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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. You should embed the video in the post itself so people can be more inclined to view it. I was curious so I did. And it hits up many of the tropes I find entertaining (though I have NO IDEA what Fate/Grand Order is all about. Still - anime City of Heroes? GIMME GIMME GIMME!! LOL!! 😄
  2. As you may have guessed - my life IS nerd humor. :P
  3. Anybody remember way back in the day when the promotional website for Pacific Rim had a link to a site that allowed you to "create your own Jaeger" design. It was pretty basic. And probably flash based (which is yet another reason among many why it no longer exists, even as an archive.) But I had some fun with it. For the record, I think this was the first time I ever used this name (Based on a First Comics title from the mid 80s). Not long after this, I created a "Dynamo Joe" in Champions Online that was an obvious Gypsy Danger homage. And that's where I got at least the name for my first main on Everlasting server. (Which looks far more like the original comic source material, though with more "Gundam" elements mixed in.) Anyway - I kept an eye on that website and watched designs roll in and there was another forum that found the site briefly and had some fun with it. Coming up with silliness like the following: (In some cases, you need to know the references to get the joke - that's why it's here in Nerd Humor) And then someone HAD to bring WARHAMMER into it and everything went to hell... 🤣
  4. This is a general meme for a LOT of Redsiders. 😄
  6. I may have posted this elsewhere. But this was a very early screenshot. I think circa late 2004 or sometime in 2005. As you can see - the coloring on Nemesis and his staff was originally somewhat different - a sort of gold/silver look. I know the later and now current look is more consistent with his sort of "steampunk" brass design sense. But I kinda miss this early version.
  7. That's pretty much what I thought - have an RP element for those players who care. But don't make it mandatory. That's one of the reasons why I referenced the Zone-wide "Group Fly" effect of being in the zone. (It wouldn't actually BE that specific effect. But it was the best comparison I could think of at the time.) Oh - and I had a mental block when I was trying to remember what the zone was named that hosted the redside Hamidon raid. It's The Abyss. Irony alert! :D
  8. It's a possibility. The thing is - back in Paragon Studios, from what we've heard, the ideas were in flux. They started that construction as a "Just in case we DO go in this direction" kind of thing. But it wasn't set in stone. Further ideas connected to that were at least a partial reclamation of Boomtown for a Spaceport/Airport. OR - Merging Steel Canyon and part of Boomtown. OR - Creating a new small zone that supposedly fit between Boomtown and Steel Canyon. OR - that was one of the original reasons for creating Kallisti Wharf. OR - the launch pad would BE in north Steel Canyon. (I doubt I'd believe in that one, but eh... ) At this late date. It's hard to say.
  9. I once made a suggestion about an underwater zone that would use existing assets as much as possible and be interesting. And I was told the explanation for why true swimming doesn't actually work in COH. (As mentioned above, "swimming" isn't really swimming, it's running with a different animation etc) The one place it APPEARS to work (that one cave in Cimerora is basically a bit of an illusion. You're not actually breaking the rules, it's simply that the "floor" level drops down a bit under that bridge and you don't notice because you can't surface under the bridge anyway. That being said - when we were having discussions about all this, we thought it could be worked around by changing the rules somewhat. Instead of tying the swimming animation to the run powers. Change it in that zone so that it was attached to the FLYING powers. And by default they have to be on all the time for every player (no end usage at all). In effect, every player gets an invisible "Jet pack" that they can't take off in the zone. No effects or collision model. OR - make it so that the entire zone effectively induces a "group fly" effect on all characters within. Also - we have submarines in the game already - and the models for them are full models. Not just surface models. I think they are usable base items now and you can view them in full in the editor. So - either "anchor" the sub for entering the zone in one spot or make it a "flying" vehicle that can move around the zone a bit like the Rikti Drop ship. Speaking of that - my initial idea for the zone was to build the zone using the Rikti War Zone as a starting point. And then add things to it. Why? Because of the initial Intro Movie way back in 2004 that showed Statesman taking down TWO Rikti motherships. We know where ONE went. Where'd the other one go? My proposal was that it went out over the ocean and sank. And thus you have the impetus for the new zone. The second Rikti Mothership was found and zone events could be built around scouting it. Going into it. And fighting off other villainous groups that wished to exploit it. The zone as I said - would start off as the RWZ. But instead of War walls, replace those models with the walls and natural pylons you find in the Redside version of the Hamidon Zone. That deep deep crater pit it's in. Use those models to build up all the side walls of the RWZ Map and re-texture the ground too. Remove all the building ruins. Or change them into something else. (Maybe Coralax structures on the far side of the zone from the Mothership?) Fill with water all the way to the top. (assume you're too deep to make it back to the surface without help from the submarine) Change the lighting. Voila! Now you no longer have a city zone. Now you have a deep underwater canyon off the coast of Rhode Island! One of the wildest ideas floated was to change the entire look of the Rikti Mothership texture. Plot twist! When you finally get a good look at the thing, it no longer looks Rikti. Now it looks like ARACHNOS tech on the outside! Using a similar aesthetic to that of the Arachnos Fliers and other bits of that unique tech look of the Rogue Isles. The basic shape of the ship would be the same. But it's obvious that the heroes have a problem because Lord Recluse has been a very busy Supervillain! That idea wasn't mine. But I liked it enough to mention it. In short - the idea was to create a unique zone with different movement rules that were adaptable to any player character. But keep the asset development to a minimum. No new textures (or at least minimal new textures). Re-use as much as possible but still make the experience interesting enough to be fun to explore and do stuff in.
  10. If I recall correctly, the minions that are summoned look like characters and do have collision meshes. But they are not in fact, proper entities. It's hard to describe. But the way I remember being told about it is that each pet is a bundle of powers rather than an actual summon like a Lore Pet. And the "Bundle" is tied to a specific look (or two looks for upgradable minions). So - unlike a Player character or even a Lore pet. It's extremely difficult on the programming end to disentangle the actual "character model" from the "bundle of powers" without breaking the whole thing badly and causing massive glitches. Or - in other words - Masterminds were an example of a "kludge" or work-around bit of code that did the job adequately enough to be stable for release back when City of Villains went live. But it's one of those "look at it wrong and it breaks" type of code. To make Mastermind pets truly customizable, you'd basically have to rebuild the entire AT from the ground up to work in a completely different fashion.
  11. I actually got a pic of Jack In Irons on his Throne in the Croatoa Forest. Yes! It actually happens from time to time! Moments later, He woke up due to his flatulence igniting all the torches around him. So I ran. 😅
  12. I am exactly (or as close as makes no difference) as old as the Star Trek franchise from first actual broadcast of "The Man Trap".
  13. I think (THINK) I found that image on imgur originally. Regardless of the source - it sums up MY feelings on the matter perfectly. Anybody around here old enough to remember mood rings and pet rocks? 🤣
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