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Everything posted by Dazl

  1. Not sure where all these costume options are unless they are something that is level or content dependent. I created a couple of characters there to test out the Guardian AT (which is kind of cool), and tried to use some costumes from HC and found many costume pieces not available. I understand the whole retro thing they are trying to do there and for the folks that want that more power to you. I was there when the game launched and have fond memories of those early days but don’t miss that version of the game at all.
  2. Guess they want everybody to get a gold star.
  3. Really you necro'd an almost month old thread to just pick a fight? Where was that passion last month?
  4. This would make sense if an existing team joined an existing league. However if you create the league from scratch it would seem the league leader should have greater control over it. Sure I understand that this has been a long standing issue not fixed on live, so maybe not here but I had to ask 🙂
  5. Now that I’m involved with leading hami raids I’ve noticed the big hole in league management, the ability to make someone already on a team the team leader. When you lose a critical team leader and the “New” team leader doesn’t even notice, it can be problematic. Sure if the league is not full you can get creative and make it work, but this seems like an odd over sight when it was coded. The ability to swap people around on a full league would be nice too, but I don’t want to ask for to much.
  6. Sentinels would be the best “easy mode” toon for learning the basics and getting back up to speed. It may not become your main but it can be fun leveling one up.
  7. Like a diamond-bladed sword, the Knives of Artemis are incomparably beautiful and deadly. Bewitching tales of the Knives of Artemis are told by military pundits and war journalists in awed tones around the world. Heroes speak of them with equal parts enthrallment and dread, because they are renowned for their charms as much as for their mercilessness.
  8. Plus this is still the best MMO community ever.
  9. Welcome back home. When you first come back it can feel a bit like drinking from a fire hose. In addition to all the stuff you forgot when the game was live, homecoming has made a lot of changes to the game. Best thing to do is check the guides and patch notes so you can start to get back up to speed. It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but you’ll get your rhythm in no time. Till then enjoy being a noob again 😁
  10. With the pace groups can steamroll, when is there time to group anything?
  11. When the game was live I never did much with Incarnates or IO's. However with Homecoming it's worth your time understanding these systems and using them to you're advantage.
  12. I’m sure the experience/influence nerf put a dent into all that free wheeling spending. Kind of a double edge sword, couldn’t have all that evil influence out there but so much for all that profit from the “buy it now” crowd. My farmer came online just before the nerf, so it didn’t have much effect on me (still think the nerf should have been limited to AE only). I only really use my farmer to level alts, and I don’t really make that many anymore. I might have a new alt project once a month or two. When I do get around to getting my IO’s I will try to spend as little as possible on them. Using what I have stockpiled or use converters to make what I need. I also have a ton of merits and will use them smartly to get some of the more expensive IO’s. So maybe it’s just people making fewer alts.
  13. Well if RP’ing bothers you, server transfers are cheap and easy. Virtue was my home server on Live, so I’m glad to see it’s spiritual successor here.
  14. You know what would be interesting if you trigger the tentacles and that would spawn a couple waves of DE attacks. After defeating the DE that would spawn a Lady Gray TF size hami in the zone. Defeat the hami and get 40 merits, 4 emp, or 1 hami-o.
  15. Is it something the current devs could bring to full life?
  16. Never realized so many people are missing out on so much game content 😁
  17. Maybe one way to make teaming more important for +4/8 missions would be to limit the team size to 4 or 5 people.
  18. I’ll store rare salvage and sell all common and uncommon. I’ll store pvp, purple, and ATO IO’s. I’ll also store IO’s used in most builds, LotG, performance shifter etc, etc. I sell all recipes above level 35. Since the crafting cost of IO’s goes up as they level you kind of get to a point where it’s just easier to buy the IO instead of crafting it unless it’s something like a LotG. Even then you could buy a cheaper IO in the defense sets and use converters to make one.
  19. If you don’t have access to Mids the test server can be a good place to work on a build. All the IO’s are free, so you can play with different builds and test them in the same place.
  20. Question is why join a team if you don’t want to be part of the team? I have joined plenty of teams where I could just solo the mission, but I’m there because I want to be part of the team and use my powers to help them complete the mission together. It does seem like bad form to do otherwise unless the team leader wants that.
  21. Never got a HEAT or VEAT to 50.
  22. Storm is great, but a mess in the wrong hands.
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