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Everything posted by SuperPlyx

  1. Wanted to mention, that easy way to implement this would be to make the patron you choose be the one to introduce you the next one. After you have completed his/her story arc. And then when you have completed that patron's arc they could introduce you the next one and so on.
  2. But why limit the ability to do it? What purpose does it serve? And it is hard enough running redside missions without asking them to also lock into the flashback system. I mean I am happy you are willing to join , but I do not believe you are in the majority. Also I am not sure how much of the patron arcs are available by Ouro pass getting the badge. Getting the patron badges is just the very beginning of a lot missions they offer. All told I think Black Scorpion has 16 or 17 mission, I assume the others would be comparable.
  3. As it stands right now, you may choose 1 patron to unlock and only 1. But you get access to all the patron pool powers, so why am I only allowed to do 1 patrons arc? Now I know it can be done with Ouro and the flashback system, I have done it that way. But while the flashback system is great it is not conductive to PUG teams. And the vast majority of the player base is playing PUGs. The patrons have high quality content that is not being played for no good reason that I can think of. This seems like just a waste of content that could be being played regularly. I know I would do them.
  4. So here is a couple of interesting screenshots taking in the Shadow Shard map. The first is how it normally looks: Notice the particles and shields, etc... Now if I rotate the camera into the "field" around the building: No more particles, shields, anything...also of note my powers will not work if my camera is here. I press buttons and nothing happens. Of course just moving camera a little bit fixes it so no big deal.....just found it interesting Forgive the poor quality, I have an old rig and have to turn it way down on some maps.
  5. Question about the Singularity pull mechanic, will the MoBs that use Singularity also get this new mechanic? I know Prima Capo's from The Family use Singularity, do I need pull resistance now? I can't think of anything that pulls you in game. Perhaps KB protection could also do Pull Protection. Altho we may need to rename it.
  6. Personally I prefer Big Mobs "Road Tunnel" map 19823 so my numbers are skewered for that map. With a Rad/Fire Brute I average a clear time of 8 minutes per map with an alt tank on follow. Average 6 million inf on each account after vending. So 12 million per 8 minute mission. Solo without the tank I get 7 million per mission, so the overall gain is better with the second account. Of note: This is without using Inspirations. I vend all enhancements, all white and yellow recipes and all but rare salvage.
  7. I almost went the Cardiac route, but decided to go Ageless instead. It's another click I have to keep track of and I do sometimes forget in the heat of battle. But on the plus side it gives a nice recharge boost as well as Endurance.
  8. I been team leading pretty regularly here lately, mainly lvl50 redside , since I have just absolutely feel in love with my new Dom. While I do get a friend or two to join it is always just PUG teams. I just spam LFG chat and hope for the best. Torchbearer people know of my LFG nonsense to try and get teammates And for the most part it all works out. The difficulty may need to be adjusted as you go. A lot of the time start it as a team of 4 and add as we go. I find it interesting how a team can struggle and yet add one teammate and completely change how well the team works. Team lead is not hard to do, like anything the more you do it the better you get at it. Or at the least get more comfortable with it.
  9. It should be noted, these are decorative items. They can not be targeted or used as to there intended purpose...Which is sad really. So does no one know what the deal is with the dummies in RWZ ? Why they are there sometimes and not others?
  10. PvP IO recipes can no longer be sold to vendors So I will no longer accidently sell that Shield Wall that I actually need for an alt and now I have to use god knows how many converters to get it back since I sold it like an idiot? nice
  11. Oh, so now it's a Cardassian plot.
  12. There are some truly strange and messed up people in this world.
  13. So what exactly is going on with the targeting dummies in RWZ ? Sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not, sometimes I see 6 of them , sometimes less than that. Is it a time of day thing? Do they get destroyed as players use them? When do they respawn? Can you force them to respawn? Screenie for show: Inquiring minds want to know!
  14. So I was wondering would it be possible to make a Null the Gull option that I can pick to make it so when I click an SG portal I just goto base? Basically do away with the popup window where you have to pick your base or put in a code for a base. I just so very, very rarely ever want to go to anything but my base...it would just be so much easer and faster to do away with that popup. This has probably been asked for before, but I didn't see it
  15. A favorite alt of mine, with maybe my best screenshot( I am terrible at taking screenies)
  16. That's because LotG is a Global enhancement: Source
  17. Ok, believe Luck of the Gambler is the only global recharge IO. But as for recharge set bonuses check this page:https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Set_Bonus_Comparison_Tables Scroll down toward the bottom is recharge
  18. Agreed this will be interesting. Personally I have enough and could have a lot more but just lost interest in that part of it. I have more than I need already so stopped marketeering and rarely farm any more. When I do farm it is more something to do to relax and unplug.
  19. Been running tip missions today working to get frenzy. And yeah this guy will stay a villain. I am finding you just get used to and get a feel for clicking Dom manually. Just one of those things that takes practice and experience I think. I got 178ish global recharge so plenty of overlap. Since I slotted 1 winter set already for other bonuses, that gave me 15% -recharge resist , tossed a spare slot in kick for another 15% and the Winters Gift global for 20%...for a total of 50% -recharge resist. Edit: top line says doing tips for frenzy...I honestly have no idea what made me think that. But hey I got 40 merits!
  20. I like using this macro for different builds on alts: macro Build1 cc 1$$Select_build 1 Then do a macro on second build: macro Build2 cc 2$$Select_build 2 This changes the costume as well as the build. So you know just from looking at your alt what build your on. This works great on my Widow/Fort.
  21. Ok , that explains why it failed on a recent Kahn I was on. 1 teammate Ouro'd out before TT was used. Good to know.
  22. I think but not sure it goes: if everyone is Hero/Vigilante OR everyone is Villain/Rogue the TT works.
  23. I think it was mainly Arachanos that I was having the most problems. Adding some more -recharge resistance with next respec. Going to try putting Hasten back on auto and move Dom to the key easiest to hit, also gonna do a bind power to movement. For sure going to get that. Thanks for the replies.
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