for me, but I also wouldn't mind if it gets changed, just be sure it still stands out well.
  16. I'll have to up my troll game, my dream is to remain insufferable until the day I die!
  17. Having checked into it, I've found that just about every Patron arc is pretty easy and none of them run any faster or slower, unless you're like going to literally count a few extra clicks. I oncew wrote something up to publish in the Guides section here but then never did. Maybe if you want to avoid Longbow, you can skip one in favor of another or something like that, but really, all easy enough.
  18. Can we pick "rouge" on those Rouge servers? Jokes aside, thumbs up on this from me too.
  19. Have you created any custom missions in the AE? -- Several, and was able to port some over from Live even. And I've made one new since HC showed up. If so do you prefer to build standalone singular missions or create essentially your own story driven taskforce? --- More or less stand-alones. Did have a few continuing characters though. Do you create custom NPCs or enemies for your content? --- Sometimes yeah; sometimes all of them, sometimes none of them. Does that add to your narrative or just a creative outlet for you? --- What, creating my NPCs? depends on what the story calls for. What other elements of the Mission Architect do you use when designing your missions? --- ... I don't understand the question. Are there RP elements to your story driven AE missions? --- If I understand this question, no, just sharing stories, nothing about my "main" or whatever. How difficult is your AE missions? -- Not, I'm not that sort of gamer. What drives you to design your own missions or stories in the AE? --- Silly jokes, stories I wanna tell. Feel free to plug some of your own content. --- They're pretty stupid, go play 'em! I have one that got into a Dev's Choice even! Do they file in the system under our main player name in the system? If so, feel free to look for "@ Poltergeist Prince" or something like that. ADDED CONTENT: I keep sort of trying to work up a story about Snakes, but the interface is such a pain to deal with* and I haven't quite got the story logic ("ha ha, what's that?" said TV and movie writers) worked out. And there's still that bug that makes all the PC spout there "when you get near them" line the second you hit the map. I'd like to tell this story and more, but I'm just really not fired up to wrestle with the system. *ME: "no, really, put this toon... at the back of the map... and set it so he shows up after you defeat this boss..." AE:
  20. A radioactive straw? That must suck for her.
  21. Judging by the video, you run a lot of squishies then huh? 😃
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