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Everything posted by Dazl

  1. Congratulations on discovering the game. Seems like most people playing are returning vets, so it’s cool to see a true noob. One of the things that make CoH special is the breaking of classic MMO trinity of tank, dps, and healer. With so many different AT’s and power sets, there is a lot more team flexibility. There really isn’t such a thing as a “healer”, and at the higher levels healing isn’t even that important. Play what you want, and enjoy the ride.
  2. On the weekends.
  3. Outstanding work, the new base looks great. Awesome work @Cosmic Tempus and everyone who helped create this. .
  4. You forgot to mention our snazzy uniforms 🙂
  5. Welcome home, glad you finally found us. Quite a bit has changed from the live days so check those patch notes and the guide section. Enjoy being a noob again.
  6. What is "Fun" is going to be subjective to each player. First of all I'm glad to have the game back in any form, but I'm glad it's back this form. Kind of odd that we are even having these kinds of discussions when a couple years ago we didn't have anything, unless you where in the know. For me I enjoy server surfing through hami raids. Between Everlasting, Torchbearer, and Excelsior you can stay quite busy. Between raids I tend to be working on some kind of ALT project.
  7. Won't be me, but I hope someone who cares does.
  8. A more populated server might net you a better turn out.
  9. Ah those rose colored glasses. Even if the code was available such a server would never have a large population.
  10. The best gift someone gave me was a farm for my own farmer. That sort of teach a person to fish philosophy. I found it to be more satisfying to earn the wealth then just have it handed to me.
  11. You could check here. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/status/
  12. Farming merits through hami raiding can help Snarky.
  13. Start your own teams. Explain in the LFG chat that you’re not doing speed runs and don’t want any 50s. There are plenty of teams to be had, just not enough people willing to lead them.
  14. Sounds like “Dropped On The Head Challenge”…….j/k, you do you 😀
  15. I played the game at launch, so when CoV came out some friends and I jumped red side. At the time it was cool because of the new AT’s and different setting. However once we got it out of our systems we wandered back to the blue side. One way you could draw more people red and gold side is to up the rewards over blue side. More influence, merits and experience might incentivize more people to play there.
  16. It might be an interesting mental exercise, but it’s probably going to be a ghost town like red and gold side. The Rebirth private server has some of the old school mechanics, but every time I’ve logged into that server there is only one yellow bubble. It may seem like something interesting until people try it, then it might not have the ability to hold a significant player base to make it worthwhile.
  17. The people with a lot of resources had to work for them. We all started with nothing when we joined Homecoming. I was there when the game launched and while I have fond memories, I don’t want to go back to that version anymore. There are other private servers out there that will give you more of that experience like “Rebirth” for example. Live is dead, long live Homecoming!
  18. Yeah you can go to the beta section of these forums and copy any of your characters to the beta server. Looks like it’s working again for me to.
  19. You know the game really shines when you play with other people.
  20. Not working for me either. Been trying for a couple days now.
  21. Welcome home, glad you finally found Homecoming. Don’t worry about that misty eye when you first log on, happens to all of us.
  22. I have rad/fire and spines/fire brute farmers, and I like the rad/fire better. Just seems more effective.
  23. Leroy Jenkins
  24. Wormhole, along with singularity FTW.
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