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Everything posted by cranebump

  1. First: I read the TP guide, below. Maybe I missed what I'm looking for, but here is my issue: Tested to see if portal/destinations were linked. It appears they are? But then when I go "live:" I deleted the original small portal and tried a second one. No dice. Also switched portal types: Same thing. I'm pretty sure I've used these rings for normal TP egress on a different base, and everything was fine. I must be doing something wrong here, but I'm not sure what.
  2. Bad news. You can't set an ally to patrol. They'll remain there until freed, then they'll obey the command given them when freed (Follow, Do nothing, Run away, Run to nearest door, etc.). As far as actual patrols go, you can only assign enemy groups to patrol, and the patrol will only spawn as members of the group. There is no single patrol member, afaik. I suppose you could try to create a patrol featuring something like an EB or higher, and hope it spawns a single member. But there's no guarantees. Best bet is to maintain the single ally spawn, have them announce they're remaining where they are to "patrol the area" (then use release command=Do nothing). It's either that, or have them spawn close to a door, and, then freed, they can say, I'll check out (insert area A here)., while you (insert area B here)! Then give them the Run _____________ text. They'll then run off somewhere, at least. Assuming they don't glitch and follow you everywhere (because that sh*t happens, man).:-)
  3. Forgot about this before, but I did steal a costume idea from this guy: Kept the basic color scheme, but my guy (Souler) doesn't show off his gams like that. Also gave mine gloves. FYI: this character was repurposed as this guy for the Brit audience: (aka Marvelman), and both of them were inspired by this guy: Everything is an homage, to an extent (I am a part of all I have met). Direct copies? Another story. Oh, and off subject, but here's something: How not to draw a natural-looking figure. It's like we were using a not-fully-posable doll as a model. Either that, or hombre's been riding bareback for hours and hours in his civvie guise.
  4. AE XP awards are less , so as to keep regular game mishes paramount. Just make sure you're running X2 XP when farming.
  5. Thankful the game came back, and in such a way that it's a breeze to play the way you want. Thankful, too, for the community, and the friends I've made along the way.:-)
  6. Penelope Yin. World's most powerful psychic? Not when Malaise puts you to sleep .7 secs into the battle.
  7. I looked around for it, and found that the door was, indeed, up my arse. At least it was a short distance away...:-)
  8. Now THIS is gratifying: As someone who does a lot of AE scripting, it's nice to know the almighty mission creators are also slave to that nastiest of villains, the dreaded TYPO!
  9. Thought as much. Nice to know, thank you. aTell you what…those freakin’ subjugators and mentalists and such just cratered my little ol’ Zombies MM. I’d been running on what I thought was pretty casual (+0/x3). Had to scale that stuff back pretty quick. Of course, it’s probably help if I bothered to build out the toon, and not choose powers by I’m running old school. Yeah, we’ll be dialing back the hubris a bit there.:-)
  10. Major Viktory. Current version is SJ/WP. Scrapper. Red, White and Blue costume. Stars are present. His civilian name is Roger Stevens. Combat veteran. True leader. Of course, he has no shield, like my original version of him, so…he could be anybody…:-)
  11. Not so much weird here, but... I exit from mish to find this guy pot shotting me on a hilltop. After he's down though, I'm thinking, Maybe I wasn't the primary target. Dude's all alone on a hilltop. He's obviously keeping in shape by sniping DE.
  12. While this looks innocuous... ...it ain't. This is one of several mish doors in the Mr. G arc that have spawned in Ouro, once I could call him up (I don't recall why I logged out here in the first place, but that's a part of it, obviously). I've basically been running the last several Mr. G mishes here. When I TP'ed to hospital (after getting my arse kicked by those damned Praet mentalists), I ended up in Ouro, as well, thanks to that hospital TP behind the structure. Nice that everything is so close together, but very strange. Wonder what other contacts this would work on? Run a few mishes, then go to Ouro when you call. I'm guessing it may have something to do with many of Mr. G's mish doors being in the "supergroup base."
  13. After watching Molly run both arcs this morning, caught a couple of typos. And had one of THOSE kind -- you know...where you have to redo the entire window because of formatting all the text. And you have to do it to insert 1 m***********g letter? Yeah...that one...:-)
  14. Background: L40-50. Piggy backs on RWZ arcs (is wedged between Gaussian and Dark Watcher). Ran on low and high end. My little L40 Regen scrapper (a Long Rider toon) had some issues. My L50 incarnate tank breezed, even at higher settings. I don't have anything in the 45 range I can use to run this (atm). The usual design notes (spoilers!)
  15. An unceremonious curbstomp by a second-rate semi-vill on his way to temporary Godhood, delivered well before the finale of an overall poorly executed (considering its repercussions) arc. If you want to kill the guy, have him sacrifice himself in the final battle or something. I mean, really...Darrin Wade?
  16. I tend to recall getting my ass kicked in Darmian Arcs, rather than the other way β€˜round. Don’t get me wrong, I rarely outright die. But, by the time it’s over, Ive had more close shaves than Sweeney Todd
  17. A bit of that and first Dr Strange film I’d say.:-)
  18. Finished 1st part of 2-Arc story. Am delaying release until both are done. Here's the capsule: [SFMA] Villainous you is recruited by Longbow straightarrow Sefu Tendaji in promise of a someday favor. But a murder in the stormy present quickly obscures your future prospects, by placing you at the focal point of a massive conspiracy disguised as a civil defense plan. Fancy that. Me doing a conspiracy arc.:-)
  19. It may as well not be, since Johnny Sonata has those mystical protection wards surrounding it.
  20. Then we better be f'in good, for f'in sake!
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