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Everything posted by SuperPlyx

  1. Surely Revy would be Dual Pistols 😁
  2. Good starting point would be: OuroDev and the OuroDevWiki Believe you will need to talk to someone on their Discord channel to join the Git to be able to download files.
  3. IMO it seems to have really slowed down lately. The usual scheduled stuff seems to still be doing ok, Hami, MSR, etc. But notice a real drop in LFG stuff being put together. Not to say it isn't happening just not at the volume it was. I assume some of it is covid restrictions lifting. But I also think it's been 2 years now and the new has worn off. I hope the next updates are less about QoL and more about adding something new to get excited about and help to maintain the population .
  4. So I'm not losing my mind after all. Good to know.
  5. If you move Blaster's Wrath set from Bitter Ice Blast to Sonic Thrust you can then slot Winter's Bite set. This will let you unslot boxing and distribute those slots around build. With 1 of those slots going into Charged Amour to make up for the loss of Kinetic Combat in Sonic Thrust. And have to change Stupefy to Absolute Amazement to make up for the loss of recharge. The boxing slots I put in Tough for the status resistance and health for Pancea. I think should consider swapping Blistering Cold to Hecatomb for the recharge.
  6. So way back when on Live, I can not remember exactly what Issue the game, I think 10. I introduced the game to my brother. He quickly took to it and soon had a nice collection of toons. I noticed he had a couple that were all decked out in purps and was curious how he had pulled this off. He had bought Inf from a farmer on Ebay. I was farming just about a month or so ago and a random guy who had joined asked if I wanted to sell some Inf for real life money. I told them that I wasn't interested. And I team with couple people pretty regularly that don't do anything to make Inf but play the game. They are always in-game broke but they do not seem inclined to do anything to make Inf. No point really, just some remembrances and observations
  7. While I don't do this event very often, and honestly can't really remember the old way of doing it. But I like fighting the Paladin, I wanna fight the Paladin. Can we have old event plus have random Paladin spawns like the other GMs that random spawn?
  8. Yeah it does, should look like this: /macro TPS "petselectname Singularity$$powexecname Teleport Target" Where TPS is button name, and if you have named your Singularity you will need to use it's name instead
  9. There is no KnockBack ....which I should have mentioned before but didn't think of it. The mobs, stand in Bonfire taking damage, but they do not fall down (KnockDown) or go flying backwards (KnockBack) they just stand there. This would seem to indicate the IOs are working to some degree, since the power is no longer doing KnockBack. But why it is no longer doing KnockDown is the question.
  10. This may explain why I sometimes do not see the graphics from Bonfire. Hmmm now I wonder if this could have anything to do with the knockdown not working right, as I mention in my bug report thread. I was using the powexeclocation self command.
  11. Yes, the knockdown is what I was trying to get more of,lol It's a great way to mitigate some damage if you get surrounded by mobs,, drop Bonfire on your self. However it never gets all of them to knockdown, if your lucky you get half of them to knockdown. Why I was hoping adding Overwhelming would improve those odds. The fact that it also carries the "chance to knockdown" would seem to help that. Which is why it seems strange that instead I got virtually no knockdown at all. It went from half of the mobs to none or one
  12. So I had an extra slot on my Blaster in Bonfire so tossed in a Overwhelming Force: Knockback to Knockdown. Now this power already had a Sudden Acceleration: Knockback to Knockdown slotted in it. My thinking was if both were slotted it would mean 2 chances to knockdown, or that the ones the first IO didn't knockdown the second one would. However, from my limited testing it appears to cancel each other out. It is a significant reduction of knockdown. Have almost no knockdown at all with both slotted.
  13. It does indeed and with a stealth IO would give you 55 stealth for 90 minutes
  14. petselectname is the command I was looking for , Thanks @Hew No more Line of Sight issues with that one.
  15. Even at low mag the knockback should still work as knockdown. Also Wiki says Increasing Knockback " increases both the magnitude of KB and the resultant distance thrown" I was thinking with 2% so low maybe try another set, but after looking it appears Air Burst is the only set that improves knockback. Which surprised me tbh.
  16. Well for anyone that's interested here is one I am experimenting with: /macro TPS "powexec_name Teleport Target$$target_name Singularity" This will give you a macro that when pressed the first time will select SIngy and when pressed the second time will bring up the TP reticle to TP Singy. Easily changed to a bind. Note: If you have renamed your Singularity you must use that name instead of Singularity. Edit: this is not working in a combat situation, getting name could not be found error....damned if I know what's wrong with it.
  17. After getting sidetracked by a scrapper, I am finally getting around to adding Sorcery and TP to my Gravity Dom. And was wondering if those who have been using this for awhile have got some good binds for it you would share. Thanks
  18. He used 8 Intuition Imbuement: +28.12% To Hit, +37.5% Damage, +50% Perception to Team, that's 300 damage boost to all 10 pets. Looks like all he uses is Sleet, Heat loss and Burnout...the pets do everything else.
  19. It seems to me that you were happy with a stealth of 65 before patch. If that is the case then 55 stealth should also be good enough. I believe everything up to and including an AV perception is 54 or less. Of course this does not include snipers, rikti drones, Knives and those mentioned. But they would have seen through you're old 65 stealth as well. And they would see you with 85 Stealth.
  20. This is interesting question...how do people increase there DPS ? Is there something you do with every toon you make? Or is every toon made bespoke?
  21. Dream Doctor arc 2nd or 3rd mission when the big pac-man tries to eat you but fails: "I'm to tough to chew"
  22. I think this whole thread should be deleted. You are just speculating and potentially hurting someone who is doing nothing but volunteering to help this game improve.
  23. To my knowledge there is no version of Mind Link that is a toggle. It is a click buff that last 90 seconds.
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