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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. If that's the case, limit yourself you certain powersets or use the KB->KD enhancement, your problem can be solved, the geometry problem cannot. Yet.
  2. You're creative enough, you just need inspiration and time. EDIT: I should add that inspiration doesn't come from thin air - look at what others are doing, copy bits you like, change them, tweak it a bit with your own flavour. Don't think you need to make everything from scratch, that's not how creativity works. We build on the past.
  3. Why complain about edits? I mean, who cares?
  4. I'll go first! My idea is that you can have an irresistible ability that teleports the nearest foe to your location. This could be problematic on some events where NPCs have to be in certain positions, like Lord Recluse, so it should not work on those events. Does that negate the proposal? I fear that it might.
  5. I want knockback to be more acceptable in CoH. I love the mechanic and would like to see enemies being sent flying all over the place because fun. BUT we all know the main problem, and it's not that we like herding and efficiency. It's enemies getting stuck in the geometry in such a way that; they can't get out, and, we can't "arrest" them. So what can we do to either; stop them getting blasted into the geometry, or, give them a way to get back into the regular playing area?
  6. Usually this website, https://ttsreader.com/ ... but there are many others.
  7. Better, Faster, Stronger ... always reminds me of one of my favourite old heroes... ... of course, that's also where the wrestler got his name.
  8. https://www.logodesignteam.com/blog/10-hilarious-comic-sans-meme-light-day/
  9. Is that a badger? I thought they looked like this:
  10. Hi there CR, I was talking to someone about PvP today, they said that there are big problems with the enhancement system in PvP. For example- Procs are unresistable - wtf?! There's a soft cap on control durations. Whilst I agree with this, it begs the question: what's the point in Controllers? That's a whole archetype that can't compete in PvP. How are you supposed to gain new players with such expensive I-win buttons?
  11. When you're buying stuff off the Auction House, there are a few things to remember; The MAX prices for salvage - the AH generates salvage if you bid over a specific amount; 10,000 inf for Common Salvage, 100,000 for Uncommon, and 1,000,000 for Rare. So never ever bid over these values. As for bidding, remember that prices aren't what they seem. They vary WILDLY over a 24-hour period. When America sleeps, prices drop - don't be afraid to put some bids on and go to bed. That way you're not participating in the stupidity spiral, "I want it now so I'll pay more than the next guy." - overall, it's more beneficial to bid the SAME as the last guy, so you're not fighting the other players. Prices vary wildly over a longer period, too. You can bid 12million for a purple, and it might not be filled for six months - it might not EVER be filled - but the longer the time you wait, the more chance it'll complete.
  12. Isn't that market forces tho? That's how it's SUPPOSED to work - competition forces prices to the minimum possible (i.e. the COST to make it). If you still don't like the price, blame the arbitrarily pre-set prices of the components.
  13. Meh! I just take it for granted that Snarky will solve all the problems. Nobody appreciates heroes these days!
  14. ‘Every MMO inconvenience is someone else’s game’ https://massivelyop.com/2022/06/09/massively-overthinking-every-mmo-inconvenience-is-someone-elses-game/ Inconvenience is the essence of a game. I mean, if you're playing Monopoly, why not just give all your money to the banker and call it a night?
  15. Temp Power Recipes seem to be in the game. I wonder if these will be added to loot tables (if they exist)? I really like temp powers and would like to see them around a bit more.
  16. So the problems were identified as; Long animations, No Aim, Lethal damage How do we fix this? - Long Animations To make your character look like they're blasting away, but with shorter animations, you could have lots of powers that have animations which look the similar. So I'd suggest possibly getting rid of some of the superfluous stuff. Bean Bags aren't assault rifles, flame throwers aren't assault rifles - they might be better as a pool powerset or possibly ancillary powerset, but munitions mastery is already an ancillary powerset. - Adding Aim shouldn't be a problem if we're already removing three powers. Please add your suggestions to the three identified problems OR give other solutions to the problem. Perhaps we should just ignore it completely?
  17. Some heroes' only interesting stories are their origin stories. That's why we've had about 4 or 5 Spider-man films that deal with how he got his powers, rather than progressing his story.
  18. I'm sorry. This comment is repeated all over the forums. I mention roleplayers being a problem in the original post and I mean it. I appreciate that creativity is awesome, but Roleplaying should not be an excuse to make everything featureless and generic.
  19. That idea there sounds a lot like the nemesis idea that did the rounds a few years ago. I think it's got such legs, and could be used to give you a bunch of unique-ish enemies. Design your own nemesis, choose from a list of premade ones, or have a random one selected from said list for you if you don't care. Maybe the nemesis has minions that are specific to the origin type. So even if you design your nemesis to be some #crazy_magic_clown.com, if you're of Science origin, their minions are guys in lab coats.
  20. That's all very nice, but it's the same issue as before - the actual origin isn't reflected in this at all. It's like Enhancements. The enhancement NAME is something to do with the origin, but the EFFECT is nothing to do with an origin. All the enhancements have their equivalent in the other origins. There's nothing special/unique about any particular origin.
  21. I like the idea of Origin, but I think it was implemented half-heartedly, ending up as just an inconvenience when the wrong enhancements drop. I wonder how Origin could be more interesting than that? Whatever I've thought of - perhaps messages regarding a laboratory where your science experiment went wrong or whatever - it's going to impact on the roley-poley players - they always ruin everything with their constraining creativity. 😞
  22. Weapons. You know, when you're not using that sword, mace, whatever... it should be hanging around somewhere.. I think.
  23. Any chance of proliferating Illusion? I know it's a Controller primary and uses pets instead of conventional controls, but I think it'd fit relatively easily into a Mastermind primary. Perhaps it could be better termed as Clones ... or something else? ... unless, of course, there's something else being planned for Masterminds... ? 😉 I won't labour that point, but I suspect we're all thinking the same thing right now.
  24. Great video. We neeeeed people to continue to use those methods.
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