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Everything posted by ShardWarrior

  1. I purposefully avoided most of the leaked set photos and such because I wanted to be surprised by this. Having now seen it, I am sad to say I am thoroughly disappointed. The costuming looks awfully cheesy and something you would expect to see at a local comic con or Halloween shop. I am very leery that James Gunn is going to go the humorous/silly GoTG route with this film. I will keep an open mind too, but I am unimpressed and disappointed in what I am seeing so far. I think you are right and given the last several superhero flops from both DC and Marvel, I am not sure why they are trying again to create a whole extended universe. Warner Brothers and DC have been trying to catch Marvel for a decade or so now with very limited, if any success at it. I do not think this is going to work for them. As a huge Hans Zimmer fan myself, I completely agree with this. Zimmer's work for Man of Steel - as with his other work - is beautiful and inspiring. Zimmer is a true genius. I am delighted to be going to see him live in February. I cannot wait for it! Nothing at all against John Williams at all for his work on the 1978 Superman score. It truly is a timeless classic.
  2. I made a similar request a couple of years ago to immortalize @Heracleain Cimerora. I can empathize with you and I am saddened to hear of your loss. My sympathies to you and to the family of the people involved. Having made a similar request and having had time over the years to think about it, I agree with those who have said HC spending time building some kind of memorial and developing a written policy for who gets included is not a good idea. All this will do is lead to arguments, hurt feelings and disenchantment. There will be endless debates over who is or is not worthy of inclusion and why or why not, what said memorial should be or look like, where it should be located and so on. You can already see from the suggestions being made here that people are going to have vastly different ideas of where and how to remember their friend or loved one(s). We should also consider that some people may not have wanted their character immortalized in game. No matter how simple or easy it may seem, adding a memorial with names is work from a volunteer staff. As an example, Cryptic added a memorial in STO for actors, producers, writers and others involved with Star Trek over the years who have passed away. There are memorial plaques in each of the major social hubs players can click on to read the names of those who have passed on. It is very nice, but it also requires work and maintenance, and unfortunately, there have been some rather heated debates over who should or should not be included and in what order. As far as the existing NPCs, I agree with those who have said it should be left entirely to the discretion of the HC staff who they want to add to the game and where. As has already been said, it is their server, not ours. Unfortunately, this is what it is and this will happen if such a memorial and official policy are put in place. I think if you were to look at the suggestion objectively, you would understand this is what inevitably will happen. I do not believe it is being disrespectful or insincere to point that out. As others have already pointed out, there is a forum specific for remembering those who have passed on. In addition to that, players can choose an appropriate location and date/time to gather in game and hold a vigil for their fallen friends or loved ones. If there were to be any development time spent on this, I like this idea best as I agree that bases are a much better option for this kind of thing. Players can design whatever kind of monument or memorial they would like and it does not require any HC development effort. These bases can be made public or kept private depending on player wishes. Ultimately, I believe everyone is worth remembering. We have all had an impact on others in our own way, and we are all worthy.
  3. Actually, no, they often do not. I run the Crimson arc a few times a week, and not one of the NPC hostages in any of those missions say a peep until after you have rescued them. Finding Kristovich in the second mission specifically can be an enormous pain in the rear if you get unlucky. That arc is just one example I can think of off the top of my head. There are quite a lot of missions where having NPCs call for help would be a blessing.
  4. Space Battleship Yamato (aka Starblazers in the US). This one has it all. Compelling drama, interesting, well fleshed out characters, aliens, epic space battles, and a ship among the pantheon of greatest sci-fi spaceships of all time. I literally ran home from the bus stop when I was a kid to watch this. At the time, it was one of the most popular English-translated anime series here in the US. It got a live action treatment back in 2010. It wasn't bad, but didn't quite do the story justice in my opinion. Still very cool to watch though, especially for the absolutely stunning Meisa Kuroki who is just so gorgeous. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoPZW1Y0A24 And let's face it, the Wave Motion Gun is just epic! Still quite popular among Japanese anime enthusiasts! I always thought Space Battleship Yamato would make a great base for an epic MMORPG!
  5. Frustratingly, this happened again this evening. Our team unfortunately had the mission door right beneath the South tram in Skyway on the weekly Saturday Night Synapse. If there is any way to remove this location from the possible list, that would be splendid. It is very frustrating to go through the whole TF to that point only to have Babbage not show up.
  6. @JasperStone @ZacKing it would be wonderful if you both could grow up now and stick to the topic. Thank you. I have already addressed this. I do not disagree that the game has limitations and certain things cannot be achieved due to engine limitations or developer knowledge/time. Thank you.
  7. I see you are intent on derailing the thread. Again, I will respectfully ask that if you would like to offer something constructive to the discussion, please feel free to do so. Repeating that there are game and/or engine limitations as it stands now is not helpful, nor are you telling anyone anything they do not already know. I know full well that my idea, much like the overwhelming majority of the suggestions offered in this subforum, is very unlikely to ever be implemented. I am in no way making demands here that anything should be done just because I asked for it. I am only offering a suggestion, whether it can or ever will be implemented is not up to me. As far as I can see, there is no such restriction in the forum rules that states suggestions must be limited only to things the volunteer staff here can achieve. Thank you.
  8. Allow me to assure you, I am under no illusions whatsoever that my suggestion here will ever be implemented. I completely understand this is a volunteer staff with limited time running this operation. I believe it very safe to say most all of us on the forums know this as well, and that the majority of suggestions for changes posted here will never be implemented. I certainly do not need you to enlighten me on that point. I kindly ask that if you have something constructive to offer to the thread, please feel free to share it. Otherwise, we do not need a reminder that not everything can or will be done. Thank you.
  9. Better suggestion. Thank you.
  10. More often than not, when it comes to making alterations to a build, I am only looking to move a single slot around from one power to another. Going through the entire respec process of selecting primary, secondary and pool powers and their slots all over again, adding enhancements back in and redoing all my power trays is cumbersome just for moving a single enhancement slot. The respecification process is wonderful if I am making major changes to powers and/or pool selections and such. It is overkill for moving a single slot. It would be very spiffy if we could have a type of respec that would allow us to move a single slot without needing to go through the entire respec process. Some initial thoughts; Single enhancement resepec has to be earned in-game similar to the existing respec trials or from a respec recipe. Would require the need for enhancement unslotter to unslot any enhancement and move the desired slot. Potentially have an inf cost as an inf sink? I understand this is probably very complicated to achieve, but I believe would be a nice feature if possible. Thank you.
  11. Not sure if this is possible or not. It would be spiffy if the buildings near and under the South tram in Skyway City could be locked out from the list of potential mission doors on the Synapse TF. Due to the proximity to the tram, Babbage is getting droned before he can be engaged. I have seen this happen enough times now that it is something of a nuisance, and it is quite frustrating as we have no control over what doors we get. If possible, have the doors in proximity to any of the train stations and drone locations get locked out to prevent Babbage from going poof. Thanks.
  12. Do you see how much crime goes on right under their noses? They're all so lazy!
  13. Thank you. I kindly ask that you do not further derail the thread with discussions about scale and how that relates to whether or not our characters could actually play an oversiszed instrument or how "real" an oversized instrument is or is not. That goes for others as well. Thank you.
  14. With respect, your understanding is completely incorrect. I linked the Fortnite article because I mentioned the Fortnite Metallica update in my post. The link was added for context and information about the update which inspired my suggestion. To be clear, I did not nor was I attempting to suggest that a whole new powerset and/or character animations get added to the game to allow for our characters to play a guitar. I was only suggesting that it might be fun to add some guitar models into the game as options for a handful of melee weapon sets. This exactly. Thank you.
  15. The kids have been having a blast playing Fortnite since the Metallica update dropped (yes I am a bit biased 😁). It got me thinking that it might be fun to have guitars as an option for the various melee weapon sets (TW/BS/WM/BA/DB). https://www.fortnite.com/news/metallica-lights-up-fortnite-with-a-new-music-experience-festival-season-and-more Guitars, along with Symphony Control and Sonics may even be used as a starting point for creating a new and all original, unique to HC NPC villain group with their own unique story arc. There is a lot of potential there, like adding drum sticks as an option for Dual Blades. Yes, I know it is hard to add new models and such to the game. Might be fun though! Something different anyway.
  16. These various AI tools are a lot of fun! Here are a few Krea enhancements of my characters. Shard Warrior - my main (Street Justice/Ninjitsu Scrapper) Jade-Star - (Fire Blast/Energy Melee Blaster) Mini Draxelle - (Water/Rad Corruptor) Mini Zendrina - (Shield Defense/Psi Melee Tanker - super fun combo!) StatesMini - (Super Strength/Invulnerability Tanker) JuggaMini - (Super Strength/Willpower Brute) Fun stuff!
  17. I am saddened to hear about Anne's passing. I didn't know her well, but had the pleasure of teaming with her many a time over the last few years on various TFs. She was among the select few I kept on my global friends list and I always admired her cleverly named characters. She was helpful, knowledgeable and fun to be around. I know she had a large group of friends here who I am sure will miss her deeply. Sincerest condolences to her friends and loved ones on her passing.
  18. Destiny
  19. Thank you. The Watchtower is on Excelsior.
  20. If you're on Torcbearer server, please do check out RESEARCH STATION P2X-374 - part of the Paragon Corps presence here in Galactic Sector 20918!
  21. RESEARCH STATION P2X-374 - Archeological Research Station for the Paragon Corps in Galactic Sector 20918. Base code PARAGON-4751 Who are the Paragon Corps? The Paragon Corps is an ancient intergalactic organization devoted to law enforcement, peacekeeping, exploration and scientific discovery. Founded several millennia ago in a distant galaxy, they have continued to expand and spread their influence further across the universe. Each member, known as a Paragon, utilizes sophisticated technologies granting the user with incredible abilities that are derived from and directed by the power of their will. Strongest and most powerful among the Paragons are known as the Guardians, beings of immense will and psionic abilities far beyond those of ordinary beings. The Paragon Corps are soldiers, engineers and scientists devoted to keeping the peace in the universe. Not only are they keeping the peace ... they are looking for something. The Paragon Corps have come to have a keen and mysterious interest in the planet Earth, recently unveiling their latest space station - The Watchtower. The station serves as Command Center for Paragon Corps in Galactic Sector 20918. Their search within the Kuiper Belt has continued, leading them to a large asteroid designated P2X-374. Buried deep within the massive rock, they made an archeological discovery of great significance. RESEARCH STATION P2X-374 Location: Asteroid P2X-374, Kuiper Belt, SOL System, Galactic Sector 20918 Carved out of and constructed from harvested materials mined from the asteroid, Research Station P2X-374 lies within the vast expanse of space between Neptune and Pluto. A satellite station of the Watchtower, its purpose is archeological in nature. Upon transporting aboard, you will find yourself in the Transporter Room, with service to all areas of Paragon City, The Rogue Isles and beyond. Heading South through the main entrance tunnel which has been bored through solid rock, you will find entry to the main areas of the facility. To the east, you will find the primary reactor core. The core harnesses the vast energy contained within a solid sphere of beryllium and powers the entire station. To the west, you will see automated drones working fastidiously on an archeological site. Continuing south down the main hallway, you will come upon the storage facilities and armory, along with the primary research laboratory and fabrication shop. Should any Paragons get injured while serving to defend Galactic Sector 20918, there are advanced first aid and medical services aboard the station to assist them in a speedy recovery. Please do feel free to beam aboard and make use of the station and its facilities. The base is open to the public, so feel free to use any time. Beam aboard as often as you like. See you out there among the stars! If you're on Excelsior server, please do drop by and check out The Watchtower - home of the Paragon Corps on Excelsior.
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  22. Well I thought the editor was going to be the death of me on this one, but it's finally ready for a grand opening! THE WATCHTOWER - Command Center for Paragon Corps in Galactic Sector 20918. Base code PARAGON-15105 Who are the Paragon Corps? The Paragon Corps is an ancient intergalactic organization devoted to law enforcement, peacekeeping, exploration and scientific discovery. Founded several millennia ago in a distant galaxy, they have continued to expand and spread their influence further across the universe. Each member, known as a Paragon, utilizes sophisticated technologies granting the user with incredible abilities that are derived from and directed by the power of their will. Strongest and most powerful among the Paragons are known as the Guardians, beings of immense will and psionic abilities far beyond those of ordinary beings. The Paragon Corps are soldiers, engineers and scientists devoted to keeping the peace in the universe. Not only are they keeping the peace ... they are looking for something. THE WATCHTOWER Location: Kuiper Belt, SOL System, Galactic Sector 20918 Constructed atop and out of of harvested materials mined from within the Kuiper Belt, the Watchtower lies within the vast expanse of space between Neptune and Pluto. Its purpose is to serve as the central command station for Galactic Sector 20918, of which the planet Earth is included. Heavily shielded and armed, the Watchtower is a formidable space station capable of keeping and entire sector of space safe from harm. Space stations built by the Paragon Corps have been known to fend off assault from entire fleets of hostile aliens. Upon transporting aboard, you will find yourself on Deck 4. Here you will find the Transporter Room with service to all areas of Paragon City, The Rogue Isles and beyond. Critical services such as first aid, armory and costuming are readily available. Turbolift access is also found here. Internal turbolift destinations are as follows; Deck 7: (Lamedh) Main Engineering The heart of the Watchtower, the mighty engine core utilizes the staggeringly vast energies from within a sphere of pure beryllium to power the station. High energy particles are transferred to the to the warp nacelles which are used for station keeping and interstellar travel if required. Deck 6: (Heth) Flight Operations The flight deck aboard the Watchtower where both incoming and outgoing intergalactic ships serve as defense or resupply. You will find a workshop on the flight deck where spacecraft are maintained. If you have your spacesuit ready, feel free to exit through the forcefields to take an exterior tour of the station. You can also use one of the small shuttlecraft to explore the robotic mining operations on the nearby asteroids where robotic drones are harvesting materials and beryllium. Deck 5: (Beth) Arboretum Part of the natural sciences division, this arboretum serves not only as a center for the study of alien botany, but as a much needed source of beauty and tranquility in the blackness of space. Deck 4: (Aleph/Daleth) Transporter Room, Main Turbolift and Essential Services Transporter access to all areas, along with trainer, store, nurse and costume contacts. Deck 3: (Yodh) Infirmary and Science Labs As powerful as they are, even Paragons require medical attention from time to time after battling evil. Deck 3 contains the trauma center, surgical and recovery wards. In addition to the hospital services, there are also science labs devoted to materials and biological studies. Deck 2: (Gimel) Crew Quarters and Crew Lounge / Mess hall This deck serves as the barracks for the crew, providing them with ample living quarters and a mess hall, where they can relax and unwind when off duty. Several Paragon's are rumored to be master chefs, so their fellow crew mates eagerly anticipate chow time when they are on kitchen duty. Deck 1: (Kaph) Command Operations The nerve center for the Watchtower. Take the center seat and you can direct not only Watchtower operations, but those of Galactic Sector 20918 and elsewhere wihthin the known universe. Off the command bridge you will find the Commanding Officers Ready Room and officers conference room. Exterior Views: Please do feel free to beam aboard and take a tour of the station. The base is open to the public, so feel free to use any time. See you out there among the stars!
  23. The Watchtower - Command Center for Paragon Corps in Galactic Sector 20918. Base code PARAGON-15105 Who are the Paragon Corps? The Paragon Corps is an ancient intergalactic organization devoted to law enforcement, peacekeeping, exploration and scientific discovery. Founded several millennia ago in a distant galaxy, they have continued to expand and spread their influence further across the universe. Each member, known as a Paragon, utilizes sophisticated technologies granting the user with incredible abilities that are derived from and directed by the power of their will. Strongest and most powerful among the Paragons are known as the Guardians, beings of immense will and psionic abilities far beyond those of ordinary beings. The Paragon Corps are soldiers, engineers and scientists devoted to keeping the peace in the universe. Not only are they keeping the peace ... they are looking for something. THE WATCHTOWER Location: Kuiper Belt, SOL System, Galactic Sector 20918 Constructed atop and out of of harvested materials mined from within the Kuiper Belt, the Watchtower lies within the vast expanse of space between Neptune and Pluto. Its purpose is to serve as the central command station for Galactic Sector 20918, of which the planet Earth is included. Heavily shielded and armed, the Watchtower is a formidable space station capable of keeping and entire sector of space safe from harm. Space stations built by the Paragon Corps have been known to fend off assault from entire fleets of hostile aliens. Upon transporting aboard, you will find yourself on Deck 4. Here you will find the Transporter Room with service to all areas of Paragon City, The Rogue Isles and beyond. Critical services such as first aid, armory and costuming are readily available. Turbolift access is also found here. Internal turbolift destinations are as follows; Deck 7: (Lamedh) Main Engineering The heart of the Watchtower, the mighty engine core utilizes the staggeringly vast energies from within a sphere of pure beryllium to power the station. High energy particles are transferred to the to the warp nacelles which are used for station keeping and interstellar travel if required. Deck 6: (Heth) Flight Operations The flight deck aboard the Watchtower where both incoming and outgoing intergalactic ships serve as defense or resupply. You will find a workshop on the flight deck where spacecraft are maintained. If you have your spacesuit ready, feel free to exit through the forcefields to take an exterior tour of the station. You can also use one of the small shuttlecraft to explore the robotic mining operations on the nearby asteroids where robotic drones are harvesting materials and beryllium. Deck 5: (Beth) Arboretum Part of the natural sciences division, this arboretum serves not only as a center for the study of alien botany, but as a much needed source of beauty and tranquility in the blackness of space. Deck 4: (Aleph/Daleth) Transporter Room, Main Turbolift and Essential Services Transporter access to all areas, along with trainer, store, nurse and costume contacts. Deck 3: (Yodh) Infirmary and Science Labs As powerful as they are, even Paragons require medical attention from time to time after battling evil. Deck 3 contains the trauma center, surgical and recovery wards. In addition to the hospital services, there are also science labs devoted to materials and biological studies. Deck 2: (Gimel) Crew Quarters and Crew Lounge / Mess hall This deck serves as the barracks for the crew, providing them with ample living quarters and a mess hall, where they can relax and unwind when off duty. Several Paragon's are rumored to be master chefs, so their fellow crew mates eagerly anticipate chow time when they are on kitchen duty. Deck 1: (Kaph) Command Operations The nerve center for the Watchtower. Take the center seat and you can direct not only Watchtower operations, but those of Galactic Sector 20918 and elsewhere wihthin the known universe. Off the command bridge you will find the Commanding Officers Ready Room and officers conference room. Exterior Views: Please do feel free to beam aboard and take a tour of the station. The base is open to the public, so feel free to use any time. See you out there among the stars!
  24. I can empathize, however I think it better to be safe than sorry here and your group should be renamed, no offense meant. If you all believe that strongly that you should be allowed to use the name, by all means take it up with Disney yourselves. It is not worth risking the game for everyone else. That rule was put in place for a reason after all.
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