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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. Demons MM Teletrans Toggle power sfx - why don't they just fade away? Putting your hearing at risk is a strange way to put it. Surely, you have a volume control on your end of things? If not, there's a slider for that. Ahhh, you need the volume high for the search ping? In that case, all the sounds would need to be modded individually, unless there were an individual slider for the search ping.
  2. This ain't their first hulk-out, pal.
  3. I've read the resumes of some of you guys in the volunteer forum. I know we've got our fair share of cutting edge geniuses, geniii or whatever the word is. Have you guys done this with your characters yet? Here is a video... AI is turning characters into realistic faces. So how long before we get shader-like software (you know, it sits on top of your game, filtering it) that makes video game faces into realistic ones?
  4. I wonder if Solarverse got around to doing TA audio mod. The Archery Primary mod is great:
  5. So if alternate animations are so difficult, would a bunch of new Gun Powersets seem fitting, or should such Gun variety powersets also have other concepts tied in to differentiate them from the Magicians? If so, this seems like it would also take a considerable amount of extra time to produce.
  6. I wonder if it would be a lot of effort to generate new maps with those slidey elements on them? I mean... even if it's a unique feature of the Frostfire experience, surely by endgame there's no harm in a few more? Perhaps a little variety, no?
  7. It's one of dem finks loik digital watches and laysaz, maasta.
  8. How does the game know it's Nectanabo's Gourd, and why is it telling you? Because it wants you to travel back to 342BC and return the Gourd. For some reason.... a reason that could change HISTORY ITSELF!111
  9. I was cobbling together yet another pulp Rocketeer-a-like character and I wondered ... I feel rather limited to guns and such. I don't feel like it's feasible to put something like Ice Control on him. Because the Ice Control animations look he's like a magician waving his arms in the air like that. So I thought ... what if the powers came from a gun? Then I was thinking what is a powerset? I mean... what's the determining thing? Originally the powersets seem to have been simple elements: Fire, Ice, Earth.. then it got complicated. Now we've got a situation where each individual weapons is supposedly it's own powerset (let's not talk about bean bags and flamethrowers not being Assault Rifles here). What constitutes a powerset? I feel like "Ice" is super-vague and puts a block on the creation of non-magician ice-oriented powersets, such as Ice Rifle. But maybe that's not the way the developers would see an alternative to what I've described here as Magician Ice. What if they see the alternative as the same powersets but with weapons and weapon-animations instead (which was my initial desire). What do you think?
  10. I really love Keith Nance -> Jenny Adair arc(s). Laura Lockheart, I also like the whole Faultline arc. and Roy Cooling. After doing all of those, I'm kinda lost around level 27. What do I do now? Grind?
  11. The realistic prospect of failure should be present in a story for it to be interesting. That's why some of the CoH stories are great. They end in failure no matter what, or at the very least success at great cost.
  12. Bernard Cribbins was an ever-present of British TV for a long, long time. What a massive legend.
  13. RIP Bernard Cribbins 😞 Here is how to say his name the British way, Americans! 🙂 Bernard Cribbins - Hole in the Ground
  14. I saw this character when I was playing Elvis (Hunka Burnin' Love) in 2008 and it inspired me to make SO many Rocketeer-style heroes.
  15. It just goes to show how good sounds can completely change the feel of the game. I would like to change the default "boingy" sounds, such as the "no" sound (you know, when you try to do something you can't) to something much more snappy.
  16. I love this arc. Here I am shooting myself in the back.
  17. It's a beautiful and elegant design. BUT designs that can interact with other costume parts are the best ones. Does this one interact well with Over The Shoulder Mantle? Chest Details? Especially Symbols. That's the factor that determines whether it gets a boo or yay from me.
  18. There's nothing silly about that. It's a great idea. It should be in the game now. I concur, the feeling of progression isn't much of a thing in the new CoH - maybe it's more about "unlocking" than discovering. Convenience is a huge part of modern games - the idea that blocks are put in the game so that achievement can allow the user to overcome them... it seems developers of all games don't like it anymore. Isn't that the point in a game? Why have snakes in Snakes and Ladders? Why not just ladders? Part of game development is or should be creating problems/inconvenience. For example, I want to have to travel to Icon to change my gear - it makes the world seem more alive when people are using shops, not just crowding round Ms Liberty. Having said all of this, I do like being able to build my entire appearance at the start of the game.
  19. This cover is better than the original.... and that's a classic. Hello to all the villains!
  20. He's just a Hunka Burnin' Love! (My Elvis was a FirKin 'Troller - back when a Firkin 'Troller wasn't someone who takes the piss).
  21. I have a character that looks a bit like that. I call him... Cloud Strife! Yes! They one shotted that goon! Oh the animation is okay, too, I guess. 😉
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