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Everything posted by Lunchmoney

  1. Phoebas was a priestess of Phoebus. So this might be intentional.
  2. If I had my own webspace could I run this from there? Saving badge/character info not in my cache? Please forgive any obvious ignorance, I've no idea how these things actually work 😆
  3. Is it an online database, though? If I clear my browser cache my saved badge info is gone.
  4. I'm gonna take a guess.... No I'm not, what is T4? What is this about?
  5. I thought they all could. Something learned 👍
  6. This appears to be a suggestion for the devs. Therefore I suggest this is posted, or moved, to the suggestions forum. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/45-suggestions-amp-feedback/
  7. This appears to be a suggestion for the devs. Therefore I suggest this is posted, or moved, to the suggestions forum. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/45-suggestions-amp-feedback/
  8. Google does a thing called reverse image search. And then you were told he presented a show. All you need to search was provided.
  9. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/60-tools-utilities-amp-downloads/ Just gonna leave this here.... 😉
  10. This probably belongs here -> https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/60-tools-utilities-amp-downloads/
  11. Have you considered teaming with hero stats?
  12. Reported! This needs to be pinned 😉😄
  13. Just making people aware of this.... https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/33-badges/
  14. Drag the power into the chat bar and type the command around the power name.
  15. Why are posting in patch notes from August? Try the latest patch and read this
  16. Someone give me a 2080ti and I'll let you know 😄
  17. They're not TF's but story arcs. And the level range is clearly posted in the OP you helpfully quoted all of.
  18. 7.23 evening, then. I missed it completely and was just going by the OP time. Either way, my point stands 😉
  19. I like the Walls, they have story. What I want to know; who paid for them? The Rogue Isles?
  20. 7.23 in the morning is not the afternoon. It is possible that other time zones, outside America, exist 😉 The team have stated they are roving the start time to give opportunity to different countries.
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