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Everything posted by Lunchmoney

  1. Bum. I don't read the beta sub forums, having no interest (barely get the time to play, let alone playing in a test area).
  2. Typing the following into the chat bar will get you an insta-TP2Base power with no cool down or interrupt. /macro_image "Teleportation_Teleport" "TBCB" "enterbasefrompasscode ****-999" Replace ***-999 with your base code. Handy way to get into your base and use your teleporters 🙂 See here to get your base code
  3. Use the flashback system and give the goons a buff. Or player debuff. Or both. Or any of the other challenge settings in Ouro.
  4. Multi tasking; Looking after baby, fussing the Cat, arresting villains.
  5. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/33-badges/
  6. In the interest of just one photo.... This is some stuff for the game Gaslands. Everything in the photo was made by me;
  7. Other interests include (in no particular order)..... D&D, Deadlands, Paranoia, plus a few other role play games (GM and player). Judge Dredd and 2000AD comics. Star Trek. Star Wars. MCU. B5. Blood Bowl (run many tournaments). My car (modified JDM Impreza). Gaslands (Mad Max style car combat, using modified Hotwheels). Classic, Universal and Hammer, monster movies. My library. My other library (two rooms filled with books, games and movies). My son (8 months old and trying to bite my leg at time of writing). The wifelet. My cat. Netrunner. Oh my, there's so much more 🙂
  8. Window10 runs everything just fine.
  9. In order to see if mine or the wifelet's toons appear on this list I reordered by AT, Primary, then Secondary. Made searching it easier. I'm going to start a new toon (when the baby allows some play time....)
  10. Are there any primary/secondary combos that have not been tried at all?
  11. Read the first post. However you will see that the window is long closed, so now you will have to wait for the next one. Check the calendar (found by clicking on Browse in the top left and clicking on calendar) for the next window (1st Sept).
  12. What's the name of the contact? edit: I searched my contacts and found him. Agent Hassell in Steel Canyon.
  13. +1 for Paragon Wiki. -1 for anything on fandom.
  14. I, too, have a SSD. Not really relevant though, is it? My CoH folder is 4.96gb which is really low. For a couple of comparisons: Civ 6 folder space - 16.3gb Xcom (inc long war mod) folder space - 18.8gb Elite Dangerous folder space - 20.4gb They are the only 4 games installed on my PC so nothing else to compare with.
  15. Thanks for patch, always good to see 🙂 But what's wrong with the patch forum? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/58-patch-notes/ Is there any point in having patches in the annoucements? Might as well do away with the patch forum. deja vu....
  16. Thanks for patch, always good to see 🙂 But what's wrong with the patch forum? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/58-patch-notes/ Is there any point in having patches in the annoucements? Might as well do away with the patch forum.
  17. Tick the red button. I do it so often I forget I've done it. Which causes confusion when I try to join a team..... 🤣
  18. Already a thing. In the Team tab select the red, Not Accepting Invites, option. I'll take a screenshot later.
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