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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. Well I'm stumped. Where will I find a counter to that argument? I sure hope someone comes up with something ... Oh. Thanks.
  2. I think it's important to have this discussion. I also believe that even the most ardent advocate of land grabbing is happy with the system as long as the time period is reasonable. Even @ivanhedgehog admits that one year might be fine.
  3. NPCs in video games, innit? Especially effin' old 'uns. TL;DR AI=Adumb
  4. It's number.. hey, haaaang on a minute ...
  5. Now who's making fallacious analogies?
  6. Ehm.. no. I don't see how the amount of time changes whether I'm right or wrong. I think I'm either one or the other in the whole of my opinion. I think you mean to suggest that a year might be a more appropriate timescale for the proposed system. In which case, we're debating over the parameters within the proposed system and not whether it's reclamation rather than theft. There's no sophistry here.
  7. Working as intended, in that case!
  8. Thanks for all your modding work 🙂 It was nice to have you around.
  9. I'd love the devs to have a go at switching the environments from time to time. it'd be great to see what Steel Canyon would look like given the Gotham treatment.
  10. My teleport sfx mod is great for this, you can hear them "pop" when they return.
  11. We need an Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo ... etc. etc. and so on and so forth, etc.
  12. Obviously the AE was never there. It was is some inception shit - a conception of itself in which it must have existed and so it did. Sadly, the really hot cup and tea went cold and the infinite improbability of it being there in the first place unwound into a faint possibility.
  13. Now you're going to have to remember to bump this ever year.
  14. Completing X TFs in Y amount of time should spawn a special giant monster or event. That is how you incentivise things. Make them trigger special stuff. Stop just giving people everything and make them work for it. Inconvenience is important! https://massivelyop.com/2022/06/09/massively-overthinking-every-mmo-inconvenience-is-someone-elses-game/
  15. Henceforth, there's no excuses about "expensive motion capture studios"!
  16. That's the opposite of what I like, everybody constantly wants rebuffing and healing! Ugh! Not to mention anchors! Stop killing my anchors! OMG, the mechanics of support are HORRIBLE!
  17. Controllers innit. I like controlling but a support secondary? :((( no thanks.
  18. As long as the devs follow through with their plans to strip names off inactive characters, I'm happy with your idea of just deleting names.
  19. Now we're onto ideas I had way back in Live ... What if there were events happening in the tower blocks and you could rescue people from windows and put out fires whilst other players battled King Kong or Godzilla as they scaled the exterior? Oh sorry... was thinking of CoH2.
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