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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. but if you have confuse protection, how will CoT succubus’s activate Surprise PvP Mode?™
  2. i’d swap tactics for veng. lovely veng, warms your heart after seeing the fallen corpse of a teammate
  3. i tend to use my merits to but ATOs or LOTGs, probably horrendously inefficient but feels nice to buy yourself a treat
  4. they’re still clicking
  5. i think he means enhancing your abilities by putting additional slots on them empty slots are like windows which let the power out. more slots = more power can leak out putting IOs in them blocks the power leakage so it’s best to avoid clogging up your slots with things that get in the way of the goo inside
  6. doesn’t look too out of place compared to some of the builds that get posted here i’d recommend picking up shield charge and 6 slotting it for recharge so you can use it as a travel power
  7. speak for yourself, i live for these posts and the responses 🙏
  8. my bigger frustration is the immense bias against resistance, especially with inspirations the resistance scale goes up to 100%, and the defense one arguably up to around 45-50%. despite this, res inspirations are less powerful than def on a % basis and in reality, less than half as effective when you consider the 100% vs 45% scale a T2 def insp gives 25% def, which is arguably just over half way to the ‘cap’ a T2 res insp gives 15% res, which is 15% of the total amount possible to block - three times less effective than the same level def insp
  9. i for one am pleased, i’m going to heat my house all winter with this hot take
  10. that’s really kind of you mate
  11. it’s definitely worth using some of the procs and other unique IOs before lvl 50 the majority of the ones worth having are available by lvl 22 - LoTG +Rech, Miracle +Recovery, the two 3% +Def ones are available at lvl 7 i believe, same with the +5% res one a lot of the ATO procs are worth having too
  12. on live i solo’d a katana/invul scrapper to 50 and enjoyed it so much i did it a second time perhaps its time to do it a third time
  13. fire/rad controller was also a gooden back in the day. for an AV or GM killer you generally want something with -regen and -res i haven’t tried to kill a GM on my poison/fire defender but may be possible, will give it a go later edit: there wasn't enough -regen on the poison defender, lovely debuffs though
  14. i would argue the polar opposite to this - conductive aura is -the- defining power within elec control. it carries the entire set and is the primary reason to chose elec control. without it, there’s not much in the powerset of particular interest static field is an obvious power to drop given that it doesn’t do much and is bugged. dropping one of the immobs would also be a sensible move given they’re not overly useful, preferrably the AoE immob given it's rarely applied in a useful manner @JonelethStar - on some of your other attacks, consider whether 5 slotting a purple set including the damage proc + a damage proc from another set will still give you the defense set bonuses you’re looking for, the extra damage procs will up your outout slightly. for example on vicious slash, 5 slot hecatomb and then also put in mako’s chance for damage overall, whilst building for defense isn't my sort of thing the build doesn't look too bad. you'll find refinements through continuous play and your own perefences will shape what you want in the final build
  15. it’s just /ghide i believe it brings up a window which lets you tick hide from pretty much everything has been a while since i used it, but the above should work
  16. post your mids export for it in one of the archetype subforums. it wouldn’t stand out much compared from some of the terrible builds that are posted on there
  17. ooh a fellow mind dom ^^ i really enjoy my mind/fire main, it makes playing anything else feel clunky ice/ice is a classic dom pairing for melee, chaotic and end heavy but the combination of arctic air and chilling embrace is fun.. whilst you’re alive for a short while
  18. if you want to play melee you could also consider a primary that has more melee powers - mind is purely range something like elec/stone is a good one if you enjoy being in the middle of things - strong, heavy hitting attacks. energy also fantastic
  19. decimation usually, still a good set even once i’ve hit lvl 50
  20. i play on excelsior and haven’t noticed much of a population change, like a lot of long term players i’ll have periods where the amount i play goes up or down several hundred people is enough to have a good time on CoH, there was more than that during the SCoRE days from what i understand, so i think we’ll be fine for the foreseeable
  21. incarnate alphas are essentially a (mostly) ED immune 7th slot
  22. yes! i also have the same memory that it was mostly red and a sort of purple hue
  23. pet damage is at best, a mild inconvenience. pets move slow and tend to have low burst damage your primary will mostly be used for firing off a few ST controls or laying some traps to slow people down - e.g earth for quicksand high damage assault sets like fire, energy and earth will give you the fast output you need to kill someone quickly
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