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Everything posted by Dazl

  1. The 30 mins in the bowl is definitely the most boring part. The instanced raid does have a better v-merit rewards but you have to have the "Member of Vanguard" badge to do it, so you would have to be level 35+ to join. Some raid leaders prefer to do the open raid so lower level players can take advantage of the raid to get some easy levels. There is also a social element may people enjoy with the larger raids like this one and Hamidon. I don't do many MSR's but on Excelsior Oklahoman runs a quality MSR as well as his many other raids.
  2. Would love to see the situation with NCSoft finally put to rest. My personal wish would be an instanced Hamidon raid, like the MSR one.
  3. Try creating some alt’s on Everlasting and Torch. Doesn’t mean you have to leave Excelsior, just see if you like the vibe on another server. I play on Excelsior and Everlasting and they are quite different. Play a little on Torch but not enough to give any advise. Excelsior will likely always have that speed mentality, it’s the biggest server so it’s also have the biggest group of tricked out 50’s. Now I am guilty of using my incarnates on lower level content, but when I do join a team I focus on helping the team not myself. There is a tendency at times for some high level players to join teams to just end up soloing without the team.
  4. Hope it helps new people find us. Very cool and well deserved for all the hard work that has been done to not only keep it alive, but also making it better.
  5. Not sure why anyone would watch this guy anyway. If all his streams where like hamidon one where he doesn’t know what he’s doing and is just dumb lucking through everything with his freak show, it would get old. It’s a shame, there is a place for someone to do this if they did it right.
  6. Ok so I watched enough of this stream to understand what happen, and all I have to say is WOW. I give this guy credit for is love of the game, his hype meter is on 11. I even take back my assumption he knowingly crashed another hami raid. He is so self-involved he didn’t even notice he was doing it. Back then there was no population limit in the Hive, so you could have multiple leagues which is why this raid didn’t fail. The thing that makes it so insane is he has no idea of what he’s even doing. Sure, the hami raid isn’t hard, but it takes a little more knowledge and coordination than your average PUG. If you are a hami raider and want a good laugh it’s worth a scan. Total bull in a China shop. LOL
  7. True nobody should be getting doxxed and harassed. People can get a little touchy when messing around with their merits though 🙂
  8. No one has a monopoly on it true. However if people are forming everyday at the same time for a raid, they should get the same respect that he wants. There is currently only one scheduled hami raid on Excelsior, he couldn’t find some other time run his raid? Not really buying the “it was just a coincidence” line.
  9. It would have been interesting to be there when they crashed the hami raid. Was back before I started doing them much less leading them. It wouldn't go over very well today that's for sure. Sounds like a dick move on PG's part and he knew it. So just to be clear we do a daily hami raid in the hive at 10pm (est) on Excelsior. I even just updated the calendar so there is no future confusion. We haven't advertised the raid much, because it doesn't really need it. We tend to have a full house every night.
  10. Why couldn’t you use the current donation system even if the game was open to making a profit? We would all agree the devs should get something for the effort. Why couldn’t that just be factored into the donations? I doubt we will ever have an issue with getting enough donations.
  11. Not talking about your secret identity, talking out your identity as a hero or villian.
  12. Batman wears a mask, but people know who he is.
  13. Well it might be good to be part of the community. If all you do is alt and never establish some kind of main character that is your representative to the community, how would people even get to know who you are?
  14. Keep in mind you don't need to keep upgrading the basic IO's. Level 25 or 30's will work all the way to 50. Sure it cost more to start, but you will save funds in the long haul. Once you hit 50 you should consider using a real IO build and put those basic IO back in storage for your next alt.
  15. Well it is good to see your post going in a positive direction and providing a constructive discussion. One thing you should really take some time to learn is the IO system. Sure it adds a layer of complexity to the game, but it is totally worth the effort. I made the same mistake when I returned to the game buying SO's. Once I learned how a level 25 basic IO (which you can use all they way to 50) was almost the same as that level 50 SO you have been building to, I never used SO's again. Once you start to understand IO set and the bonus it will be night to day for you. Farming is pretty boring and not a method I would want to level up a character either. However I do use my farmer to power level new alts. Some alt's I'll PL to 50, others I may just PL to 35 and give them a decent IO build and run them to 50 normally. All you really need is one farmer on a second account and you would be set. Heck some of us might be happy to help you with that. I have no problem helping PL new farmers, just not thrilled about doing it for non-farmers just so people can level a toon faster without even trying. Good on you for learning and keeping this a productive post.
  16. Part of me would like to see things stay the way they are and keep NCSoft at a distance. On the other hand it would great to get more eyes on the fact the game is back, some of our shards could use more people.
  17. What would you want to see Homecoming do to get the word out that the game is back as a non-profit service? I would start will ads on all the MMO sites.
  18. Or you can build anything you want for free on the test server. Welcome home. Play what you want and you do you. I’m sure this won’t be your last alt.
  19. GM’s maybe it’s time to put this thread to bed as well.
  20. Lol, “a different City of Heroes server” is at 3% with 24 votes.
  21. Another problem these games will have is the longer HC operates the harder it will be for them to get people to jump ship. HC is close to the 3rd year anniversary. Many folks like myself have invested a lot of time here. I’m not going to start over on something that is the same with maybe a new coat of paint. It would have to be a huge improvement to even get me interested. I’ll continue to support the people that brought us here and improve the game, not some fly by nights who don’t have the same level of passion for these games that should have been out by now.
  22. 211 votes, we are crushing it. Interesting poll didn’t realize some of those games were back.
  23. Sounds like you really need to learn how to play this game before sharing your pearls of wisdom.
  24. I would image that your role and reputation on a server would also have an effect on how much you play certain characters. SG leaders, trial-raid leaders, RP’ers, and PvP’er might all fall into this.
  25. Maybe they are dressing it up to try to get more cash investments. In any event with CoH back, looks like that ship has sailed (pun intended).
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