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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. I'm not sure I agree with that for the Origin pool clickies. If that was really the case, I suspect they would have been given a much harsher recharge time than they were. I'd put them in that mid-range "Maybe not EASY to perma. At least not without some amount of investment"-camp.
  2. For whatever it's worth, I'm going to re-post what I said about the RoP change.... The first time happened to fall right in the middle of the balance conversation and so apparently got purged from the thread. Grenades and horseshoes, I guess. <_< Anyway... === I get the instinct to make the powers consistent across the various pools. I really do. I can't disagree with that desire... But in this particular case, I don't think RoP was the sketchy bit. It's not offering too much as-is. It's that the others are offering too little. === I stand by that. The MM changes are great, especially for Amtes and her demons, but not being a recharge-centric character that gets the power back very quickly, the new duration of RoP sees her getting mez-ed more frequently. Which is a little problematic, given how active and in the middle of things /Time tends to be. And no. I'd rather not give up her Ageless for Clarion to make up the difference.
  3. Name: The Caliph Character Type: Katana/Willpower Brute Server: Everlasting Level: 50 Alignment: Hero Classification: Assorted Magical Beings Group: Ordus Viatoris The Details: The Caliph claims that the Voyagers picked him up on a deserted island deep in the endless archipelago of the Midnight Sea. As for how he got there... He says it's a very long story. Something about a genie, and a princess and a camel made of alabaster and pearl. And what was very probably an ill-advised wrong turn somewhere in the neighborhood of the Palace of the Raja of the Moon. He's obviously either led a very adventurous life... or he's a complete nutter. [Yes. The Caliph is my Sinbad tribute. What can I say? I'm a child of the 70's and 80's who grew up on a steady cinematic diet of Saturday afternoon adventure movies and Ray Harryhausen animation. 😆 ]
  4. For the record, like twozero said, not everyone on Everlasting roleplays. And even those who do may not be all that Serious Business about it... So don't feel pressured to be all-in all-the-time. It's perfectly fine to be a casual. (I only do very casual RP mission teams anymore, myself, and avoid "BarP" and ALL THE DRAMUS like the proverbial plague. 😆 The other members of my family who play on Ev aren't in-game roleplayers at all. Nor are most of the former Liberty badge-collectors who have set up on the server.)
  5. The spirit panthers and hounds are in Night Ward, The swarms are mostly in Striga and Crey's Folly hero-side.
  6. Swarms ought to count... They're DE mobs (and pets if you happen to be working with Vernon von Grun) made of bees.
  7. Do I enjoy playing it? Yes? Okay, then it gets to stay. It's not really any more complex than that with my gang. If I have fun with the character, then I keep it around. If I don't... I have no hesitation about getting rid of it. I'm just not going to clutter up my list with anything I'd rather not play, just for the sake of having 500 characters. 😝
  8. Thunder Paw (sib-in-law's Storm/Water pup) and Andris (my Kin/Electric defender Energy Mage) were standing around the ski slope last night eating donuts and Pop Dancing. We'll have to try the texting thing next time. 😝
  9. Teens I can deal with. I got a little tired of them being the sole focus with some groups, but all in all I've never felt particularly uncomfortable playing as or with older high school or younger college-aged characters... Particularly not if they came from a background that's far enough out of the ordinary to justify their being at least a little more mature and level-headed than the average kid their age. But... yeah. I'm with you guys on the really young characters. I'd be wary of trying to play anyone younger than Amset or Kai (My youngest characters, who are 16 and 17-).
  10. My nephew, the would-be speed demon, is going to love the travel powers updates. 👍
  11. I have a Psi/EA Stalker and she handles just fine. I do find myself missing that one extra AoE attack that my Psi/WP Scrap has a little, but it's never been a deal-breaker.
  12. At the risk of sounding like a FARK refugee... Citation needed. This game is, and pretty much always has been, both solo and duo/trio small team friendly. There are a lot of us who run that way rather than joining teams, and enjoy playing that way. You're making a mistake if you assume that everyone's here to run with full groups, or even likes that kind of thing.
  13. If I wanted non-optional PvP I'd go back to playing Aion. <_<
  14. *laughing* The last time I did that it was completely an IC desperation move... My poor PsiMelee Stalker (Who was both fairly young and already a little paranoid about being in "The D"-) was unexpectedly ditched by the older brother and his friends that she had gone there with. True to the place's reputation, half a minute after they left, she found herself backed into the corner by a perv. Slipping into Hide and nope-ing out in the only direction she could... Which was right over the rail... seemed perfectly reasonable given the situation and other alternatives. 😝
  15. And people still wonder why there are so many players who believe that random teaming is the absolute devil.... 😝
  16. For what it's worth, WInterlight... the character I mentioned having this issue back in the first thread that was posted about it... still doesn't have access to the Long Range Teleport. It's seems to be a permanent problem for the affected characters.
  17. Mace tanks are just so delightfully... smashy. Every single thing they do looks painful. (Mine back-in-the-day was WP/Mace. Anu. A big, brown, golden-horned, winged minotaur, named after a Mesopotamian sky god.)
  18. Why is it everyone else's responsibility to mollify the person who decided to roleplay an asshole?
  19. 'Claimed Caliph for a new sword-guy Brute.
  20. Thumbs up to both the aura idea and having a guitar added for Titan. That would.... dare I say it... *ROCK*
  21. And here's where I admit that I rarely take the Fighting pool on any of my gang who aren't destined to be farmers... There always seems to be something else I want more. 😝
  22. *Shrugs* I like my Sents. I enjoy playing them. I don't find them a poor addition to the game and I don't think they're "training wheels for blasters". I also don't give a rat's rosy red bum if the min/maxers, power-gamers and MIDS Gurus don't consider them OMGTheBestestATEVER. They're still fun characters to play, even if they're not soloing Hamidon.
  23. So... you set out to intentionally jack up the price on something, just for the lolz... and got bitten in the proverbial butt as a result. There's a lesson there, somewhere. 😝
  24. You're allowed to play anything you want. It's just that other people are ALSO allowed to say "Nah, bro. Not interested."
  25. I, for one, was glad when the cape and aura unlocks went the way of the dodo... I play Oranbegan characters and it annoyed the ever-loving CRAP out of me when my Death Mage or my Thorn Wielder had to wait until they'd already leveled through a big chunk of the game before they could have the glowing eyes they ought to have had from the start. In a game where character customization is and was such a huge draw, locking something as basic as an eye-glow behind a level 30 mission was just... silly. Walling off capes was absolutely pants-on-head nuts.
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